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Everything posted by JETman

  1. JETman

    Art Blakey

    Agreed. Haven't seen that shot before. I didn't think to compare it to the Mosaic. That doesn't have "Jazz Corner", either, since it's a studio-only set. Not true. The box contains: Big Beat Night in Tunisia Like Someone in Love Meet You at the Jazz Corner of the World, Vols. 1 & 2 Freedom Rider Roots & Herbs Witch Doctor
  2. Read his book. The guy has written what many consider to be the definitive tome on Miles' electric period. I have no reason to doubt him. He's English; they don't get jealous The post above was just another example of misplaced "hero worship" which has no place here, or anywhere for that matter. More in line with the "every note Cecil plays is magical" mentality
  3. Please check out what Paul Tingen has to say about THAT here (March 2014 news entry, last few paragraphs), and get a clue: http://www.miles-beyond.com/news.htm
  4. Tolliver - Paper Man?
  5. I don't believe that he owns it. However, Kyra is his half-sister, not his cousin. Six degrees of Kevin Bacon indeed
  6. It was a cardiac event. He missed time earlier this season for an irregular heartbeat. It looks like he was conscious the whole time and the treatment was successful after he was rushed to the hospital.
  7. I find it funny that OOP albums are almost always over-rated. I remember being unimpressed when this was first released, and my feelings about it haven't changed much since. But the price sure has gone up --- almost as much as the perception.
  8. I have that one also (one of those especially imported by Sony USA from Japan in 1997). If I'm not mistaken, the version in the 71 disc box has the extra minutes as well. The question is: are they GOOD minutes?
  9. Yes, and the butcher block cover on Yesterday & Today, as well. People are getting all worked up over "nostalgia" and loss of duophonics and reverb. Oy!
  10. This box combines mono with stereo. If you wanna be entertained, go analyze the damage currently occurring on that other forum.
  11. Not every state. Only states where Amazon has a physical presence (like a distribution center) can require it to collect sales tax. Incorrect! Tell us what is correct. No sales tax on Amazon orders here in New Mexico (& we do have a state sales tax). We have been taxed here in NY since 2008 (I believe) without an Amazon physical presence (closest distribution centers at the time were in NJ). The argument made by the state was that if you're selling to customers residing in NY, you have a virtual presence there. This was considered the equivalent of a "physical" presence. Amazon intended to fight this, but I believe it has given up. This may be the result of promises having been made by New York Sate to Amazon, which MAY at this point have a distribution center here now. I wouldn't know for sure since I rarely buy from Amazon US proper anymore -- I find them to be too overpriced and not the cheapest game in town, especially for jazz recordings. With all due respect to New Mexico, consumer consumption is much higher in NY (3rd largest state and all), so the NY state government had more reason to chase the "lost" tax revenue. Once NM enters the "red", your luck will run out as well. So what's the "cheapest game in town". Surely not DMG. Happy to be where consumer consumption is not high. I've always found importcds and cduniverse (although not so much anymore) to be cheaper. Amazon is smoke and mirrors. Their pricing algorithms are nonsense and the promise of free shipping is pure trickery. That being said, Euro Amazons are almost always cheaper than the US counterpart for big ticket items, even with the cost of shipping. Being happy with living in a place with lower consumption is fine, but it's not simply about that. If your state government ever recognizes that it would be better off forcing Amazon to collect sales taxes in any amount, Amazon will collect the sales taxes.
  12. Not every state. Only states where Amazon has a physical presence (like a distribution center) can require it to collect sales tax. Incorrect! Tell us what is correct. No sales tax on Amazon orders here in New Mexico (& we do have a state sales tax). We have been taxed here in NY since 2008 (I believe) without an Amazon physical presence (closest distribution centers at the time were in NJ). The argument made by the state was that if you're selling to customers residing in NY, you have a virtual presence there. This was considered the equivalent of a "physical" presence. Amazon intended to fight this, but I believe it has given up. This may be the result of promises having been made by New York Sate to Amazon, which MAY at this point have a distribution center here now. I wouldn't know for sure since I rarely buy from Amazon US proper anymore -- I find them to be too overpriced and not the cheapest game in town, especially for jazz recordings. With all due respect to New Mexico, consumer consumption is much higher in NY (3rd largest state and all), so the NY state government had more reason to chase the "lost" tax revenue. Once NM enters the "red", your luck will run out as well.
  13. Not every state. Only states where Amazon has a physical presence (like a distribution center) can require it to collect sales tax. Incorrect!
  14. True. And his celebration was a bit much for a 9-2 game. On the other hand, he's 19, he's just had the best game of his life (and saved it for the NHL!), so anyone offended needs to lighten up. Not offended. He is liable to get his block knocked off, though. Just a fact of life in sports nowadays. As I pointed out, the move was not original, and as such, was not all that impressive. It might have been more impressive had the game been on the line as it was in the vid I attached.
  15. Same shot was pulled off almost 8 years ago by fellow Czech Marek Malik to end what is still the longest shootout in NHL history: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x2E1cyTVBA
  16. Hertl better keep his head up when the Sharks come to MSG!
