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Everything posted by J.A.W.

  1. If you like Red Garland, these CDs are recommended. The remastering is great. Reinier (the seller) has never sold me a bad CD.
  2. Procession of the Great Ancestry is available from Chuck as Nessa N-26.
  3. In addition to Chuck's Golden Quartet recommendations I can recommend his 1979 ECM album, Divine Love, with Lester Bowie, Kenny Wheeler, Dwight Andrews, Bobby Naughton, and Charlie Haden. It's still available in Europe.
  4. No bids yet, with less than a day to go.
  5. J.A.W.

    100 new JRVGs

    I thought you were an AAJ regular...
  6. J.A.W.

    100 new JRVGs

    Reinier posted a list of the 100 new JRVGs here: http://forums.allaboutjazz.com/showthread....=&threadid=1415
  7. You know what my fee is, don't you...
  8. I got this Japanese release list from Hiroshi Tanno: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following CDs are scheduled for release on June 25 2003. * means in cardboad sleeve. BMG Fun House BVCJ 37331(Vogue)New Brown,Clifford The Complete Paris Session Vol.1 1890 BMG Fun House BVCJ 37332(Vogue)New Brown,Clifford The Complete Paris Session Vol.2 1890 BMG Fun House BVCJ 37333(Vogue)New Brown,Clifford The Complete Paris Session Vol.3 1890 King ABCJ 268(All Art)24 bit,New Burton,Ann Live in Japan(unissued materials) 2940 King ABCJ 269(Art Union)New Merrill,Helen & John Lewis Django 2500 King ABCJ 270(All Art)New Sloane,Carol Subway Tokens 2500 King ABCJ 271(Digistic)New Connor,Chris Lover Come Back to Me 2500 King ABCJ 272(Art Union)New Honda,Takehiro This Is Honda 2500 Universal UCCC 9061(Decca)New,24 bit Gray,Wardell & Dexter Gordon The Chase* 2345 Universal UCCC 9062(Decca)New,24 bit Ventura,Charlie A Charlie Ventura Concert* 2345 Universal UCCC 9063(Decca)New,24 bit V.A. Das Is Jazz* 2345 Universal UCCC 9064(Coral)New,24 bit McKusick,Hal Jazz at the Academy* 2345 Universal UCCC 9065(Dot)New,24 bit V.A. Down Beat Jazz Concert* 2345 Universal UCCC 9066-7(Coral)New,24 bit Brown,Les Concert at the Paradium(2CDs)* 3466 Universal UCCC 9068(Coral)New,24 bit Sampson,Edgar Swing Softly Sweet Sampson* 2345 Universal UCCC 9069(Coral)New,24 bit Ellington,Mercer Colors in Rhythm* 2345 Universal UCCC 9070(Decca)New,24 bit Crosby,Bob & etc. 5 Feet of Swing* 2345 Universal UCCC 9071(Brunswick)New,24 bit Timer,Joe Willi's Conver's House of Sounds* 2345 Universal UCCJ 2026(Verve)New Watanabe,Sadao Wheel of Life 3000 Th following CDs are scheduled for release on July 2 2003 Sony SICP 381-4(Columbia)New Davis,Miles In Person,Friday & Saturday Nights(Complete Blackhawk)(4CDs) 5985 Sony SICP 385(New) Hino,Terumasa Here We Go Again 2940 Sony SICP 5056(Columbia)New Gale,Eric Ginseng Woman 1995 Sony SICP 5057(Columbia)New Gale,Eric Part of You 1995 Sony SICP 5058(Columbia)New Gale,Eric touch of Silk 1995 Sony EICP 7090(New) Duke,George A Brazilian Love Affair 1995 Sony EICP 7091(New) Duke,George Guardian of the Light 1995 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  9. http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...&sort=3&rows=25 - scroll down the list.
  10. Anyone interested in "not Blue Note" CDs? Here's your chance: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...&sort=3&rows=25
  11. Had the "old one" and sold it when I got the Deluxe Edition; sold that one when I got the Japanese mini-LP 20-bit K2 remastered CD. The Deluxe Edition sounded better than the "old one", but not as good as the Japanese reissue (which is extremely rare nowadays)
  12. A friend of mine, a die-hard Captain fan, has the Revenant set, but he's not very enthusiastic about it; in his opinion it doesn't do the Captain justice.
  13. Have you ever tried Trout Mask Replica, the Captain's masterpiece? Slightly off topic: I'm still looking for Lick My Decals Off, preferably the Japanese reissue (no CDR) - yeah, I know, pricey, hard to get, etc.
  14. This box is absolutely essential. Get it before it's too late.
  15. According to the Financial Times, Vivendi won't sell Universal: http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?p...p=1012571727092
  16. If you're in the Central European Time zone: - click on "my controls"; - click on "board settings"; - go to "time zone": - choose "GMT + 1"; - tick "daylight savings time" box, and you get the right time, which at the moment is GMT + 2. P.S. What is known as "summer time" in Europe, is called "daylight savings time" in the U.S.
  17. Did the master get lost?
  18. It's probably just a ploy to drive up the price.
  19. This store doesn't ship overseas, as I found out when I tried to order a few items a while ago... An American friend helped me out, though
  20. Kevin, Which board do you mean with "JC"? That would be "Jazz Corner": http://jazzcornertalk.com/speakeasy/index.php
  21. ...And as I posted over on the AAJ board, I agree with Kevin. If I'd known it's an auction, I would have ignored this thread.
  22. Unfortunately, half.com don't ship overseas.
  23. Another sad loss He died just 6 days before his 79th birthday... (he was born on April 26, 1924)
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