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    south east london

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  1. nothing obscure about that record where i come from. masterful. "troublemaker" even cam out on a Deram 45. now that is pretty tough to find.
  2. Originally released as "Hush" under Duke Pearson's name (on Jazz Line, one of his earliest lead dates, and it's a silly rare and $$$ record), this is an early 70s pressing on Polydor. A great 1962 set with two trumpets, no sax, interesting tone. Sudel is the standout, reminds me of Pearson's majestic "Jeanine".
  3. hi again. and now this...
  4. made me dig out this one... then i went over here for a complete change of scene...
  5. removing the art from/ adding the art to artifice: you decide... http://www.sleeveface.com/ turns out i'd pre-empted / reversed an incipient trend when my son was born...
  6. italian library fodder, .dreadful, faux-NOLA-trad stuff on the second side, some lovely modal stuff on the upside. another italian library jazz thing, some lovely piano led stuff on this as well but right now, it's this... AFAIK, this is the UK pressing of "lady fat bottom's waltz". cheaper, thicker vinyl, and ain't nothin in this world right now that is beating the super-heavy version of "turk's bolero" to be found herein.
  7. nice limelight us original, fat vinyl beautiful booklet.
  8. dutch bossa jazz/ fusion thing from 1977. bringing the summer into a london winter.
  9. i've been using these for years, and am delighted with them (now on my 3rd i think). fixed to a rega 300 arm on a systemdek IIX, naim amp and rega ela speakers. the rest of the stuff hasn't been changed for 15 years or so, the cart is probably 3 years old now. the Elys comes in at around £110/ €170, so right on burdget, and built to go with your TT... i know you asked for alternatives, sorry. i like the rega stuff.
  10. Again, I am stumped. god, that's certainly not my intent, just trying to join in the board a little. regarding the album in question, it's a beautiful, simple, deep and soulful jazz record, heavy with modal inflections, unusual time-sigs and a nice eatern feel on the two tracks i mentioned. mcpherson (a drummer) had a residence at the club, and the band is led by him, along with sporano/ tenor sax and vibes as lead instruments. the liner notes give a little, but not much, more detail. it really is beautiful, along the lines of some johnny lytle, walt dickerson, even the khan jamal thing i mentioned here before. it's quite tough to find, and is quite expensive now as well, it would appear. popular with dj's of a certain style. and there's a soundclip here... http://www.facerecords.com/shop/product_in...roducts_id/9581
  11. chicago private joint from (i think) 1970. deeeeeep versions of "delilah" and "wade in the water". this album refuses to leave the turntable at the moment.
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