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Everything posted by tranemonk

  1. I did originally mean to put female vocalists but I forgot. These responses are interesting in that... a) Billie is up there for a lot of people, b) Ella is not and c) very few contemporary singers... I do like Karrin Allyson a lot (and Tierney Sutton). I'm also surprised that one of my other faves Abbey Lincoln hasn't come up yet.. BTW... For those of you who have some pull over at Mosaic... can you PLEASE get them to do my Betty Carter Select???
  2. Damn I knew I forgot someone... Gotta put Betty into the third place tie, perhaps along with Shirley Horn...
  3. okay I'm sure this has been brought up before... but I feel like it anyway.... So what are your three all-time fave female vocalists in order of preference? For Moi... 1) Billie H. 2) Anita O'Day (close second) 3) Tie - Karrin Allyson & Cassandra Wilson... Sorry but no matter how hard I try I can't just dig Sarah Vaughn or Ella... (I like them both but not in the top three...) Okay humor me..
  4. I didn't need to get the deluxe. I just got the USB drive and there are no repeats on that.
  5. I'd have to look at the tracks on the 2-cd set but my understanding is that the USB tracks are all IN ADDITION to... (e.g., unreleased on the CD). I'm pretty sure that it's an additional 5+ hours of music. The deluxe edition only adds a poster if you have the CDs. Does that answer your question?
  6. Okay... just finished listening to the full 5+ hours. Overal I would say it was excellent! Thirty-four (34) tracks, not a lot of repeated songs. Actually there are no repeats. Sound quality is excellent. The ONLY downsides for me is that Gayle Moran Corea is on three tracks singing. (: I just DO NOT like her voice. They also could have created a digital booklet (minor point). Although it's a bit pricey I'm glad I have it!
  7. Not to my knowledge. It does have both Flac and MP3s. I just copied them to Itunes as well as burning it to a DVD. I know it's a bit pricey but I'm really enjoying it.
  8. I caught this over at Chick's website... I purchased the USB stick. I've gotten about halfway through and it's fantastic! So far all acoustic stuff. (My strong preference.... ) Also some tunes I rarely have ever heard Chick play... A little Stevie Wonder (Overjoyed), Monk... Really really nice... An excellent find for Moi... http://www.ccwforever.com/
  9. Just ordered the Don Pullen box this AM... Great price over at grooves.inc. $32 US incl. free shipping for 7CDs... I'll probably get the WSQ box at some point...
  10. Most acts play about 50-55 minute sets these days. Like in the case of Ornette, Sonny, usually the last performer of the weekend (Tony Bennett in another case) gets longer. Maybe an hour and a half...
  11. From the link above as I read it. it's still unclear as to whether or not it was suicide... Am I wrong about that? Damn it's sad to think that the person who used his stage to deliver such a message took his own life. RIP.
  12. That's horrible... I grew up on that show... Damn.... RIP Don.
  13. I put in a bid on that one.. Been looking for it for a while. Glad that I scored it when it was still available. Will have to listen again, soon! (I loves me some Konitz!) Glad that I have the Dickerson and the Konitz, among others. Nice series!
  14. Tierney Sutton... up here in Boston @ Scullers... If you haven't heard her new record American Road... it is excellent... Her best to date.
  15. After my first listen I'm lukewarm. I've got a lot of Brubeck but this one didn't do much for me. How is this one?
  16. I'm up for 3 out of the 4... Not much of a Guiffre fan.... I wonder when we'll get a US distributor? For some reason it seems to take months for a US distributor to get these releases.....
  17. I generally concur... He's got a new CD out on the Smallslive label... Good one! when i lived in nyc he was very open to giving lessons. he had a regular gig at Smoke and you could just walk up and ask him. he is, of course, very busy, but he seemed like a very personable fellow. you should ask him for lessons. my opinion: he's one of the best jazz guitar players alive. he's not necessarily an innovative game-changer on his instrument like, say, frisell, davis, metheny, hendrix, tyner, etc... but for straight-ahead jazz blues, in the pocket standards, "tasty" interpretations of great tunes, he's basically 2nd to none in my mind. amazing player w/ a BEAUTIFUL tone.
  18. What Dave Douglas cd are you talking about when you say "Three Visions"? I'm a big DD fan and don't recall that title.
  19. My dominant problem with Safari is it's lack of customization, specifically that you can't change the overall theme. I used to use Firefox a lot since there are so many themes and extensions but it's a memory hog. I've lately been using Chrome mostly...
  20. Had a little extra cash this week so I grabbed the Stan Getz... I still think their pricing is a little high though..
  21. His new record is outstanding...! I just found out he's coming to Cambridge in late Jan. I'm going to try to go. It's been at least 10 years since I've seen him!
  22. I prefer the Live Roulette sessions myself. Something about that band... And I concur that the sound quality is excellent. I have the Verve sessions which I'm a little lukewarm on. Didn't get the Studio Roulette sessions due to my not being familiar with Mosaic at that time... I wish I had....
  23. I know it kinda sucks but I'm inclined to get for two reasons. A) I like Jim Hall and b) Their packaging is okay. I paid $40 for Maria Schneider's last release and it was worth it. I have to go back and listen to the individual CD I have to make a definitive decision. For some reason, Artist Share finds it necessary to sell the unreleased material at a clip of $25/cd, though.
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