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Everything posted by tranemonk

  1. This looks promising. Thanks for the Amazon.co.uk description. I hope the sound is halfway good.
  2. Anybody got any info... I've got a few of these Acrobat recordings but I can't remember if it's one of the labels that just uses the EU PD stuff which (I think) doesn't pay royalties to the estate... Is that right? Anybody know anything about the release? http://www.amazon.com/Rare-Live-Recordings-1952-53/dp/B00BKUO1OK/ref=sr_1_19?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1362486299&sr=1-19
  3. I've been loving and appreciating Chick's recent output. I give him credit for being 70 and consistently trying new bands and new concepts. I don't think they all work. I really have loved the RTF live stuff, the Bill Evans stuff and the Continents CD. Hot House and the Bollani didn't work for me. I caught him live doing the Hot House record with Gary Burton and it just didn't work...
  4. I was looking for a unopened copy of this for years when I finally got one on Amazon. Think I paid $150 or something. Great music,.
  5. I don't think there is but it is a nice bound package.
  6. Just came in the mail today. Looking forward to it!
  7. Yea I saw that.... Not too sure about the band..
  8. I caught a YouTube clip and was VERY impressed. Got their CD and going to see them here in Boston in a month! Looking forward to it. Nice new change of pace.
  9. Thanks Steve. The minute you posted it to Facebook I went over to the site and contributed to the project. I can't remember if I went there but it was an important part of Boston jazz history. When did it go out of the of jazz biz? I really hope people contribute as it seems to be off to a slow start.
  10. Just listening right now to the "Transition Sessions!" RIP Mr. Byrd.
  11. I love Lee. I have all his records. Even the (Correct BN) version of Live at the Lighthouse shows a serious difference than the Jazz Messengers Lee. I thought he was an outstanding trumpeter and a very good composer. His big band record is pretty good too.
  12. Just saw this and am going to contribute. Funny I don't know much about him. What do you guys think? Jim this is your area.. How good was he? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/182501700/johnny-hammond-smith-his-time-is-now?ref=category
  13. Hey Jim... I ordered the box set through the Kickstarter project.. Do you have an idea when I should receive them?
  14. What do you guys know about this??? http://www.storyvillerecords.com/news/upcoming-release-19122012 thanks.
  15. Good luck and let us know what happens. I'd be very surprised if they didn't send you a replacement!
  16. I would assume they are working on it now. Usually I think it comes out during the summer. I hope there's going to be another one.
  17. Okay those responses are helpful. Hopefully they'll arrive in the next week or two... Glad to hear you guys are enjoying the sets!
  18. Where did you order them from? I still haven't gotten mine and I've emailed them with no response so far
  19. I've never gotten or really liked Wayne Shorter. I might grab this one as I understand it's a live cd.
  20. You know I ordered both sets from their website (during a holiday promotion) but it still hasn't arrived. That was at least 2 weeks ago. Usually by that time frame I've got my overseas packages. Given the holidays I'm hoping it will come within the week.
  21. Ryan Truesdell's Gil Evans Centennial @ Newport Pat Metheny Unity Band - Berklee Performance Center Pat Martino - Birdland Looking forward to Branford Marsalis Feb @ Scullers, SF Jazz Collective @ Berklee March
  22. I'm intrigued. Not a big Tarantino fan but I'll probably go... maybe this weekend.
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