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Everything posted by tkeith

  1. Despite my cantankerous responses, I appreciate that this BFT forced me right outside my element [Donny]. track 01 - Interesting, though slightly out of my element. A bit more in the "classical" vein than my preference. Well done, though, as it goes on, it loses me a bit. I'm reminded of the saxophone mouthpiece guru who, in the past year, posted to the socials asking if sax players preferred Jazz or Classical. The overwhelming response was Jazz. He then chided all of us for our answers, suggesting we had no idea what we were talking about. So, why ask? About the 3 minute mark things kick in and go in a very nice direction. That is some powerful trumpet, and not bashful. Yeah, I've completely flipped my perspective on this. The intro goes down a strange path that takes me out of my element, but this fires nicely. Yes, please. Alto player does quite get to that same place. I like Doplhy, too. This doesn't *quite* hold together. That trumpet solo was worth the price of admission, but I'm not sure this will hold up on repeated listening. track 02 - A true bari player, if my ears are being honest with me (as opposed to a doubler). It's not Cuber, but this player likes RC a bunch (not a bad thing). Never played this much on bari until about a year ago, and then wondered why not. It's a nice fit (not all songs are). My ears tell me that this person has listened to a lot of the rock/funk side of this instrument. I'm guessing a younger player. track 03 - Tune is Cool Struttin' and that sure sounds like Sonny Clark, but this is not the version I'm familiar with. Recognize the bone but can't put a name. Not Curtis. Tenor is familiar, but again, no name coming. track 04 - This would land better if that last tune wasn't such a bitch. With all the effects and loungie percussion, however, I feel like I've wandered into the David Friesen café. If this came on the radio or in a pop culture setting, I'd be onboard. This reeks of one of those one-guy-plays-it-all projects, though, and for that reason, I'm out. Wants to be later Eddie Harris, but it just isn't. track 05 - More effects. This is where you tap into my inner curmudgeon. Nope. track 06 - Pretty, polite. Almost has an Ibrahim vibe to it. It's a strong composition, but I'm not in love with the arrangement. Progression almost has an Only Trust Your Heart vibe. Wait, that almost sounds like Benny Carter on alto, but I don't recognize this at all. That would explain what I'm hearing in the composition, though. Something is off here (third listen). Not Benny, but royalties are owed. track 07 - This is the almost BFT. I'm getting a strong Konitz vibe from the alto, but it's not him. Fan? Contemporary? Leaning towards the latter. This is its own thing and it works well. A bit more controlled than my preference, but this is for real. Very curious. Taking Jerome in a little different direction. track 08 - I like all of what is going on here. I'm not a big fan of that Monder-ish guitar sound, but there is a uniqueness here that I appreciate. This isn't the rule book formula, and deserves kudos for that if nothing else. I keep wanting this to go a certain place. It doesn't, but it a way that I actually respect. This is not a monkey performing for me, the listener; there's a purpose here and they are not being deterred by what I might want. This might be my favorite track outside of track 3. About the three minute mark, guitarist pushes it in a decidedly Tom Waits direction that I don't entire love. I think the key is, they don't care. track 09 - There is a familiarity here, but it's an adjacent one. The tune remarkably familiar. Strong alto sound, but I'm not sold. The tune doesn't gel. Doesn't really sound like these guys are much listening to one another. Seems like it's trying to be too many things at once, and not really achieving any of those things. Not nearly as hip as it seems to think it is. And by 5:30, we're into full-on practice room masturbation -- I'm out. track 10 - Took awhile for me to identify Sophisticated Lady in there, but are we doing a medley, or is this really that tune? Seems more Monk than Ellington, but it's neither. It's not quite hitting. Each time it gets close, it gets bangy (like Ran Blake). Okay, we're back at Sophisticated Lady. Live I might feel differently, but this one misses for me. track 11 - Not in love with the vocals, but this is sincere. Don't recognize the tune. The sound on this recording leaves much to be desired. Somes like the vocals, saxophone, were recorded down a hallway. Saxophonist is older -- there's a shakiness at times that reveals physical age. Perhaps vocalist is also the horn player? That would explain the oddness I'm hearing in the singing, but they are both recorded in the same way that doesn't entirely work. Really sounds like this may have been recorded in different studios and mixed after the fact. track 12 - This has a lot of promise off the bat. Has a Mapleshade sound to it, particularly those drums. Busy piano, but that bass allows for a lot to happen. Even though the bass travels, ultimately it holds down the vibe, and the drums are right there, too. Piano could do pretty much anything -- not really commanding my attention. Drums and bass are killing it, though (in a good way). Got almost a Pharoah vibe to it. In fact, that may be Cecil, but it sounds like a more modern recording. Give me that bass and drums any and ALL the time. Much as the piano isn't making a full impression on me, I'd LOVE to play with this guy. It would force me out of habits. I need this. Apologies for taking the better part of three weeks to get to this. #12 will make me spend money (and likely #3), but it was worth it. Okay, my ears didn't lie to me on track 3, though I should have gotten Forrest. So track 6 IS Benny? I feel better if that's the case, but also feel worse at not having this. And track 12! I'll be damned! I didn't have Jack, but that makes perfect sense. I shall have to acquire this. Also, Jim's post is the perfect explanation for why I don't read prior to listening. #PresentingTheAnswerKey
