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Everything posted by J.A.W.

  1. Poor dog... They had to put it down...
  2. Over here it's almost April 2, only a few minutes to go... Can't wait...
  3. Wonder what happened to all those "old" members; haven't seen them around for years - at least it seems that long to me.
  4. Ha, I feel a BNBB-style Freshman / Freshmen spelling fight coming on Those were the days...
  5. Judging by this review we have a winner : Four Freshmen AMG review
  6. Hey guys, Why don't you restrict the fighting to the political arena?
  7. Ha, a joke within a joke!
  8. http://www.cadencebuilding.com/
  9. Mike, I live in Groningen, the Netherlands. We used to have a thriving annual international jazz festival (the "Jazz Marathon") and lots of great jazz concerts way back in the 1970s, but it's kind of dead these days. You're right, it's best to ignore those musical zealots, though that's a bit harder when you get your head bitten off by one. However, that's not why I didn't renew - like I said it is the lack of modern jazz coverage over the years and the IAJRC's bias towards predominantly white pre-bop jazz, and the price of a subscription ($40, non-U.S. price) to a four times a year magazine that doesn't interest me that much except for the CD review section.
  10. Bop and later jazz styles met with outright hostility from some of the contributors to the IAJRC Journal, at least a few years ago; according to one of them it had nothing to do with music.
  11. Mike's post has a lot of valid points, but writing articles about jazz in English is not my forte, so contributing to the IAJRC Journal is out of the question for me. The magazine is the only benefit for me too, but I also skip a lot of articles for reasons stated in my first post. I agree with JohnS, at $40 a year (non-U.S. price) a subscription is a costly affair for a four times a year magazine, the more so since most of the time the CD review section is the only part that really interests me.
  12. http://www.geocities.com/iajrc/index.htm
  13. I've been a member of the International Association of Jazz Record Collectors (IAJRC) for quite a few years, but I decided not to renew my membership for the following reason. One of the primary purposes of the IAJRC is "...to maintain an Association of collectors of jazz recordings of all eras and styles..."; my main objection is that, contrary to this statement, they seem to be very much biased towards older, pre-bop jazz styles and mainly white jazz musicians - though I admit that they've been reviewing an increasing number of "modern" (i.e. bop and later) recordings in their Journal lately. Any opinions on the IAJRC?
  14. Still down...
  15. It's a series that came out in Japan in 1997 / 1998. These are the only ones I could find (jewel cases only): MVCJ-19022 - Illinois Jacquet - Go Power MVCJ-19023 - Bunky Green - The Latinization of Bunky Green MVCJ-19024 - Three Souls - Soul Sounds MVCJ-19026 - Interpreters - Knack MVCJ-19027 - Sam Lazar - Playback MVCJ-19028 - Baby Face Willette - Behind the 8 Ball MVCJ-19029 - Lou Donaldson - Rough House Blues MVCJ-19030 - Ramsey Lewis - Goin' Latin Some of them might still be available.
  16. Yep, $10,000.00 for an original Elvis Presley LP, way back in the 1970s.
  17. No, but it just ended at $2,800.00...
  18. It stands at $2,678.00 with a few hours left to go...
  19. J.A.W.


