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Everything posted by tranemonk

  1. So to on the UK site. .for a ridiculous $28 US... I ordered 2 copies before they change the price... Grab it now! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00HSCDX70/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE
  2. You got my preorder a while ago, right Allen? Congratulations. Must be quite a relief. Looking forward to it,
  3. thanks... Looking forward to it...
  4. I would agree with you on that.. but I was NEVER bored looking at Amy Adams... Jennifer Lawrence was better than I expected
  5. American Hustle was very entertaining. Amy Adams was awesome.. and quite attractive. Wolf does not look that appealing. Let us know what you think if you go.
  6. Just sent the cash to you Allen. Congratulations. Looking forward to hearing the new record.
  7. Short answer.. I had the same choice and went with the implant 5-7 years ago. Have not had a single problem with that tooth. Very glad I did it.
  8. Temporarily deactivating my account. If anyone needs to reach me, please email @ mosaicfan@comcast.net. Thanks.. I'll probably be back

  9. You have got to be kidding... Beltran..

  10. I downloaded and installed it immediately as soon as it was available. It is much better. Adds battery life. Safari and Google Chrome are faster.. It's a really good improvement!
  11. Thanks.. I'll check mine when I get home... Good to know
  12. Ordered... I could probably do without the Pharaoh Sanders set.. but I'm willing to give this one a try....
  13. think I might be taking a pass on this one...
  14. thanks for that track list... It woud be helpful if THEY told us what was previously unreleased as opposed to us having to figure out...
  15. Looks very interesting. I wonder how much of this stuff has been released before. ..I would HOPE that most of it hasn't...
  16. Anybody got any background info on this???? http://www.importcds.com/music/2671828/verve-singles-box thanks...
  17. I was wondering what the heck happened.. I almost panicked... Sending some cash via paypal shortly... Thanks
  18. Looking forward to getting a copy. Alan do you know when you're going to start taking orders?
  19. I love Michel. I've seen him 6-10 times. Tremendous passion, technique, very appreciative to the audience. Highly recommended.
  20. Knowing the tastes on this board... can't believe there's not more interest.....
  21. Another benefit after listening to the video is that the contributions seems to be tax-deductible... I might have to up my contribution.. I wonder how they're going to fund the remaining box sets? Any body got any more info on the concerts that are probably in their archive?
  22. I looked closer at their website and their tentative plan is to release 2 box sets annually starting this summer.... I'll admit based on the roster there's not a ton I'm hip to but I'm inclined to join in at the $50 level for the first box set....
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