  2. Well, more hits than misses for me this go 'round, Dan, which is not always the case with us. Apologies for taking most of the month to get to this -- been a busy month. Intestinal distress has confined me to home, today, and I figured I may as well prioritize this. track 01 - Dahoud, but by whom. Brassy trumpet. Soprano-led sax section (never particularly cared for that sound). Hi level of musicianship, not getting the gut feel. Not sure I know the bari, but I appreciate it. Alto solo is nice, as well. track 02 - Moose The Mooch. At first was thinking it was a later Jug album I have. That piano is, in a word, awful. First tenor is a fun ride. Is this your guy Percy France? Got that rugged tenor sound, aggressive and a bit honky tonk. Wait, second guy sounds MORE like him. Second guy is definitely my preference. I mean, could be the recording or the piano itself, but I'm not digging this guy at all. Drummer seems to be pushing awfully hard, too. Enjoying the tenor battle. The brasher (first guy) -- could that be Arnett Cobb? Both tenors have facility and vocabulary. I'm sure this was fun to witness -- pianist be damned. track 03 - Recognize the tune, but no title coming. Nice adjustment from the last tune. Not just the feel, but here's a piano player embracing sensitivity. Very tasteful. I feel like I've heard this before, but my brain is non-functional today. track 04 - Broadway. Dexter kind of ruined this tune for me. There's him and then everybody else a few storeys below. Is that a deep-sounding alto, a shallow tenor, or a C-melody? Dude was pushing for it, but came up a bit short for me. More here with the trumpet. Sounds like guys pushing themselves to their absolute limits (which I appreciate), but they're a tick off in terms of execution. Getting a Buddy Tate vibe here, making it all okay. Doesn't seem quite as bold as Buddy, but whomever it is, it's hitting squarely. Gotta be Buddy -- I feel like I'm getting swing-bullied, and he's the only guy who consistently does that for me. Tone doesn't seem to be quite there, though (but it's live, so who knows). This pianist is executing perfectly what the guy on track 2 didn't. track 05 - Lester Leaps In, with a whole lot of control. But, that's just fine. Getting an almost Marsh vibe, here. Controlled and tasteful. No shortage of swing, either. Took 'til the piano solo for me to realize there was no drummer. Okay, I clearly should get these guys, as these guys are fully for real. Fighting some sick, so using that as my excuse. This is damned near perfect. Friggin' flawless tenor work. Could this be later Warne? track 06 - Another immediate recognition of tune, but damned if I can give you a title. These guys seem to be fighting the tempo a bit (not the piano, but the drums, for sure). No idea who the pianist is, but this is precisely the style that I don't care for. Trouble with this tempo is, it quickly shows the flaws in the feel. This one is a hard pass for me. Drums get tighter after the bass solo, but I'm still not warming to it. Barry Harris Trio live in SF is one of my favorite records. This is not that. I wish it were. track 07 - Django. Doesn't strike as being John Lewis, but the feel is all there. This one hits precisely where the last one missed. Seems like I should definitely know this group. This is killin'. track 08 - More Moose. Clifford Jordan told a story about meeting him when I saw him in the early 80s. "Barry Harris came up and said, 'Hey Cliff, Moose the Mooch is in the house,' I said, 'Say what?' I met him. He's a real guy." Makes me smile every time. Pianist with serious facility, if a bit more modern stylistically. Don't recognize that alto tone, but there's something very familiar about the rhythmic phrasing. Almost a tad clunky at points (think Arthur Blythe), but it's all there. Recording sound cries Concord to me. Maybe Mraz? track 09 - More Dahoud. Head was tight. Sax solo left my mind wandering. Facility is here, but I'm not driven to the point of caring. Trumpet solo hits a bit better, but suffers from the same thing. Not a thing wrong, just misses my gut. track 10 - That's some seriously bad sound. Bass reminds of Milt Hinton. Pianist reminds me I have to get my piano tuned. Sounds like an upright. Drums hold this all together quite well. At first, I didn't care for the drumming, but in the end, that's the part that resonated most. track 11 - More Broadway. Snappy drums, good recording. This works on every level. Weird how similar tracks can hit so differently. This has the snap of Miles' rhythm section with Red Garland and Philly Joe. Okay, now on the coda, that certainly sounds like Gene Harris. Mayhaps this is The Three Sounds? Whatever it is, it hits squarely on all counts. track 12 - More Lester Leaping. Bad recording sound. Vocabulary and facility are there. Not great sound, but would be pretty good boot sound from 70s/80s. Is this another Percy France thing? (and aren't you glad my brain cramping stopping short of forgetting his last name in the moment?) One thing I certainly appreciate about this -- not an ounce of bullshit. track 13 - More Django. Don't care for the tempo nor the arrangement. Okay, there's Golson, so this must be the Jazztet. Much as I love Benny, he sometimes got a little too arrangement happy. But my GAWD that man could play the saxophone. Did Art have the most beautiful trumpet sound, ever? Every time I hear him on trumpet, I feel a sense of loss for his near total transition to the flugelhorn for so many years. track 14 - Never remember the name of this (either time, here). I always here Straighten Up And Fly Right, but I know that's not it. This is not somebody I'm familiar with. Again, has that Concord air about it. Rightly or wrongly, gives the impression that it's derivative. That's not a bad thing, just not an area where my ears tend to head. Not a fan of the drummer. Okay, I definitely have this by Scott Hamilton somewhere in the collection (YOUR fault, DAN!) Punch tenor, but definitely not somebody I know. track 15 - Nice ending. Now to see how awful I did. For the love of... did I REALLY just mid-ID Billie's Bounce as Moose The Mooch TWICE!?!?! Also: "Tommy Flanagan and Kenny Burrell are correct! I thought this composition was pretty well known, a little surprised you didn't name it." Guess that explains why I loved that cut.