  17. Sadly, cruising has been outlawed on Mooney. Besides, in my Toyota truck and with my gray hair...I'm a tad bit too old for that gig any more. No, he got a full-blown put down be Davis: “I remember one time - it might have been a couple times - at the Fillmore East in 1970, I was opening for this sorry-ass cat named Steve Miller. Steve Miller didn't have his shit going for him, so I'm pissed because I got to open for this non-playing motherfucker just because he had one or two sorry-ass records out. So I would come late and he would have to go on first and then we got there we smoked the motherfucking place, everybody dug it.” I have to figure the concert promoters had no clue what they were doing booking a Jazz act with a blue collar rocker. Not everybody's cup o'tea, but Steve Miller resonated with a lot of us teenagers in the thick of 70s Rock, muscle cars and burger joints. The "concert promoters" was none other than Bill Graham. He intentionally did this. He was a master at mixing and matching acts in order to appeal to the wider audience. Both Fillmores were his. Besides, Miles at that time was as much a rock act as any other rockers who were touring.
  18. While I would be the first to admit that the Mets do suck, and haven't drawn well since moving to Citi Field, allow me to give your post a more realistic and honest perspective by asking you the following question: Would you wait out a rain delay taking place in the top of the 9th inning if your (home) team were losing by 10 runs at the time? I'm the wrong person to ask, I've never left a game before the last out, no matter how far behind or ahead. In terms of a rain delay, that might be different -- in 45 years of attending games, I've never had a drop of rain touch my head (a benefit of living most of my years in SoCal, and Kingdom Seattle). I knew that you wouldn't identify with the rain thing (living in a desert, and all). Hopefully you got my point -- the ballpark's only THAT empty at that point in the game BECAUSE of the rain delay and the score. With Harvey pitching today, I can almost guarantee that Citi is near full.
  19. While I would be the first to admit that the Mets do suck, and haven't drawn well since moving to Citi Field, allow me to give your post a more realistic and honest perspective by asking you the following question: Would you wait out a rain delay taking place in the top of the 9th inning if your (home) team were losing by 10 runs at the time?
  20. But Larry, we all know from Jetman's proclamation that PS, and all those genius Ivy league student volunteers from Columbia never make mistakes, and obviously know everything about jazz. After all, it's a "college radio station". It had to be a janitor sitting in for one of the "delicate geniuses", while they were busy studying for their medical school finals... You know darn well that's not what I said, but if it floats yer boat to make things up, go right ahead.
  21. He's got a way to go to match Shawn Kemp's 12 kids from 11 mamas.
  22. Poor Bartman still getting bashed, but the horrible Cubs relievers get off the hook, and the toothpick-chewin' manager who ran them out there... meanwhile you'e still counting your lucky stars you had itsy-bitsy Jeffrey Maier. Just think. Only 10 months earlier, the sports pages yelled "Joe Who?". Yankee fans might still be yelling that if not for their little innocent guardian angel. There was quite a difference between Bartman and Maier- Bartman was so villified he had to move, and Maier made the rounds of the morning talk shows! Bartman did what any fan woulld do- he saw a ball coming his way and tried to catch it. Maier interfered with a ball on the field of play and shoulda been tossed form the game. IIRC, Rich Garcia was the ump and he correctly admitted after the game that he had made a bad call. I remember watching the game and shaking my head and saying, "How's that a home run?" I get no joy from the team I am rooting for being on the good side of a bad call- I'd rather they win by hitting better, less mistakes, etc. I'd much rather there be no bad calls, but that's not realistic and we can't replay it, so let it go and move on. By that point in the season Torre had already proven himself to be a good manager, so the 'Joe Who?' headlines didn't matter anymore. I would argue that had the kid not interfered with that, there was a distinct possibility that the Skanks don't go on to win the WS that year. The time-space continuum would have changed and they don't win 98, 99 and 00 either. From my Mets perspective, Torre was a bum, and got way too much credit for the Yanks' winning ways.
  23. Do you get that no college radio station "caters" to commercialism? If there is such a stipulation in its charter, it's because Columbia University is a New York institution. As a result, so is KCR. No New York = very little jazz to speak of over the last 80 years or so.
  24. I know you're a musician based on what I've read here. If you're not interested in making money, then you're more of a fool than anyone can point out on this or any other platform. Fwiw, I inserted an extra space in "incorrect" accidentally. I guess you're just another board member who has a difficult time being told when you're wrong. How you believe that Ivy League kids attending one of the best schools in the country, if not the world, "have nothing better to do than to mispronounce musician names" on the air is beyond me. Fact is, jazzers should be well aware that, by now, the genre is so popular that maybe 6 Americans in total can pronounce their names correctly. You still don't know what you're talking about. KCR plays what it plays and does not cater to commercialism BECAUSE it is a college radio station. Hence, no commercials. D'uh. I happen to think that it blows BGO away, and may very well be one of the best jazz stations left in the nation, Schaap's verbosity aside.
  25. Poor Bartman still getting bashed, but the horrible Cubs relievers get off the hook, and the toothpick-chewin' manager who ran them out there... meanwhile you'e still counting your lucky stars you had itsy-bitsy Jeffrey Maier. Just think. Only 10 months earlier, the sports pages yelled "Joe Who?". Yankee fans might still be yelling that if not for their little innocent guardian angel.
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