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About captainwrong

  • Birthday 07/09/1975

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    Indianapolis, IN

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  1. Enablers, the whole lot of you! Lol. Well, I asked for it, didn't I? Anyway, that's pretty much what I was hoping to hear. I have most of this music on various CDs, but the thought of having it all, in order, and in a handsome set is really appealing. I was in the BMG club when Denon started doing the straight reissues of the old Savoy LPs. I picked up a lot of those, but let's face it, they are the definition of random at times. Never really upgraded, so that's why this set caught my eye. I'll swing by and see if it's still there.
  2. Found a nice copy of the 5-lp Parker Savoy box set from 1978 and have trouble finding out specific info about it. Every Google search I try brings up a multitude of hits, but other than the odd copy for sale, no relevant info to this specific release. Anyone familiar with it? Thoughts, comments, etc? They price is nice, but money is getting tight and I probably have most of what's here in various forms already. Thanks!
  3. That was my introduction to Idris. Awesome album.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I'm in.
  5. Not to pick on you, but everytime I hear this mentioned, I have to ask why, if this is the case, does the site then solicit and accept donations from it's users? I used to moderate on a site that was connected to a fanzine, fan convention, book and retail store with an active user list similar to, and maybe even larger than, Hoffman's and not only did the guy running it pay for it out of pocket but we had fewer moderators and the only instances where posts were deleted dealt with piracy and only when threads became flame wars did we lock them. So I just don't buy that excuse because I know from personal expirence it doesn't have to be like it is. Now I've gone off topic on this thread. Apologies.
  6. Hey, I got the answer I needed. Thanks guys. Feel free to take this thread wherever you wish. And the bottom line is, this is some wonderful music which should be part of your collection in whatever form you prefer. I'm perfectly happy with the '97, especially for what I paid. I was just more concerned about major differences such as extra tracks and drastically improved sound, though in my so far casual listening of my set, it sounds fine to me.
  7. It's CEDAR, IIRC. Too bad those French LPs aren't likely to show up at Disc Replay any time soon.
  8. Ok, I think I have this right that the Complete RCA set for Armstrong came out in 1997 and then again in 2001. Other than packaging, is there any difference? I was lucky enough to get the '97 recently for a steal ($8) and just curious if I'm missing anything on the newer set.
  9. Half? I consider a quarter of that for mine.
  10. The Abdullah Ibrahim $1?
  11. What box set was the '49 Paris on? I love that set and I'd love to have it in better sound, as much as possible anyway. Those transcription discs sound beat.
  12. April In Paris. Also, not quite the direction you're going, but we saw "This Is It" the other night and the guitar solo in Beat It has become part of the song.
  13. Columbia Small Group Swing Sessions, Braff sessions. Niiiiiice.
  14. http://kindofbloop.com/
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