  3. I'm going to try to get some others who were one-offs to contribute again. I know Eric Klaxton is interested.
  4. @felser said "Gilbert O'Sullivan was a one-shot (to me, a no-shot). " Me, too. I referred to him in connection with the "wrist-slitter" comment. I know it's not something to joke about, however, when my cousin dropped that one on me, we wound up programming a mixed tape (CD-R actually) of tunes that fit that bill. John Denver's Old Folks, Gilbert, David Soul's Don't Give Up On Us Baby. Gallows humor at its best.
  5. track 01 - Love the feel of this. The piano is so understated it's just perfect. No new ground broken here, but that's not the point. Does just what it wants to. And the lyrics are still incredibly pertinent (and, apparently, ignored). I don't know who this is, but I love it. track 02 - Sounds like one of those early-90s Charles Lloyd ECM dates, which is fine by me. Piano is a heavy McCoy influence, but not one I'm familiar with. Nice Africa quote on the bass at the beginning of the solo. Didn't know this was live. Another winner. Whoo! This bass player is burnin'! Almost sounds like earlier Alex Blake in spots. Maybe Avery Sharpe? Tenor, unfortunately, is underwhelming, as is so often the case with practice room monsters. Tremendous player, but doesn't make me care. Unfortunate. It drags on at the end. What needed to be said has been said. Move on. track 03 - Electric bass and I just don't agree. I'm certain Tim and I will disagree about this one. Works a lot better when the guitar comes (but takes awhle to get there). Sounds more acid-rock to me than Jazz, but on that basis, it's fine. Got a bit of an Allman Brothers feel in those guitar harmonies. Drums are a bit more proggy than that. Mayhaps The Byrds (or adjacent?). I don't like the bass either way but the rest of it (the group as a unit) works very well. In the right mood, I'd take second helpings of this. Runs a bit long, but could be as much my mood of the day as anything about the music. Something very familiar about those drums. Loses me with the vocals. Doesn't bring what it thinks it does. Cut it at 7:22, and you've got a winner. track 04 - YES! The REAL McCoy. Gilmore, Strozier, Thad, and his little brother. Easily one of my favorite cuts, ever. I remember working an overnight for a pump test when I was working environmental. Had a truck with a decent stereo and this came on (forget if it was my cassette or a DJ with taste), and I CRANKED it. 11PM, sitting in the middle of a well field in the cold losing my mind with the radio cranked to 11. Worth the whole duration if only for Elvin's break at the end (but really, not a weak moment on this track). Gilmore is a god to me. Poor Frank has to follow that guy. Does it, but man, that had to be stressful. And Jimmy holding it all down... man, what a great moment. That bottom lip rolled over, moaning. So great. Elvin -- ELECTRIC! track 05 - Not a fair programming choice, bud. This would be in the same category as track 3, but following that last track, it's hopeless. But if I'm GOING to listen to rock, this is the sort of thing I like. Has that grooviness of late-60s to early-mid-70s that I like. For a guy that was never into the drug scene, I sure as hell did enjoy the music. track 06 - Not into the snake charmer, but this bass!!!! Yes, please! It's like listening to Tim with that beastly low-end. I might give the pianist the Eddie Coyle treatment if he doesn't step back -- lemme hear that bass, man! OOOOOH! Okay! Seven Minds. That's not Sam, is it? Jesus! MOSTROUS! Obviously Billy Higgins. I want to say Walton on the chords on the head, but then he gets much more greasy than I'm used to for Cedar. Seems a bit more angular than Cedar, but every time we get to the top of the form, it feels like Cedar. I probably have this and have just neglected it (I HOPE so!). Such a great tune. Okay, I got impatient. Apparently, based on the track time, it IS the full magic triangle from Sam's album where this is the title track. Man... this digs in. Strange to me to hear Cedar this aggressive. When I saw him (about 10 years after this) it was straight bop and the Eastern Rebellion stuff, but no angry left-hand. Man, I LOVE this. Sam is so filthy. So was that Walton playing whatever wood flute-like item that was? track 07 - Obiously Mulligan from the 70s (my favorite period for him -- don't judge me). I love how he dug in during this era. There was something heavier about his approach to my ear. That certainly sounds like Chet, so this is the Carnegie Hall Concert. Love this record, even if it IS CTI! track 08 - Another weird transition. Alternate take? Vocals seem more compressed, but does sound like them. Purchased the box set awhile back and sprung for the British Mastered version -- huge difference compared to the shit they put out here. Like hearing it all for the first time. track 09 - You know I'm in. Has a later Sonny Simmons feel early on. Doesn't quite maintain that, but it works. Bartz influence here, but this isn't him. Like Bartz feel with more of a Sonny Criss sound. Busy, but it works. Okay, hold on, now THAT is actually Bartz. Got that tenor-ish edge to his alto sound. Guy just has something. I assume this is more recent as his time is not as aggressive as when he was younger. Maybe with one of his students? I'm not familiar enough with the names that would encompass, but that's him, for sure. Not in love with the melody, but it's a means to an end. track 10 - You'd have a good Jazz side and a good rock/pop side if this were pogrammed that way. This way, the rock stuff suffers for me. (I suppose a "rock guy" would feel just the opposite) This is gray day music (which today is). Not sure my mood was solid enough for this, today. This one's a bit Gilbert O'Sullivan for me at the moment. My cousin would say, "that's a real wrist-slitter." Dark, but accurate. No idea who it is. track 11 - No idea what this is. Perfect pairing with the last track, though. This is certainly your most eclectic mix that I've heard. Think I might re-listen with the tracks programmed into sides by genre. Cool set, John. Predictably, I enjoyed the vast majority, to different degrees. I feel very attacked. @felser said "Interesting take. That pianist has been called many things, good and bad, but I don't remember "pedestrian" being one of them! I agree the tenor solo is the low point, despite the pedigree." Might I assume this is Ravi, then?
