The liner notes in the accompanying data sheet in Japanese are dated to 1974, that fits into above story. If I ever get the equipment to transfer this to CD I will let you know. Maybe I should sell this on ebay some day ..... how much does it go for?
My copy of the album is an original pressing on CBS/Sony Japan, apparently dating from 1970 (SOPC-57101-J), which seems to contradict the story of the post-Weather Report deal. It was reissued in CBS/Sony's "Best Jazz Collection" series in 1974, hence the confusion perhaps.
These are Miroslav Vitous' own thoughts about the session (
"I made that album after Infinite Search. I was working with David Baker, the engineer, and was experimenting with different musicians and material. I had Billy Cobham, John McLaughlin and Joe Zawinul there. They experimented with me. After six months, I thought I had enough material and put together an album. I think there is some excellent music on it. Purple was made before Weather Report started, but you can already hear some material that we later played with the band. There’s a song called “Water Lily,” which has an identical skeleton to a piece we recorded with Weather Report called “Morning Lake.” There’s another Weather Report piece called “Seventh Arrow” that was also on Purple. There was a development of the material on Purple that ended up in Weather Report. It was a stepping stone."
Not being much of a jazz-fusion pyrotechnics fan myself, I do like the openness and spareness of the music. One would imagine this to be essential listening for Vitous fans.