    Well, OK, this is probably spam, but I think Chuck deserves to have his catalog posted. Here's a list that I got from him in 2002: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nessa records – p o box 394 – whitehall, mi 49461 phone/fax 231 894-4088 cnessa@earthlink.net The following individual titles from our catalog are available on cd. Air Air Time – Henry Threadgill, Fred Hopkins and Steve McCall ncd-12 Recorded Nov, 1977. This was Air’s 3rd lp, but the first issued in the US Fred Anderson The Missing Link – w/ Hamid Drake, Larry Hayrod and Adam Rudolph ncd-23 Recorded Sept. 1979. This was Fred’s 3rd date too, and his first US issue. Art Ensemble of Chicago Les Stances a Sophie – w/Fontella Bass ncd-4/Universal* Recorded July, 1970. The first recording of the Bowie, Jarman, Mitchell, Favors, Moye lineup. Von Freeman Have No Fear – w/ John Young, David Shipp and Wilbur Campbell ncd-6/Bomba* Recorded June 1975. Boomerang, a Freeman original has been added to the cd. Von Freeman Serenade & Blues – as above ncd-11/Chief* Recorded June 1975. I’ll Close My Eyes, almost 15 minutes, has been added. Roscoe Mitchell LRG/The Maze/S II Examples – 2 lps on one cd ncd-14/Chief* Recorded July/Aug.1978. w/Leo Smith, George Lewis, Thurman Barker, Anthony Braxton, Douglas Ewart, Malachi Favors, Joseph Jarman, Don Moye and Henry Threadgill Hal Russell NRG Ensemble ncd-21/Bomba* Recorded May 1981. The band’s first date w/ Chuck Burdelik, Brian Sandstrom, Curt Bley, and Steve Hunt. Hal Russell NRG Ensemble + Charles Tyler – Generation ncd-25/Chief* Recorded Sept. 1982. w/ Burdelik, Sandstrom, Bley and Hunt. Never on lp. Wadada Leo Smith – Procession of the Great Ancestry ncd-26/Chief* Recorded Feb. 1983. w/ Bobby Naughton, Joe Fonda, Kahil El‘Zabar, Louis Myers, Mchaka Uba and John Powell. Never on lp. *These items are pressed by licensees Bomba (Japan), Chief (England) and Universal Sounds (England). Also available is our limited edition (2500 copies) 5 cd, box set: The Art Ensemble – 1967/68 w/Roscoe Mitchell, Lester Bowie, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors, Phillip Wilson, Charles Clark, Robert Crowder and Thurman Barker. This package contains the music from 3 lps (Numbers 1 & 2, Congliptious and Old/Quartet) plus almost 3 hours of new, previously unissued material. Individual cds are $15 each, and the box set $75. Shipping charges are extra, and vary according to the size of the order and mode of transportation desired. Payment can be made by cash, checks (drawn on a US bank), money orders, MasterCard or Visa. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Status of Nessa catalog LP number Availability / Status n-1 Lester Bowie Numbers 1 & 2 available in Art Ensemble Box – ncd-2500 n-2 Roscoe Mitchell Congliptious available in Art Ensemble Box – ncd-2500 n-3 Art Ensemble of Chicago People In Sorrow rights have reverted to EMI-France n-4 Art Ensemble of Chicago Les Stances a Sophie rights have reverted to EMI-France* n-5 Roscoe Mitchell Old/Quartet available in Art Ensemble Box – ncd-2500 n-6 Von Freeman Have No Fear cd issued in Japan – we have a few copies for sale n-7 Warne Marsh All Music cd issue in preparation n-8 Ben Webster Did You Call? rights have reverted to Ensayo-Spain n-9/10 Roscoe Mitchell Nonaah out of print n-11 Von Freeman Serenade & Blues available as ncd-11 w/extra track n-12 Air Air Time available as ncd-12 n-13 Lucky Thompson Body & Soul rights have reverted to Ensayo – Spain n-14/15 Roscoe Mitchell LRG/The Maze/SII Examples available as ncd-14 n-16 Charles Tyler Saga of the Outlaws out of print n-17 Bobby Bradford/John Stevens vol. 1 available on lp only n-18 Bobby Bradford/John Stevens vol. 2 out of print n-19 Wadada Leo Smith Spirit Catcher available on lp only n-20 Roscoe Mitchell Snurdy McGurdy recently reissued n-21 Hal Russell NRG Ensemble cd issued in Japan – we have a few copies for sale n-22 Eddie Johnson Indian Summer available on lp only n-23 Fred Anderson The Missing Link available as ncd-23 w/extra track n-24 Hal Russell/Mars Williams Eftsoons available on lp only The following 2 titles were never issued as lps, but are available on cd, pressed in GB by our licensee n-25 Hal Russell NRG Ensemble + Charles Tyler Generation n-26 Wadada Leo Smith Procession of the Great Ancestry * n-4 has been reissued in England, and we have stock for sale.
  20. J.A.W.


    This is a GREAT album, indeed with a perfect program.
  21. Didn't know that. Do you have a CD number?
  22. As far as I know the only Denny Zeitlin album released in Japan is As Long as There's Music - Venus TKCV-35039 (release date: May 21, 1998) / Venus TKCV-35052 (24-bit remastered gold disc; release date: September 23, 1998) / Venus TKCV-35515 (release date: July 22, 2002).
  23. No problem - if you're financing my bid, that is...
  24. Wonder where this one will end: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=2517701729
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