  6. I will convert to lower for the online. If people want the higher quality DL, that would be up to the presenter. It's just a matter of space on the server (which should NOT be an issue, but somehow is, and I'm tired of fighting with people working from a script whose first language is not my own). I'm not 100% certain, but I believe the online player chokes things down to 128, anyway, for "optimization". Basically, I'd say this: If you want a high-quality download available, keep doing what you're doing. If you're comfortable with adjusting the bit-rate, it saves me a hot minute on my end. If you've glazed over by this point in the response, just keep doing what you're doing.
  7. Pardon the interruption, but I need to make a housekeeping post. (And John, I *will* get to this test in the next week.) I've run into an issue backing up my site data and had to reach out to the support team of the host site. The result was a warning about the amount of data. I'm not fighting them on it, so I've got to make some changes to the encoding of the files. I've edited the "how to" thread to reflect this and will not waste time/space here with that explanation. I *DO* ask that *EVERYONE* who is going to present a test PLEASE review the How To (click the words "How To" -- it's an active link to the thread) as it really does make a huge difference in managing the data. Sorry for the interruption and thanks for understanding.
  8. Guess that means I gotta get off my butt and get to Felser's test. It was on my to-do list a week-and-a-half ago... wonder what else on that one got neglected. 😕
  9. It did not. I wiped the files with tag stripper, and was showing nothing on my computer. Sometimes, an image gets through, though. I had nada. I DID recognize Star-Crossed Lovers, but it seemed obvious enough to not bother mentioning. Probably a reflection of my mood the past few weeks.
  10. Well, you might be sorry you reminded me, man. Track 1 - Wha!? Sorry man, not feeling this one at all. I mean, it's not insulting, I just... meh. Doesn't feel as funky as it thinks it is. Track 2 - I'm lost. Hey Jude just started, but why? Man, I respect the hell out of your ears, but we're 0-for-2 here. I feel like I'm listening to The Shaggs. I made it through, but no, thank you. Track 3 - Sounds like Getz to me. Maybe that awful record Herb Alpert produced? Had it at the college radio station -- I was not a fan. Definitely sounds like that (not a strong outing here from Stan). It's musical, but not my bag. Track 4 - I REALLY don't want to like this, but at the 2 minute mark, the horns came in and won me over. I won't say I LIKE it, but it's pretty good. I like the execution if not the style, how's that? Track 5 - No. I don't care for the voice, nor the execution. I'd take Hal the drum machine and drop it off the top of the nearest building. Hard pass. Three minutes in and a very real chance I'm not going to make it out of this song. Piano solo interested me enough to stay, but pity it's buried in horrid effects and that attrocious drum machine. Vocals are back, I'm done. Track 6 - The sound of this recording rubs (those drums are very compressed). But this feels like it's REAL. Didn't have that from the last one, at all. Okay, that's Gilmore, so this explains much. I know I have this, but clearly have not played it enough. Gilmore is like Waldron for me, I'd listen to either set his glass on a piano, because it would be musical. You were in the running for one of my least favorite BFTs, Jim (which shocks me!), but this fixes a whole lot. I can think of some world leaders who should have been exposed to this earier in life. (Yeah, I said it.) Track 7 - Oof. The geek who created that keyboard sound, if there is any justice, [self-deleted]. Not a great Sonny Rollins outing. So, that must be Clifton. I mean, the worst Sonny is still worth it to hear him, but this clearly somewhat later, when the time slipped a bit. I think this is after I saw him (mid-90s). I wish I'd gotten to see the late 70's (Don't Ask) band. Keys, sadly, sound exactly like a Snoopy compilation I have that has a track by Kenny G, and it's EXACTLY this horrid synth sound. Ugh. Track 8 - Not sure why, but something about the creepy 60's-ness of this has me kind of liking it. I'd never put it on, but it's got me at the moment. Track 9 - James gets me. Latter half of the test was a lot more to my liking. Felser, pressure is on for December! 248 area code. I always try to link the photo to the number of the test in some way. A little game to amuse myself. Definitely worth knowing, for me. It DL'd fine on my end. Did you get an error? If so, I'd like to know that (in general and for all). If there are glitches on the site, I like to fix them, but I only learn of them when a user encounters them. If anything is broken, if you and send me a screen shot of any error message and the browser you're using (including version, if possible). This concludes this tech support moment.
