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Everything posted by JETman

  1. They should at least be on the Complete Riverside box. Not sure if they've been on any other single cd releases.
  2. Everything you can get your hands on!. You may be able to purchase the 8 cd set containing all the Knitting Factory recs plus one extra previously unreleased disc directly from Playscape. There's a disc called "Ride" wich was released by Playscape. There are a couple of oop Arabesques (remember them?) and a couple of duets with Borah Bergman. Some Michael Musillami discs he appears on (4, I think). I agree with Felser's assessment above. Definitely a life cut way too short. The sky was the limit with Mr. Chapin. While you're at it, grab all the Playscape Pavones (jazz alliteration!) you can as well.
  3. Yes. Hedge bets. Order from both and cancel highest a few days before release. Simple as that.
  4. Michael was not aware of the error. I expressed the same disbelief to him today.
  5. http://playscape-recordings.com/index.php?catalog&aid=57
  6. Remember there are two Monterey sets in the box. Totally agree with you about the 1964 Monterey performance, the "Meditations on Integration" from that is epic. OTOH, the 1965 Monterey performance is a mess, and Mingus himself seems to have known that, cutting it off short. If you read the liners, Mingus' set was cut short because John Handy's famous (and documented) one went overtime. When someone yelled that Mingus should end his portion of the concert, he directed his band to walk off playing "When the Saints Come Marching In". Mingus had high hopes for the show, and was pissed that he had to cut it short.
  7. Can no one recommend an album? I like Liebman better with Elveen on the Lighthouse albums. His work with Miles is often seen as musical masturbation, which is the way I've heard him describe it. If you look in the lower left corner of the left panel, you'll note that Trema is Sony product. I know it's not Columbia, but still...
  8. You can't FORCE people to discuss what you want them to discuss. Getting angry about that fact does nobody any good. I get what you're saying, Steve, but the implications in some of it are downright insulting. I have thousands of jazz recordings, and while I do my fair share of revering the forefathers of the music, I also do my fair share of supporting contemporary musicians. As a matter of fact, I'd say that a full 1/3 to 1/2 of my collection is composed of recordings made after 1975. Given that "jazz" is almost 100 years old at this point, I'd say that such a ratio is commensurate with the ratio of the number of years since 1975 to the number of years since 1917. I value all "good" music (however I deem it to be rated as such), but there's no escaping the overall importance to and influence on current day practitioners that musicians such as Miles, Bird, Monk, etc. wield, and will continue to wield.
  9. I believe that some here may need to switch to decaf!
  10. No coincidence. They're both spoiled brat, power-mongering sons of self-made men. You can add the Donald to that list as well.
  11. Self-entitled, whiny Laker fan here: Yeah, that's real pressure in New York -- to make the playoffs. I'll take pressure to win a championship over playing .500 basketball to squeeze into the 8th spot any day, night, and year. You're not addressing my initial concern. Why the drama and panic to win NOW when you've got 10 to hang your hat on in the last 32 years??? Is an almost 1/3 championship ratio not enough for you? Does Kobe's legacy really ride on having 6 titles versus 5??? It's incredibly easy to react the way you're reacting to my post. But, I don't think I told any lies or said anything particularly offensive. It's only sports, ya know. No, it's not enough, ask the players because that is what it comes down to -- the players. They are the ones who want to win now, it's their legacy that is involved, and they are the ones putting pressure on themselves to win, and believe me, Kobe is desperate to pass MJ in the number of championships. We, as fans, just go along for the ride. As long as the Knicks have Dolan as the owner, they're not going anywhere. How can a franchise that's won, what? two championships? be the flagship franchise for the NBA? the Houston Rockets have the same number for crying out load. How can the NBA financial success be tied to the Knicks, when they have not done a thing in ages, were in the finals way back when, and that by general consensus was the worse played final ever, and the money been flowing for the NBA despite the ineptitude of NY. The Knicks are just the Orlando Magic with a good press agent. Despite rarely reaching the NBA Finals, the Kinicks make more money than any other NBA franchise. That's how. Dolan may be a dope, but he's tied to one of the richest conglomerates in these here United States. As such, he's got MUCH deeper pockets than the Busses and Cubans of the world. If you can't be convinced, let me wallow in my ignorance.
