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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. 'KCR is having a bit of a time with some scratchy records - gotta move that needle over... Still, it's good to hear real LPs for a change - scratches and all! (Just pretend you're listening next to a cozy, crackling fire...) --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  2. Same here. I'd have to say that it was my mother who introduced me to JS. Couldn't help it really! Kinda born into it really: Smith, Ammons, Adderley, Jamal... so many others were constantly playing in the house, so I couldn't get away from it even if I wanted to! --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  3. most users @ 92 --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  4. Anyone here actually shake hands with him? What was it like? (uh,duh... - but you know what I mean...) Man! He's got hands like Wilt Chamberlin! --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  5. the DEEP soul of the BNs! (of course, the Verves are no slouch either) --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  6. Thanks for the notice and link. Listening now... Rod --- Now playing: WKCR - Columbia University
  7. What a shame...another great one leaves us. Who's to take his place?
  8. Thanks! There are some websites out there devoted to Holga photography. It has an indescribable dream-like quality to it's pictures. I don't keep film in it anymore - just bring it out for special "art" projects. rod --- Now playing: Shoji Hano/Werner Lüdi/Peter Brötzmann - Dedicated To
  9. Thanks Jazzshrink! Always good to find a deal on these! rod --- Now playing: Utah Kawasaki - Socket
  10. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/3021969 Feb. 3, 2005, 11:41AM Wife accused of giving man lethal sherry enema By RICHARD STEWART Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle LAKE JACKSON - Investigators say a Lake Jackson woman caused her husband's death by giving him a sherry enema, leading to alcohol poisoning. The enema caused his blood alcohol level to soar to 0.47 percent * almost six times the legal intoxication limit, a toxicology report showed. Tammy Jean Warner, 42, was indicted on a charge of negligent homicide. She is also charged with burning the will of her husband, Michael Warner, a month before his death on May 21. Michael Warner, a 58-year-old machine shop owner, had a long history of alcoholism, but couldn't ingest alcohol by mouth because of painful medical problems with his throat, said Lake Jackson police detective Robert Turner. The enema was a way he could become intoxicated without drinking alcohol, Turner said. "I heard of this kind of thing in mortuary school in 1970, but this is the first time I've ever heard of someone actually doing it," Turner said. Turner said police think Warner gave her husband at least two large bottles of sherry, which is stronger than wine, in the enema. "We're not talking about little bottles here," Turner said, "These were at least 1.5 liter bottles." Turner said police don't know if the victim had ever become intoxicated in that manner before the lethal incident. Tammy Warner told police that she found her husband dead in their bed. Turner said she admitted giving him the sherry enema, but not to causing his death. "A person drinking alcohol will usually pass out before getting a lethal dose," Turner said. "But if you're getting it through an enema, you can pass out and still be ingesting more alcohol." Tammy Warner surrendered to Lake Jackson police Monday and was released on $30,000 bond. She could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Neither Turner nor Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne would comment on the charge related to the will. The indictment said providing him with alcohol and destroying the will constituted a "criminal episode." Although Michael Warner may have agreed initially to the enema as a way to become intoxicated, Yenne said, "he was not a willing participant in something that would cause his death." "He knew that it was very dangerous for him to have any form of alcohol and she knew it was very dangerous for him to have alcohol," Yenne said. The couple's neighbors said they were surprised Wednesday to learn of the indictment. John Criswell, 24, said the widow had mostly been away from the modest brown frame house at the end of the street since her husband died. "She said she was scared to stay there by herself alone," Criswell said. "She said she'd been having trouble with his family." The couple had been married about two years, police said. "She asked me to keep an eye on the place," Criswell said. He said he last saw her about three weeks ago.
  11. I have a question about this picture linked below. This picture appears to have Ayler, Roswell Rudd and Lewis Worrell, a.o. We know of Harold Budd as a pianist, but I've understood that he played drums with Ayler in an Army band. So, is that him on drums are was there more than one Army band that Ayler played in? Budd? thanks, rod
  12. rostasi

    Lou Blackburn

    Lou Blackburn rod --- Now playing: Michaela Melián - Baden-Baden
  13. Curious what good it does. To locate a recent star's appearance maybe? Google Video Rod
  14. Sorry, if this has been mentioned already. Very excited about this recording (especially the new version recording of the New Africa Suite). Apparently newly recorded last year. I believe that it's coming out tomorrow. AMG review: Trombonist Grachan Moncur III, who was a member of the Jazztet in the early 1960s, gained his greatest fame for his two Blue Note albums (Evolution and Some Other Stuff) which were quite adventurous. He also worked with Archie Shepp, became involved in free jazz and spent much of the 1970s and '80s as a music educator. Dental problems resulted in Moncur only playing once in a great while in the 1990s. He had been in obscurity for quite awhile when he was contacted by arranger Mark Masters for the Exploration project. Fortunately Moncur's playing proved to still be in his prime. Masters wrote sympathetic charts for many of the trombonist's finest pieces, utilizing an all-star nonet that could really dig into the inside/outside music. "Excursion," a very coherent three-minute free improvisation, is a change-of-pace and precedes the closing blues "Sonny's Back," a 1962 piece originally played by the Jazztet. This CD overall is very rewarding, a dream project for those who have long admired the underrated Grachan Moncur. The musicians have their solos, there are both written and improvised ensembles and Moncur plays wonderfully throughout. This set, which sums up Grachan Moncur's career definitively, is a gem. Rod
  15. About 5 minutes ago Terri showed up and took everything with her(somehow) and left.
  16. Again, I'm so embarrassed by this. I usually check snopes but it's always been for text things - never pictures and I'm usually pretty cynical about these types of things. I don't know which I'm more: embarrassed or angry! So, please accept my sincerest apologies. best to all, Rod --- Now playing: Byron Allen Trio - Time Is Past
  17. I'm hoping that this is legit, but the story is (short): At a restaurant where I meet with friends for lunch, there's a guy who's a regular there on Saturdays. He emailed me this picture. Apparently, a co-worker of his wife has a friend doing missionary work in Indonesia. This picture was taken by her. (Yup, it's a bit down the line...) Anyway, I'm believing it's real. Thought it was pretty incredible, so I'm sharing... here
  18. Anyone heard the new CD on High Note? Released yesterday, I think. --- Now playing: Wadada Leo Smith - Kangaroo's Hollow
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