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Everything posted by JETman

  1. If so, please explain. If not, than I guess neither of us knows what it means. You may not care to know, but I was - and since you bring it back up, still am - genuinely curious as to what the comment meant. I would welcome the OP's elaboration if he/she cares to offer it. While we're on the subject, I would like to point out that you can count me as one of the "non-believers/followers" who NEVER knows what YOU mean.
  2. Not showing up anywhere yet. As a matter of fact, signs of all previous ones seem to have disappeared as if they were all an illusion. Dusty usually gets these, but not until they've been out for a little bit. Btw, you can order from the site mentioned above in english as long as you've got a translator on yer puter. Edit to add that the links in post #14 above ARE in English.
  3. I have 5 of the previous 6. All are great. The only one I'm missing is the Chet Baker, which I can only assume is caught in some legal purgatory as I've never actually seen it on offer.
  4. The three faulty "mono" discs were Ming, New Life & Hope Scope Does anyone know whether these are now "fixed" and if I order a set through amazon it will be OK? One can only assume since it's been a long while since the error was discovered and corrected. If you want to be sure that all the "bad" ones were recalled from internet retailers like Amazon, I might suggest sending an email to Cam Jazz and asking them that very question.
  5. Didn't realize the Storyville release of the Zurich concert from the 90s was not legit! If it really wasn't legit, would Storyville have had the chops to release it a 2nd time in a 2 cd Miles compilation they released last year?: http://www.jazzmessengers.com/storyville-jazzlabel/miles-davis-storyville-miles-davis-2cd-digipak-101351
  6. Have you forgotten how many worthwhile albums many jazz musicians recorded YEARLY back in the late 50's/early 60's? Apples and oranges, unless you are coming from the "jazz is ALWAYS superior to rock" camp. I am coming from no such camp. Just the camp that the amount of "worthwhile" music being made in such a short period of time is in no way unprecedented, and therefore not unbelievable.
  7. The reasons any of us are drawn to certain aesthetics are numerous and complex. I am less interested in knowing the reasons than satisfying the desire. I happen to love that early 70s spiritual/cosmic/black consciousness vibe. When you get beyond obvious sources for this, you have to dig deeper. Sometimes there is only one amazing track buried on an otherwise OK album, and it's worth it just for that one track. Too many of those records are far less than even ok. Horo, anyone? Black Saint, anyone? Soul Note, anyone? Muse, anyone? If you want to focus on an "aesthetic" that's your business entirely. The point I was trying to make up top was that Black Jazz's catalogue is not worthy enough TO ME to waste an inordinate amount of time chasing down some dude who will sell you his stuff only when he feels like it. Each of us has to decide for ourselves the best way to spend our finite time left on Earth, I guess. But, you gotta ask yourself: "is obscurity for obscurity's sake worth anything, really, other than the ability to say 'hey look at me I like music that nobody else even knows about'?". I've long ago asked myself that question, as well as "is being an insufferable prick about other peoples' intrests really worth anything, really, other than scratching my itchy, pussy, wounded soul?" I ask myself lots of questions! If I'm insufferable, don't read my posts. Simple as that --- unless you're a masochist. But try, and I mean really try, to actually be able to read/understand the points that others are attempting to make before spouting off such insulting, off the cuff crap.
  8. Each of us has to decide for ourselves the best way to spend our finite time left on Earth, I guess. But, you gotta ask yourself: "is obscurity for obscurity's sake worth anything, really, other than the ability to say 'hey look at me I like music that nobody else even knows about'?".
  9. Yes, ECM has licensing deals all over the world. Got those Motians directly from ECM about 15 years ago when most weren't yet available in the US. Psalm, I think, was the only one which was.
  10. For those of us who get into particular sub-sub-sub-genres of music for aesthetic reasons, we are at a certain point forced to go to the "obscure" sources, because the number of tracks in those sub-sub-sub-genres are finite. Hence my interest in Black Jazz, Tribe, Strata-East, etc. I wasn't talking about obscure sources, per se. Less than obsure sources have produced very obscure music --- Impulse, anyone? And what exactly would those "aesthetic" reasons be? Reminders of a lifestyle 40 years in the past, yet never to be seen again, like.......Martini & Rossi on a yacht off the coast of Southern California with Burt and Angie????
  11. To the 2 jokers upthread: The rub with the Jack set is that it reissues an album previously unreleased on cd. All of the Motian albums have been on cd. Abercrombie and/or Towner sets would be no-brainers in my mind, but maybe they are waiting for them to die. Dig?
  12. Is that college student the mother?
  13. The initially planned set containing the Abercrombie/Towner albums was cancelled. There are still rumors that ECM is considering an Abercrombie set. I would definitely be all over that! Haven't heard anything regarding a Towner set, though. It seems that record companies are more apt to move things along once an artist passes, unfortunately.
  14. Yes, the re-release of the Motians are a much bigger cause for celebration --- at least the first five. Adding "It Should've Happened a Long Time Ago" is a curiosity at best, though.
  15. Even more unbelievable is the deeming of "worthwhile" even before the music is heard!
  16. Dr F can you be a bit more specific - I've emailed them (2 days ago) but have not yet received a reply - was considering buying a few of their CDs, esp Walter Bishop Jr & Doug Carn I agree with some others here. Anyone who tries to resurrect a business without making themselves entirely available is just not worth all the wasted energy it takes to do business with them. I had an experience with them in the early 00's where I had to search for a phone number after MANY failed attempts at email. And it took many attempts at dialing a phone before I finally reached someone, who then proceeded NOT to send me what I had paid for. That direct enough for ya? And. frankly, their discography (with the rare exception) doesn't even come close to making up for all the wasted time. My opinion, of course, but I often find that people get overly and uniquely worked up about music that is oscure simply because it is obscure.
  17. Have you forgotten how many worthwhile albums many jazz musicians recorded YEARLY back in the late 50's/early 60's?
  18. 'Tis "Live at the East".
  19. Finally brings Inflation Blues into the digital age! The box was originally slated for Dec 18th, but now I see that it has been pushed back to Jan 15th. Oh well. Maybe ECM was bought by Sony
  20. At a news conference, Singleton said he had no idea at the time what Clash did for a living. Mystery solved. Really? So if he is a gold-digger, do you think he's going to admit that he knew Clash was semi-famous?
  21. Good idea, but I'm sure he would've preferred George Cables.
  22. If you're as big a fan of this music as I am, you will enjoy this boxed set for the music as well as the presentation. Happy listening!
  23. The Giuffre 3 with Hall may not be free jazz, but the one with Bley and Swallow is another story.
  24. Clyde is the original Magic!
  25. Wait! Elmo's gay? Say it ain't so...........
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