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  1. Just noticed this. I don't frequent organissimo often. Here is a review and photos of the concert. Review by writer Jay Hunter. Pics by yours truly. One of the last musical events I covered before the COVID 19 shut everything down. Hope you like it. https://nippertown.com/2020/03/10/live-joe-lovano-friends-senate-garage-kingston-03-07-20/
  2. Does anyone know what has happened to the Blue Note Review series?
  3. Are you going to move sometime in the future and want to move them easily. Here is a modular solution. I am not in anyway affiliated with Tony. Just a customer who has bought from him repeatedly over 10 years: tonyswoodshop.com
  4. https://www.proctors.org/event/jazz-is-phish/
  5. Thanks for your analysis. Unfortunately, it will be costing me some $$$$. LOL.
  6. Schitt Audio Magni 3 headphone amp $99.http://www.schiit.com/products/magni-1
  7. Reduced to $200 shipping included, USA. Reduced to $150 shipping included, USA.
  8. Original 1998 Limited Edition Box Set Sealed and unopened. 10 45s. 20 songs including: Stone Free Hey Joe Up From the Skys Gypsy Eyes Voodoo Child ( Slight Return) Room Full of Mirrors The Wind Cries Mary Fire Little Wind Spanish Castle Magic Purple Haze Foxy Lady All Along the Watchtower Long Hot Summer Night Crosstown Traffic If 6 was 9 Rainy Day, Dream Away Still Raining, Still Dreaming Freedom Angel Only 10000 pressed. Serial #2136. $225plus $10 shipping to USA only. Paypal, postal money order or personal check ( after clearing). 100% positive feedback on Audiogon as upstateaudio
  9. Afro Blue Impressions- John Coltrane
  10. http://www.albanyjazz.com/rudylu/geneludwig-apfj.html
  11. It enables me to have my computer in another location away from my stereo. I'm using my squeezeboxes wirelessly in 2 rooms. Only 1 of them has the external DAC. The Squeezebox is acting as a transport. It is receiving the digital music from my network, then this music is being sent to my DAC using a Coax cable. The DAC is converting the digital signal to music I send the music to my amp and speakers via analog interconnects. The analog output of the Squeezebox is turned off. This is analogous to those that use their CD player as a transport and send the digital info to an external DAC to be processed,
  12. Yes. It does sound better than than the internal DAC. The sound is more natural and not as sharp with the Musiland. It seems to almost sound analog. However, it still does not sound as good as my Classe CDP 1.5 player.
  13. These guys have some nice DACs: Obad Imports I'm not affiliated and have never ordered anything from them. EDIT: Forgot to mention that you will probably need a DAC with USB input capability. Most DACs do not but your choices are expanding rapidly. I just bought a Musiland MD10 DAC 2 weeks ago. I am using it via a coax cable connected to my Squeezebox. It has USB capability. I ordered it from www.pacificvalve.us. So far I am very pleased with the sound. It looks cool too!!!! There is a review on it in the latest issue of Affordable Audio at www.affordableaudio.org, For $300 it can't be beat.
  14. In the States, the Dynavector is the cart that is usually mentioned when the P3 is mentioned. I love mine!!!!!
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