  11. Granted.
  12. tkeith

    BFT 247

    Track 01 - Yes, please. Definitely has a Ra feel to it. Cornet? Seems beefier than a trumpet, so much that when I first heard it I was thinking Clark Terry, which is clearly NOT the case. Now it sounds distinctly trumpety. Ooo! Sax... a clue. I don't know it, but I don't care, I want it. Track 02 - Getting a Cecil/Joe Bonner vibe. First thougth was Bobbi Humphrey on flute, but that's wrong. Tenor owes a bit of love to Pharoah, but doesn't quite have his energy. Like the Coltrane-y thing, but not sure I'd do a whole night of that. Not Joe. Almost sounds like Tootie Heath on drums, feel-wise, but the kit sound is different. Safe to say this is not this guy's typical style? Vamp is full Bonner, but the solo was defintiely not. I think you're fooling me here. Is this a genre-bending cut? Two for two, large father. Track 03 - That strange, Mel Lewis sounding cymbal. The tone is beefy like Ari Brown, but I'm not sure it's him (could be early Ari). Not Ari. More practice, but I'm digging it, for the most part. Definitely been some time put in. That raises the question, who's the Elvin clone? Seems like a sound I should know, but don't. It's certainly unique. I love me some drums, but this cat is almost wearing me out. Loses some steam towards the end of the tenor solo. Nice bass solo. Parts where I want to say Ronnie Boykins, and parts that sound like our own Zac Francis (time-wise). I'm curious as hell. Three for three, and I've gotten nothing. Something weird about the rhythm of the bass. Really sounds like NOT a "jazz" player. Is this another genre-bender? (I may keep typing that on each tune just to see how closely people are reading. ). Alright, which Chicagoan is this that I need to know more about? Track 04 - Oh, that vamp is familiar from the get go. Beefy bass. Drums are weird. Almost that clunky Han Bennink feel, but seems a bit more locked in. Maybe Smiley Winters. That sure sounds like Woody. Rhodes suggests 70s, so that opens up many possibilities. Behind the trumpet, really sounds like Max, but more like someone playing like Max. You're gonna hate me... is that Stanley Clarke? I withdraw the question -- that IS Stanley Clarke. Not Chick. Tenor is digging in. At first, I was unsure. Reminds me a bit of Carlos Garnett, but with more fire. Not Max. Not precise enough. Precision be damned, this guy is hitting it. What happened to Stanley, there? Was worried we were going down Trane/Elvin path. Glad it didn't. Four for four, MF! And now the press roll sounds like Blakey. Don't know the flute, other than it's once again NOT Bobbi Humphrey. I'll take Woody, Stanley, and a cup of disappointment from there. Track 05 - THAT is some low end. Somebody loves Dolphy (not a bad thing). This has a heavy Chicago feel to me. Maybe Muhal. I may have it, but don't immediately recognize it. At first, I wasn't sold on the feel, but by the halfway point, I'm in. Gotta be him, doesn't it? Bass is monstrous. I'm fishing, but assuming i'm right on Muhal, could that be Fred? That would explain the BIGness. Yeah, I'll take this one, too. Track 06 - Gee, thought this was Equal Time playing The Rain, at first. Oh... wait. Clearly that's Eddie. Narrows it considerably. It's not us, and it's not the late 60s blue note. Tenor is in tune, so it's not the other record Eddie gave me. Process of elimination, it's got to be A Minute With Miles (the one I'm least familiar with), but not that track. Oh, man... no mistaking Eddie. Such a bad MF. I WANT this to be me -- he gives such an energy to feed off of. Just remembered who the pianist is on this -- talk about an Illusion of Grandeur! Love the exploratory nature of the tenor. Reaching without getting in the way. Very Mal Waldron-y ending. ❤️ Track 07 - Pizzicato cello? Not digging it. I mean, I appreciate the unique feel, but I'm not really connecting with it. Drums, in particular, seems very disconnected. Maybe George Lewis on 'bone? Unique alto, but not a voice I'm familiar with. Works here, but seems different from the rest of it (like the home address is closer to main street). Odd instrumentation to say the least. Halfway in and still struggling to find the groove, though. Not without merit, but it's missing that spot in the gut that makes me full on happy. Track 08 - Sure sounds like Dave Holland. That angular style that in the wrong setting rubs me, but it works here. Wait, that's not him. About the 2 minute mark there's a tell in the low-end -- that's Fred Hopkins. Just shy of 3:00, there's that plucky thing -- that's Fred, no doubt. Not sold on the guitarist. I don't think a Chicago guy on drums. Not a heavy enough feel to be Reggie Nicholson, but that's as close as I got. Track 09 - Horace? Man, this is killin'. Doesn't quite have Horace's bite on the comping, but it certainly COULD be his tune. Tight arrangement -- like the way they wove in the improv. Delightful. More of that, please. Track 10 - Blue in Green. Terrible sound. Couldn't distinguish whether lead instrument was alto, clarinet or flute for about a minute. Kudos for doing it differently, but I'm not sure I'm on board. Not feeling any connection to the tune. Based on that and the fact that I REALLY don't care for the alto sound, is this Braxton? Feels like a lot of noodling without much direction. And for that reason, I'm out. 90 seconds to go and not sure I'm going to make it. Gotta be Braxton -- very few people cause this visceral reaction. At least he's consistent. Toward the end, bass finally stops noodling and it's almost tolerable (if you could turn down the alto). Nope. Track 11 - Ah, there ya go. I know this, I swear I do. We've definitely listened to this and gushed over it, but damned if I can put my finger on it. AGGRESSIVE sax. Leaning towards Carlos Garnett. Man, THAT is a bitch of a trumpet solo. LIterally singing along (yeah, you don't want to hear that). I definitely know this, but not able to put names to it, which is probably a huge clue. Got that McCoy left hand down. Line about 4:15 is a bucket list line. Billy Harper played that last time I saw him with The Cookers and I've been oozing for it since. Damnit. I know that head, too. I'm glad it's the end of the month, because I KNOW this and should be able to spit it right out. Damn it! Track 12 - Almost a Zappa feel here (though, I dare say a higher degree of inspiration). Has that business in the drums, though. Maybe Pheroan AkLaff? Don't care for the hyper-compression of the recording, but they got the feel right. Track 13 - Tomorrow Never Knows. Not sure if I'm onboard, yet, but it IS better than the Phil Collins version. Reminds me of an O.C. Smith record I had as a kid, but the voice doesn't seem quite raspy enough to be him. Definitely a better fit for the first half of the test, but what was in my alley was IN my alley. Apologies for taking four full weeks to get to it.
