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Everything posted by tranemonk

  1. Hi.. I had this box a long time ago and sold it. I thought I had digitized it before I sold it but I was apparently wrong. I'm considering buying the set again... Anybody got a GOOD copy for sale? thanks.
  2. Just got my shipping email...Hopefully the set will show up tomorrow or Sat.... Do we know what shipping company they are using these days?
  3. I call them and ask them to charge my card immediately for exactly that reason... They always do it.
  4. I totally agree. The thing that's really messed up is that SHE doesn't see it as a problem. She must have some kind of psychological disorder. I hope the kid ends up okay...
  5. After the Hawk delays - I'm used to it. I've got quite a lot of stuff in the listening queue anyway... even the MJQ set... Scott Wenzel told me the Webb/Fitzgerald won't be released until late 2012.
  6. Nice... I had no idea that only 2 of those sessions ever appeared on CD.. (from what I can tell reading the liner notes)... Excellent! Looking forward to it. and for those of you like me who like to pre-order stuff ( Mosaic is taking phone orders on the Chick Webb...
  7. They didn't give me a visual. I'm thinking more like these god-awful Hip-o-Select boxes (the packaging and price which I can't stand). Bound as in like the original Miles Columbia sets? If so, that should give many people plenty more to whine about.
  8. I don't think that's the reason. I got an email from them yesterday. They said it was because they were changing the packaging to make it a bound box with cd sleeves. That's the reason for the production delay. I did listen to one of the new tracks which sounds fantastic. I just hope the CD's run 70-80 minutes each not 40-50 like the original cd.
  9. thanks for the heads up! This is a very good video of the release... I'm really looking forward to it... Might have to play some Bill this afternoon.... http://www.youtube.c...h?v=innDU9rCf0Y
  10. I have the CD. I liked it a lot. Nice to hear Anita from that era.
  11. You raise good points JS... But my concern for example is Maria Schneider's latest. You can pay $20 for the CD and then the next price point is $350.00 To me that's ridiculous! I love her stuff, have all of her CD's but there's no way I would or could give her $350. Previously for other projects she had other pricing options (e.g., $40, etc.). I'm happy to support the concept. I've probably bought over a 15 CDs from artistshare BUT they have got to have more intermediate (modest) funding options. Like Virginia Mayhew (renmarecordings.com) did the same thing (along with other artists who use kickstarter). I gave her $50 since I love her stuff. I got listed on the CD which was great. The max I would give for almost any artist would be $100. Jim Hall's $75 was a stretch and I only did that cause I have the original CD. I'm totally into supporting the artists directly. I just think (given this economy especially) it's not fair to those of us who don't have $350 to limit our participation to two options.
  12. I did cave in on the $75. I was in a spend happy mood then... You are right though... Their price scheme has gotten too high. I will be buying very few new releases from them in the future. I'll get the new Maria Schneider but that's probably it for a long time.
  13. thanks for the heads up.... You might want to share this with Laurie Pepper...
  14. They're coming back to Boston in June again... This time I hope to get there.
  15. No clue... Started going to gigs in the late 1980s.. and went to a LOT more when I was single and not a parent.... If I had to guess... two to three hundred.... These days maybe I get to go to 6-10 a year... Maybe...
  16. I just ordered the World Saxophone Quartet set and last week the Don Pullen... I know these just got announced and came out but does anyone have any idea as to what the next set might be???? Which artists are left who had a lot of BS/SN recordings? Thanks.
  17. of course I voted for the 6cd set!
  18. Thanks Sue... Please do work with Mosaic to get this out in a boxed set... The liner notes would probably be a hoot...
  19. A 60 minute Bill Evans set is on sale today for $5...
  20. Yea my sister got her one after the last fall. It sucks that we all have this problem and there's no easy fixes. She needs a medical alert device and plan. My mother has one, and before she had full time aides she was rescued at least three times after falls--the company gets the notification and they send out local emergency services. There are a number of providers. I think my mother might have this one: http://www1.lifestation.com/
  21. I've got a similar case. My 80 year old mother lives at home (next door to her sister). She can barely take care of herself and I'm 300 miles away. One time she fell in the bathroom and laid there all night until her sister found her the next day. I think in your case, getting your dad good physical care is important... Try and find some solace in that he is probably (hopefully) being well cared for. Sorry for you and him.
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