McLaughlin seemed to have various groups around that time.
I saw him about a month before that Yale gig and Carlos Santana and Larry Young were in the band.
They've been around for about 30 years. Started by an aerospace engineer into classic rock.
That release is on Spotify if anyone cares to listen.
Excellent time to see them live!
Eight Clams Control This Polish City’s Water Supply
(probaby one of the most bizarre short films I can remember - and I've seen some really cRaZy artfilms).
I hope I didn't deflate things. There have been about 6 to 8 other times that I thought about identifying complete BFTs (the one just before this being one of them), but I've kinda resisted. Hmmm... There probably isn't an easy way of approaching this that's coming to my mind now...
Ab Baars clarinet, tenor saxophone
Michael Moore clarinets, alto saxophone
Tobias Delius clarinet, tenor saxophone
Joost Buis trombone
Thomas Heberer trumpet
Mary Oliver violin, viola
Ernst Glerum bass
Guus Janssen piano
Han Bennink drums