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Royal Oak

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Everything posted by Royal Oak

  1. Saxophone Colossus (OJC)
  2. Harold Land - Harold In The Land Of Jazz Fairly recent to me on vinyl, but I have had the CD for a few years. I'd forgotten how good this album is, and specifically what a nice tune "Lydia's Lament" is. Good to hear it again.
  3. Hampton Hawes - Four!
  4. Happy birthday Bill
  5. Just finished Martin Amis' "Dead Babies". I make that four Martin Amis books I have read, three of which have fairly unpleasant or downtrodden characters, named Keith (one was actually a woman named Keithette, but you get the gist). I wonder why? There was also a very short, but pointed to reference to J G Ballard's "Crash" in this one (binnacles and semen)
  6. How has the John Lewis advert become an event? I can't stand the fact that the country goes into a frenzy every November when this comes out. "ooooh, dogs, kids, lonely old men, penguins, snowmen, spend money"....fuck right off. I hate the way the Grauniad has politicised it too, as if it is anything other than a cynical vehicle for relieving folk of their money.
  7. I read three Nelson Algren books four or five years ago - this, Walk on the Wild Side and Never Come Morning. I think it was Walk on the Wild Side I enjoyed most, though I agree, they are a touch quaint. Hubert Selby's books are distinctly more unpleasant, for example. I think someone out of "Walk on the Wild Side" said something along the lines of "You can't be too mean to some people, but you can be too nice", which has always stuck with me.
  8. I have never tasted buttermilk, but whenever I hear the word, I think of the song "Bloodshot Eyes" Bloody hell, that's a lot of syrup on those pancakes
  9. Ivor The Engine Thomas the Tank Engine The Fat Controller
  10. Linda Carter Linda Hamilton Hamilton Academical
  11. One of only two Esquire records I have
  12. I started listening in the CD era, but do recall buying LPs very occasionally when the CD wasn't available. I think the first was probably an Art Pepper OJC, either "Plus Eleven" or "The Way It Was".
  13. ^ recently new to me this session, it is a good one
  14. I see quite a lot of those "Rugby songs" albums in charity shops in the UK
  15. Joe Henderson - Inner Urge. Joe is a TOTAL motherfucker
  16. My car is a Nissan Note - it's blue.....
  17. Ha, I'd forgotten about Jazz after shave / scent / whatever - it was all the rage when I was a young man (late 80s / early 90s)
  18. Yes, the old "jazz mag" was my first thought Jazzles, in the UK anyway Also, "Vajazzle" - probably best not to look this up at work
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