  13. Done, sir. Also, just a note -- haven't forgotten about the archive project, but life has put it on the back burner. Once the weather up here turns, officially, I will get cranking on it (trying to handle the outdoor duties before it's gets ridiculously cold).
  14. March, May and August now claimed.
  15. That's it, Dan -- you went too far when you hit Felser below the belt. I'm going with the 12-tone masters for my next BFT. 🤣
  16. 2025 is book-ended.
  17. Done, sir.
  18. Just what it says! I'll do my best to honor everyone's request, but it's first-come, first-serve. I'd like to try to keep Bill's practice of not having more than one BFT within a 12-month period as much as possible (e.g. -- Tim shouldn't sign up for January [which, of course, he will now do]. As people claim spots I will update the list as an edit to this post. Note: Thanks to @Dan Gould for nudging me from my fall coma to create this thread -- I had spaced it, entirely. And look, I just ended a sentence with an adverb. #GottaBeARebel January - @Dan Gould February - @Joe March - @clifford_thornton April - May - @mjzee June - July - August - @Ken Dryden September - October - November - @JSngry Decemeber - @felser
  19. tkeith

    BFT 246

    Enjoyed a bunch of this, particularly the first half. Things got weird after the middle, and some of it was just plain lost on me. Not a single guess, but certainly a handful of things I'm intrigued by. Track 01 - Well THIS is fun. Very strange sound to the recording. Thin to the point of almost being distant. I like the sound with the vibes. Trumpet solo was decent, but piano left me feeling nada. Fairly straight-ahead and well done. I'm not in love with the drums, but neither am I put off. Tune, as I said, is fun. No idea who this is. Track 02 - Certainly sounds Blue Note-y. I don't think it's Horace, but the pianist would be flattered by the comment. Not sure on the trumpet. I thought the tenor was familiar, but now I've decided he isn't. This is a very enjoyable cut. It's not coming to the desert island with me, but it's thoroughly enjoyable. Track 03 - This checks a lot of boxes that should rub me, but I LOVE this. Has the feel of the better Vandermark stuff, but I don't think it's that. This just works. Yes, please. Track 04 - This one suffers from what the last one avoided. Incredible ability. Could almost be Rob Brown, but doesn't seem musical enough. Acrobatic technique to be sure, but I just don't care. Has the same thing that Steve Coleman had that always bugged me. Where's the story, man? Like the vibes better, and can almost get my ears around the rhythm section, but the whole thing just feels too math-y. Track 05 - Flawless facility. Maybe Noah Preminger? I think it's an address in that neighborhood. Full respect for it, but I'm not in love with it. It's their thing and they mean it. I'm not sure I'm here for it, though. Track 06 - A lot of angular stuff in here. This one works. I'm not in love with the violin, but it's doing the job. The bass, though -- all day. Track 07 - Another fun one. Kind of light, but I like it. The trumpet sound is kind of like Ahmed Abdullah, but the technique is Chuck Mangione. That's not a compliment. I like it, but it's maybe a tick below prime time. the overall feel keeps it in a good place. It's a very social feel. Track 08 - Another fun one, but not really grabbing me. In fact, it was three-and-a-half minutes in before I realized that. It's okay, but doesn't really stand out. Respect that it's live. Track 09 - This one is okay. Not my bag, but interesting. Couldn't listen to too much of it, though. Track 10 - And here's more. Nope. Ran Blake, maybe? Angular, but what 's the point? OOOoo! Look at the noises I can make with my shiny thing. Just, no. Track 11 - This test has taken a turn for the worse and brought my mood with it. Why? Gets better with the full band. A LOT better. Not sure it saves it, but it's a vast improvement. I'm sure there is a story behind it, but I'm not sure we needed it. Track 12 - I like this, but that's because I like Pharoah, too. No, really, I like this a lot. Hey Tim, maybe a reboot of Equal Time as a one-off? Track 13 - Different. A bit odd, but I appreciate it. No idea what it is. Not sure i the horns add to it, but I enjoy the hell out of it. Vocals lose me a bit. Track 14 - Nice bass. Not in love with the guitar. Okay, some sort of folk crossover, but it works -- and owes a big debt to that beautiful bass. Okay, heavy accent on the singer, but can't pin what it is. Track 15 - Pleasant, but not gripping me. And the tenor comes in and proves to me that this is self-serving more than it is musical. Just not my thing. Very little Elvis in this music. Despite the last comment, I enjoyed listening. Thanks for the ear candy.
