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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. Not affliated with the iPod, but if you have a good home system that is not connected to your computer, and you want to play your tunes (special playlists for parties or Sunday relaxing, for instance) from your computer to your home system: Roku Soundbridge
  2. testicle removal
  3. Yup and they are much better than that watered down East side Blues.
  4. rostasi


    ...just beggin' to be made into a "groove" smiley...
  5. rostasi


    jeez, how 'bout James Brown. yeah, that funky stuff jus goes on forever!
  6. Here's an audio link: Petra
  7. Maybe it's due to being up working until 4 AM last night, but I getting confused a lot tonight OK, so you want some general tips? Growing up doing just what you're doing - one or two (or more, maybe) things I'd recommend: I had 4 really great part-time teachers who all emphasized the habit of learning to play slowly without rushing the tempo. Sounds odd, especially when you're in your impatient teens and dealing with an instrument known for fast playing solos, but please consider this. Also, wear headphones and listen to as much variety of music that you can get your paradiddling hands on and play along - you don't have to match exactly what's being played on the recording - you're not trying to outdrum the drummer. While playing in this fashion, tho, I'd recommend that your mindset drifts every few minutes from yourself as the sole drummer in the group to yourself as a second drummer in the group. Do this back and forth and you will learn how to compliment other rhythms - not just the other drummer, but whatever the bass player or, for example, the organist's left hand (or feet, for that matter), is doing. Also: during your practice sessions when there is NO music and you are just trying to get all of your limbs to work together rhythmically? - don't always work all 4 limbs at the same time trying to work out the rhythms - you just may get frustrated - better to use combinations of "twos" - left hand bounces against easy bass drum patterns, then, do it the other way around: multiple bass drum patterns with easy left hand fills... but remember to practice ALL combinations of your 4 limbs, but only two at a time, so as to really learn the limb relationships. You'd be surprised by what you can accomplish. Lastly, but not finally, whether you're playing latin or afro-cuban or reggae or whatever, don't ever be afraid to try those very same rhythms using sticks other than your standard jazz 7A's...and I don't mean JUST cranking out those rock 5A's instead - or even those marching band 3As - I'm talkin' 'bout brushes, vibraphone mallets, timpani mallets, and just about anything else that you can safely use on your drumheads. As you get older, I hope you become more creative with what you use and can safely manipulate on the drumheads. Of course, I'm just giving you a part of what I've learned - and my interests and desires are probably not even close to what you're wanting out of drumming. I mean, whipping my drums with chains became a glorious (and sometimes too frequent) delight after hearing Jacques Thollot do the same and the two most influential drummers for me (besides Steve McCall, and Denis Charles) were Han Bennink, and Barry Altschul, so that may give you an idea of which direction I'm coming from here. So, I don't know if this overly-long answer actually helped, but you have a long future ahead of you and remember to never think that you've learned it all!
  8. In my days of collecting African percussion, I used to play 3 different sized thumb pianos: bass, tenor and alto. If you decide to buy one, make sure that you have some finger holes on the bottom to aid in it's resonance and, also, to add the occasional tremolo effect. I used to think that they all had these holes, but the cheap gift store kinds often don't and you could very well consider yourself ripped-off.
  9. Good to hear this - I like the Shakti recordings too, but they're another kettle of kheer. (...Ok, now where's that copy of My Goals Beyond...)
  10. I enjoy it, it's consistently engaging IMHO. With the wide variety of personnel it's a bit of an *all-star* event, which sometimes can cause it to lack specific focus. This one goes in a lot of different directions, and in this case I think it works well. Ohhh, I like the variety of instrumentation! I'm gonna have to get some sample excerpts and listen. Thanks Paul!
  11. I don't think that I've ever been able to do "magic eye." One eye is slightly nearsighted and the other slightly farsighted and my brain is always compensating, so that my vision is good, but often can't see "tricks." Is the album any good tho?
  12. Kinda got a Bridgit Riley thing goin' on there really: I noticed that someone on eBay sold that LP for over $300
  13. Each day around here is pretty much like any other, but this morning I'm starting off with:
  14. Al Jarreau Liza Minnelli James Taylor and... Ron Jeremy
  15. 24 hour rodcast of: Every year for the past 25 years I've played Roaratorio all day on St. Patrick's Day. I'll drink whatever's handy - from hot Chai tea to cold Cherry China Cola
  16. I noticed that he announced his retirement the next day after Bobby Fischer's birthday. Wonder who'll take on the new computers? Used to play chess in the 70's, but changed to "Go" afterwards.
  17. Great idea...as long as it's listened to for a short(ish) time. Can easily make connections that will stay afterwards... so that when you hear "that" solo again, you may make false connects. kinda weird feeling...of course, I'd be taking those solos to the vegamatic and completely renew the experience with something wholly unrecognizable.
  18. I rarely use the speakers in the main room of the house. Actually, I almost always have to use my computer speakers... because these Altec Lansings, possibly soon to be Adam monitors, are needed for audio work here in the studio. I'm practically glued to these - whether iTunes based sounds for broadcasting or MOTU based for creating they come across nice and clear as a bell. No iPod tho...
  19. Yeah, my dad thought the same about me...only, Minnesota was a stopping point before going on to "Lake of the Woods" in Kenora, Ontario. His poor "wayward" child of eastern religions needed a dose of hunting and fishing. ACK! --- Now playing: Ornette Coleman - Humpty Dumpty
  20. --- Now playing: Ornette Coleman - Free Jazz
  21. reading these lyrics with Soulstation's avatar present is the height of a surrealistic experience! rod --- Now rodcasting: Ornette Coleman - Abstraction
  22. You probably don't want to be watching this at work. No nudity, but the kid's got a mouth. Do you think it's funny...or, ultimately, sad. Does it make you feel: "Thank God, the kid's learning to be creative with stream-of-consciousness spoken word." or are you inclined to say: "What's the deal? Are his parents away?" Kid-MC (it's a .wmv file) Rod --- Now rodcasting: Ornette Coleman - Variants Of A Theme Of Thelonious Monk (Criss-Cross)
  23. This is an example of the groups that show up if you put in, for example, Ornette's name in the search box: Groups rod
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