  12. Have you considered hedging your bets?
  13. Look at the face and the hairline. Besides, everyone knows Miles didn't "sweat" in 1959.
  14. Me too. It would be great to have the remainder in one package, through one label and done by one mastering engineer.
  15. I know. that's why they look a bit like the CUBS of the NBA to me. You're making a common mistake, and your petulance doesn't help matters. The Knicks are the only team to consistently sell out despite their "looking like the CUBS of the NBA". Spike's paying like 3 grand for his courtside seats these days. With all the notoriety and money the Knicks bring to the NBA, if they sink, the league sinks. Ask Stern, or any NBA Commissioner for that matter. The Knicks are a "protected" franchise. The league's financial success rides on the financial success of the Knicks. Deal with it.
  16. Self-entitled, whiny Laker fan here: Yeah, that's real pressure in New York -- to make the playoffs. I'll take pressure to win a championship over playing .500 basketball to squeeze into the 8th spot any day, night, and year. You're not addressing my initial concern. Why the drama and panic to win NOW when you've got 10 to hang your hat on in the last 32 years??? Is an almost 1/3 championship ratio not enough for you? Does Kobe's legacy really ride on having 6 titles versus 5??? It's incredibly easy to react the way you're reacting to my post. But, I don't think I told any lies or said anything particularly offensive. It's only sports, ya know.
  17. Straight from the horse's mouth (and I'm paraphrasing): "Now that the sets come shipped from a third-party warehouse with pre-printed numbers, there is absolutely no correlation between time of order placement and number received. As a matter of fact, even if you were the first to order a particular set, you could still end up with # 2000. The numbers are only there to signify that the sets are limited editions." I guess this is bad news for all the ebay sellers out there!
  18. That's a joke, no? That would be a "no". Being the most important franchise has absolutely nothing to do with success.
  19. I like the colors ok, but...that photo is from, when, 1959? That cover is not from 1959, As a matter of fact, I'd say all of the ones posted just above match up/align pretty well with the cover of the new set!!!
  20. I can't for the life of me understand why there is pressure on the Lakers to win NOW. They've won like, what, 10 titles since 1980 (more than any other team in that timeframe). C'mon now, D'Antoni's already been a victim of real pressure to win now in NY. This will be a cakewalk for him by comparison. Hell, Kobe's already knighted him an "offensive genius". At least one of those words is correct, btw. The Knicks, who are and always will be the flagship franchise of the NBA, haven't won anything since 1973 despite MJ's best efforts to hand them one!!! The only things worse than self-entitled, whiny Yankee fans are self-entitled whiny Laker fans.
  21. With those people from that time, it'll be pretty hard for it to be "not good". With all of the "no-brainers" that have somehow gone wrong in the long history of music, I'm finding it difficult to believe that you said this, let alone said it with a straight face.
  22. Winwood's always been a favorite of mine, and to me, is one of the great rock/blues musicians. One of the great moments (and ironies) in music is him belting out "I'm a Man" at the tender young age of 16. In line with Yes during the same time period, those 3 consecutive Traffic albums (John Barleycorn Must Die, Low Spark of High Heeled Boys, and Shootout at Fantasy Factory) are stone cold classics for me.
  23. What "later box reissue" are you referring to?
  24. Looks like the NL is dominant again -- the way it should be. Fuck the DH -- as I've been saying since 1973!
  25. NY envy......common error that one. Jazz may not have originated here, but anyone of major consequence passed through here at one time or another during his/her development. Funny thing -- most ended up staying. Blissful ignorance run amok. Most all y'all happily talk about Pres or listen to Monk at the 5 Spot or Trane at the Vanguard. I notice no NY hatred there. You're a hypocrite and full of shit. You can play with words all you want, but when it comes down to it, it's just one huge circle jerk. Go listen to yer Merle Haggard, while I prepare for the storm and rest easy and comfortably with the fact that NYC fostered the growth of the music that we discuss on this board with nary a mention that most of it was and continues to be recorded in and around NYC. Don't make statements like the one Ohio made. People who live here do suffer through major weather-related consequences, and we expect to suffer through more than our share on this go round. This storm is not getting play solely because NYC will be hit hard. Up here in the northern burbs, most will lose power for several days. That's a reality, and not just some media play for ratings.
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