  20. With apologies, this month, along with the rest of summer got VERY quicky away from me. 1 - Off the bat, sounds a bit like Sonny Criss, but hasn't quite got that *thing* he had. It's in 3, so I love it. I know that sound, though. Oh! James Spaulding, of course. One of those guys who started strong and got better with age. Drums are busy, but it works. On the phones and the bass sound is a bit... I dunno, off. I like what I'm hearing in terms of ideas, but the sound sounds... maybe it's direct? Dunno, it's a bit cab-forward. Almost sounds like a fretless. Patient pianist. Guessing this might be a Muse date with that sound. Drums have almost an Elvin thing going, but doesn't seem quite that tight. Very curious. Seems like there may be a hole in my JS collection. 2 - Know not what it is, but we used to eat at a Chinese restaurant in the area that would play stuff sort of like this -- not QUITE Jazz, but rubbing elbows with the obvious overtones of traditional music. This reminds me of that, and now my stomach aches. Other than that, I quite like this. Horns don't bully the violin, and that line played on the violin is absolutely haunting. 3 - Nope. "I have no kick against modern Jazz, unless they try to play it too darn fast, and change the beauty of the melody, until it sounds just like a symphony..." This suffers from that... greatly. Reminds me of that period where McCoy played everything too damned fast... only this isn't McCoy. [And, if on the off chance I'm wrong about that and it is, my point is proven] 4 - Much better. Don't feel on edge, can just listen. Not sure on the trumpet. Maybe Graham Breedlove? Nice tune, tastefully played. Not sure this is the stuff a desert island collection is built on, but it's quite nice. 5 - A little Ellington -- nice! Never heard this covered before. It is about damned time! No idea who it is, but totally props for the cajones to try this gorgeous Ellington tune. The original has to be one of the great pieces of music written in the 20th Century (worded that way because you can't beat the Ellington arrangement/performance... you just can't). Endless Kudos to this band for playing something DEEP outside the box. 6 - Parisian Thoroughfaire! My favorite Bud tune. Very well executed. Was thinking John McNeil, but now I'm leaning Tom Harrell. No idea on the piano. I'm only slightly familiar with Harrell, but the precision suggests that's a pretty good guess. 7 - [Spins basketball on right index finger] Tune is pretty obvious. Double piano, but something odd in the rhythm of the second guy (almost seemed to lose the thread/tempo). Second exchange same thing -- almost like second person is lagging the beat. Okay, it's consistent, so I'm guessing that's what I'm actually hearing. Kills it for me. 8 - Star Eyes, but damned near fooled me. Like the tenor a lot, but the affected breathiness at the end of a phrase goes ALMOST too far. Shades of Newk. Shades of Red Holloway. Shades of Ricky Ford. Rhythmic precision is beyond the lot of them. Even with the breath thing, this is pretty epic. I think I need this. If this were Dan's test, I'd guess Percy France. 9 - Well done tributary music, but not really my thing. Well done and appreciated, but would likely not queue up a 2nd time. 10 - Maybe my favorite Parker tune. Cymbals on the bridge have me thinking Mel Lewis on drums, but this seems more recent (in terms of recording quality). Well executed take on a classic. Drums are way too busy to be Mel. No idea. 11 - Stella. Like the alto solo. Sounds like Parker on 1/2 speed (which means it's only incredible). Guessing we're off Main St., but not far. Trumpet could be Miles on 1/2 speed. Is this one of those weird things where it's like the best-of-Europe from the same era? Could almost be Max on drums. Whatdawegot here? 12 - Nice feel. Reminiscent of Avishai Cohen but without the need to flex so much. This is lovely. Even the unemployment stick works. 13 - No idea. Kenton-ish arrangement. Pleasant, but almost too much so. Reminders of my grandmother's on Wednesday afternoon. 14 - Sure sounds like Ray Nance' violin. Live and the drums sure make this sound like a JATP date. Not sure. I'll stick with the Ray guess. 15 - My first impressions are Brubeck. And that certainly sounds like Desmond. Clearly live, and not a stellar recording, but the music surely works. A lot to like in this one, Ken. Thanks!
  21. Glad you enjoyed. IMHO, one cannot go wrong with Buddy Tate. Never heard something by him and had a mediocre reaction. He's just a bad MF. After I had pretty extensive oral surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth, my friend brought me home and got my prescriptions filled. She made sure I'd taken what I was supposed to, and I climbed on my waterbed (this was 1990), and fired up Pharoah Sanders (I believe it was Hum-Allah, Hum-Allah, Hum-Allah) and courtesy of the Percosets, had the single-greatest out-of-body experience of my life, watching me lying on the bed, listening to Pharoah from the corner of the room. #epic
  22. Glad you enjoyed. Something another horn player said to me about Nick: "Nick's maintained his sound. A lot of guys, when they get older, their sound changes, and they don't have that same power they had -- Nick's STILL got that sound."
