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Everything posted by tranemonk

  1. Impressive Allen... I'll have to go back to the soundcloud page. Got a link? Looking forward to it. Congratulations.
  2. Amen brother... Well said. Although I never got to see the classic quartet.. I did see Brubeck probably 5-10 times and loved each one. Bobby Militello can play...RIP Dave.... you are already missed.
  3. Yea I'm not to fond of the new version either... Other than the playlist feature, it's really hard trying to find what I just played..
  4. Oh... okay the way the OP wrote it, it sounded like it was a legit release... Posting links to bootlegs is still against forum rules.
  5. I'd have to agree on that. But I was more impressed with the live Boxed set... It was quite a wait but definitely worth it to me. Don't know when I'm going to find the time to read the liner notes though... Yes, Live at Birdland. Thanks. Anyone with an opinion as to how good this recording is? I have it and gave it a somewhat inattentive listen during my commute last week. I enjoyed it enough to want to return to it under better circumstances.
  6. I'm really hoping it's not too bad... Connecticut got it rough...
  7. Wow... Keep us posted... I hope this guy is legit.
  8. I have to agree. Very nice packaging. Hope to listen to the cds later this week.
  9. I hope you have a great day David. Loved the Cookers here in Boston a few months ago. What's next for you and/the band?
  10. Hey Jim... Hate to ask this but for those of who did the boxed set option... any chance we can get a slipcase cover for all 5 or something? thanks and congratulations again.
  11. Congratulations. Looking forward to the CDs.
  12. Itunes jazz library backed up... probably about 800GB 320bit MP3s.
  13. where did you order? I can't find any online store?
  14. Wow...I hope you reach it.. If you don't, is there a way of getting the other cds? (I did the $50 box set deal.)
  15. Just took advantage of it.. You've got $50 from me Jim...
  16. I would concur on this one. It's a shame too since so many of her records are great... Very hard to get... Did you ge the two CD Let Freedom Swing set that came out a year or two ago?
  17. Have you guys been following the new documentary about him? I gave them a few bucks last month... I'm really looking forward to this and the Mosaic! http://savoyking.com/
  18. really good stuff Allen.... Looking forward to ordering...
  19. I hope not as I just cancelled my membership there due to their new policies.
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