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Everything posted by dukesantos

  1. If you like the Goodman small group recordings you might pick up their 1963 reunion album called: "Together Again!", which has wonderful sound compared to their earlier recordings. For more Lester Young try: "Pres and Teddy", and "Lester Young with the Oscar Peterson Trio". Both albums are from the 50's and comparable to the Alladin recordings (however it should be said that some people really hate the late period playing of Young, but I'm not one of them). If you like those check out the five volumns of "Lester Young in Washington D.C., 1956". And if you don't mind scratchy recordings try "Lester Young Trio" (with Nat "King" Cole and Buddy Rich. Recorded in 1948). For Roland Kirk "We Free Kings", "Rip, Rig, & Panic", and "Inflated Tear" are my favorites. cheers
  2. Lot's of nice picks, and I have to agree that it has been a pretty strong year so far (and hopefully it'll get even better with the new McBride album, and the one I'm really looking forward to: "Stolas", the Masada + Lovano album ). Speaking of Joe Lovano his new album "Folk Art" is starting to grow on me, I'll second Fly's "Sky & Country, and Rava's "New York Days", "Watts" (though one track walks down a trail Jason Moran already blazed- to put it nicely), and (one that perhaps not many will agree with me on) "Radiolarians II", which IMO is MM&W's best since "Tonic". cheers and keep'em coming!
  3. It's available for download on amazon (my mistake it's not available for download, just the snippets). I've listened to the snippets and it kind of reminds me of McCoy Tyner for some reason.
  4. Has anybody given McBride's new release 'Kind of Brown' (I'm guessing brown as in Ray Brown, and not brown as in a bit shitty) a listen? Is it great, good, so-so, or a mind-numbing failure? cheers and thanks for any opinions.
  5. My own laziness prevented me from spelling out "Slice of the Top".
  6. When you spend thousands of dollars on the music (yes because you're interested in it, to say the least) and you live on a teacher's salary you tend to think about money now and then. I'm sure in the fantastic ivory towers where you live they hand out music for free but where I live you have to pay high prices for music that isn't readily available. But by all means Chairman Mao continue to enlighten us on our great ignorance in terms of commerce and music. DS, you seem like a good guy and I hope you stick around. Chuck can can be a crusty MF sometimes, but know that he loves the music and has devoted much of his life to making available music that might not have otherwise seen the light of day. Everything he says is coming from the heart, so don't take offense. Just my two cents. BTW, have you met clementine yet? Good to know, thanks.
  7. You can always just buy the Connisseurs and then not bother with the RVG versions when they come out. (OK, I should admit that often enough I break this rule myself.) The problem with that reasoning is that I'm unable to go back in time to 1995 or whenever the last time SOTT or Medina were issued, believe me I wish I had bought them then, but I was only 16 or 17 years old, and my priorities were in different places. If they released either one tomorrow as a Connisseur I would buy it in a heart beat. I'm not brand loyal to RVG or anything.
  8. When you spend thousands of dollars on the music (yes because you're interested in it, to say the least) and you live on a teacher's salary you tend to think about money now and then. I'm sure in the fantastic ivory towers where you live they hand out music for free but where I live you have to pay high prices for music that isn't readily available. But by all means Chairman Mao continue to enlighten us on our great ignorance in terms of commerce and music.
  9. Could anyone tell me a bit about the Lou Donaldson album? I really love "Blues Walk" however some of his out right soul-jazz offerings leave me a bit cold due to their "sameness" (alligator boogaloo, midnight creeper, though I did think natural soul was a bit better). I've passed on the most recent RVG of his as well as others like lightfoot. I suppose I'm asking if the newest offering would have a chance to change my opinion of Donaldson, or atleast be on par with his playing on "Blues Walk", rather than just being more of the same. Thanks for any opinions.
  10. Yes, some of her watercolours were on ebay shortly after she passed away, I recall. 'Seamstress' was my recollection of her occupation in later years but I may be wrong. In any case, a sad waste after making that move to N. America but maybe that was he preferred occupation after some time in the NYC clubs, who knows. Seamstress it is. My mental file on Jutta Hipp needs some updating, however I am interested in knowing if anyone knows anything about the Lee Konitz angle.
  11. A quick word on the Jutta Hipp album in case anyone is interested; eventhough the cover says Jutta Hipp the dominate voice on this album is Zoot Sims, and he is in great form. So if you're a fan of Zoot I'd really urge you to check out the album. This isn't to say that Jutta Hipp isn't any good, in fact she presents an interesting contrast to other Blue Note pianists of the period. Apparently the knock on her, at the time, was that she was a Horace Silver copy-cat, which kind of blows my mind as I can't hear the slightest similarity. Of further note is that she dropped off the music scene and apparently was living in relative poverty, alone, and doing menial work (a laundress I believe), until Lee Konitz got in touch with her and got her some long overdue royalties. Atleast that's the story I heard.
  12. thanks and cheers.
  13. IMHO "Shades of Redd" is Freddie Redd's masterpiece, even better than the excellent "Music from the Connection", and certainly better than "Redd's Blues". Actually it's one of my favorites of the more obscure BN's (along with the J.R. Monterose album, "Happy Frame of Mind" by Horace Parlan, Booker Ervin's "The In Between", "Puttin' it Together" by Elvin Jones, and "Basra" by Pete LaRoca- just so you get an idea of my tastes). My only criticism (I own the Toshiba edition) is that Tina Brooks is too far back in the mix. Nevertheless this is a great, great album and the song "Thespian" is a wonder unto itself. I highly recommend it. I'm also happy to see another Bobby Hutcherson album RVG'ed. Actually I'm happy to hear that anything is being released as I read an article that in passing mentioned that the RVG's were no more. I say keep'em coming.
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