Greetings all,
Comin’ fresh from registration...
been browsing through some jazz-oriented boards, and this appears to be a place where volks seem to be helplful and open minded on all things jazz…
I’ve been an avid collector for quite some time (mostly in the field of free/avant-garde/late 60s)…
and I wanted to start a discussion on some of the RARITIES out there…
I’ve been lately lucky to come across some fine examples and wanted to have a place where all us vinyl junkies could chat about particular gems and maybe assess & compare prices and rareness…
First question:
How often does one come by an original copy of Coltrane’s Ascension (Edition I)?
And how much would they go for?
I understand there’s not that many of them out there (maybe 1000 copies?)…
I just came across the Bob James Trio disk “Explosions” on ESP-DISK’…
How rare is that? Personally never seen one before... (quite a mind blowing disk, i might add)
Ok. I’ll be contemplating on some other inquiries…
In the meantime, glad to join the conversations.
And Happy Holidays to all…
- Moonshine