  23. Well, that was relatively quick. Just a collection of stuff that either caught my ear or was new to me within the last year. Track 01 - Page 44 (Arbuckle) Les Arbuckle The Bush Crew (1994) Les Arbuckle - tenor sax; Mike Stern - guitar; Essiet Okon Essiet - bass; Victor Lewis - drums Les was my sax tech until he left the Boston area for San Diego. Every visit to his shop included some small lesson, just in passing conversation. I appreciate those visits more than I can ever express, because I learned so much in a few short minutes. The 10M I play is Les' old horn which had been set up by the late, great sax tech Ernie Sola. Les can play his ass off, and even though the feel of this album isn't really my bag, I love to hear Les play. Track 02 - Waltz For Trane (Goumas) Nick Goumas Perseverance (2002) Nick Goumas - tenor saxophone; Waldron Ricks - trumpet; Rick Peckham - guitar; Greg Burk - piano; Larry Roland - bass; Peter Moutis - drums Nick is a contemporary of Jerry Bergonzi who taught music in the Nashua, NH school district for ages. He retired a few years back, and I've gotten to know him a bit through a local jam session. We played Lonnie's Lament together the night he laid these two discs (the other is elsewhere in this test) on me. The guy is about 80, still blowing his ass off, and is just another of those pieces in the greater puzzle that it's fun to check in with. Track 03 - Painless (McAll) Barney McAll, Badal Roy, Rufus Cappadocia Vivid! (2017) Barney McAll - keys, kalimba; Rufus Cappadocia - cello; Badal Roy - tabla; Fred Wesley - trombone; Peck Almond - flute, trombone, trumpet; Lefteris Bournias - clarinet; Matt Darriau - kaval; Famoro Dioubaté - balafon; Daniel Moreno - percussion; Mike Sim - tenor/baritone sax; Vishal Vaid - vocals I found my way to McAll's extensive Bandcamp site because he was selling a Billy Harper set. I ended up culling a few things, including this one. The guy is different. He's from Australia, and my introduction to him was a record he did featuring Billy Harper. I later picked up a couple of used discs, one featuring Harper, the other featuring Peter Apfelbaum and Gary Bartz. Both are worth it. This one trends towards afrobeat, but I love Fred Wesley and had to include it. Track 04 - Moon Alley (Tom Harrell) Nick Goumas Moon Alley (2012) Nick Goumas - tenor saxophone; Steve Hunt - piano; Bruce Gertz - bass; Jack Diefendorf - drums Another from Nick. I chose this tune because I learned it in the past year but had never heard anyone cover it (other than the composer, and then just to help me learn it). Figured some would get the tune. Track 05 - Avars (Rocky Boyd) Blue Mitchell Blue's Moods (1960) Blue Mitchell - trumpet; Wynton Kelly - piano; Sam Jones - bass; Roy Brooks - drums You just can't go wrong with Blue Mitchell. Heard this one in the car and had to pull over to make note to include it on this year's test. I was late to the Blue Mitchell game, but he kept cropping up as a sideman in my collection and always had me saying, "Who IS this guy?" So, I added. Track 06 - #20 Ladbroke Square (Tate/Edwards) Buddy Tate Tate-a-Tate (1960) Clark Terry - trumpet; Buddy Tate - tenor saxophone; Tommy Flanagan - piano; Larry Gales - bass; Art Taylor - drums Again, hard to go wrong with Buddy Tate. Not exactly a pick-up band with him, here, either. My introduction to Tate was a record with Warren Vaché in the late 70s, still my favorite version of On Green Dolphin St. Shortly after that, I discovered the Meets Dollar Brand album, and fell in love with HIS work, as well. This tune just grabbed me and said, "Put this in your BFT, MF!" Track 07 - Wide And Blue (Harold McKinney) The Tribe Hometown: Detroit Sessions 1990-2014 Wendell Harrison - tenor saxophone; Marcus Belgrave, Jimmy Owens - trumpet; Kiane Zawadi - trombone, euphonium; Harold McKinney - piano; Reggie Workman - bass; Gayelynn McKinney - drums; Francisco Ali Mora - percussion Tim introduced this one to me. I've always been a sucker for The Tribe, and this disc is no exception. With apologies, I'm sure I stole his preferred track to include in his test later this year. Sorry, man. Track 08 - Le Clit (Redman) Dewey Redman Dewey Redman Quarttet - Live Archival Recording (2002) Dewey Redman - tenor saxophone; Barney McAll - piano; John Menegon - bass; Matt Wilson - drums Another one I picked up from McAll's Bandcamp site. This was his own recording of the date, released with permission of Dewey's family. I wouldn't say there is new ground here, but it's sure good to hear Dewey at this point in time, in this setting. The dude was all about soul and it comes across here. Track 09 - Calvary (trad., arr. by Lewis) James Brandon Lewis Red Lily Quintet For Mahalia, With Love (2023) James Brandon Lewis - tenor saxophone; Kirk Knuffke - cornet; William Parker - bass; Chad Taylor - drums; Chris Hoffman - cello I came to JBL by way of his work with William Parker and was immediately impressed. I got the notification about this release, listened to a couple of tracks and pulled the trigger immediately. This guy is the real deal, and he's in great company here. For me, this guy and Isaiah Collier are the guys right now (for that "next-gen" grouping, anyway). Track 10 - In The Beginning GOD (Ellington) Dwight Trible Cosmic (2011) Dwight Trible - vocals, percussion; John Beasley - piano; Kenneth Crouch - organ; Trevor Ware - bass; Dexter Story - drums, background vocals This is a weird record. I love Trible, and this album has moments, but it's odd. And while I'm not invested in the subject matter here, myself, he certainly seems committed and that's what struck me and led me to include it here. I'm glad to see this guy getting SOME attention recording, but I sure wish there was more of it. Track 11 - Character Building Blues (Kohlhase) Charlie Kohlhase Explorer's Club A Second Live (2024) Charlie Kohlhase - baritone saxophone; Seth Meicht - tenor saxophone; Dan Rosenthal - trumpet; Jeb Bishop - trombone; Josiah Reibstein - tuba; Eric Hofbauer - guitar; Tony Leva - bass; Curt Newton - drums Another local-ish connection here. Charlie is one of the worlds funniest people, and an absolute MF of a composer and saxophonist. The backstory of this recording is epic in its own right (check out Charlie's Bandcamp site), and his writing here shows he's still in top form. If you have the chance, see this band live. Charlie is always entertaining, and Seth Meicht was a bit of a discovery for me -- absolute monster! I know there were lots of exchanges I should have addressed here and didn't, so perhaps we can continue the convo in this thread.
  24. Gotta fill the plate where and when you can, man.
  25. Nay, sir. I do not appear anywhere on this test, but I take that as a HUGE compliment as this player has appeared in multiple Down Beat polls (another HUGE hint). You say "potato," I say "no thanks, I'll have the rice."
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