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  1. the stan getz version linked above was recorded dec 12, 1952 (with duke jordan, p, jimmy raney, g, bill crow, b, frank isola, d).
  2. just me? stan
  3. the great one plays the great one more landowska scarlatti rameau
  4. randalljazz

    Tal Farlow

    i've seen bits of it on youtube. buy it
  5. women in jazz one by one lots more and yet more
  6. There's no doubt that this stuff is meeting a true NEED in people. MG i guess so. up here in relatively small anchburg (pop 300,000~), he whose name i hesitate to mention kenny is selling out our largest good concert hall (seats 2500) for the umteenth time, with tickets at $65-85, about twice what branford marsalis or practically anybody else commands.
  7. just jazz guitar
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from a newcomer. i haven't posted much, but i enjoy hanging around.
  9. nice to see you on whichever board. hoping to get an autographed copy of the first pressing of whichever cd includes a certain tune that alludes to aroma and sugar. (didn't blow your cover, did i?). maybe we can all try to love one another a wee bit more... (or not ) still, the soap opera is fun to follow. i hope for justice, but don't really expect it. anyway, i think very highly of you (fwiw), and appreciate your candor and your music.
  10. hi all. just came to check up on what's going on with the folks i enjoyed reading "over there", especially bev & clave for their long, deep discussions, and sandi for her marvellous stories of the cats she knew "back in the day". still folks i like over there, but make's me feel a bit paranoid. shiver! big brother...
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