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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. Jim Sangrey (in '76 at NTSU) Chuck Nessa (in '80 at Kinnara) John Thomas (in '92 at k29) Joe Milazzo (a few years ago at that bar near SMU) Al Rearick (last Wednesday at the Fallout Lounge) I'm trying to remember who all showed up at Jim's get together a coupla years ago... (god, I'm feeling old....)
  2. OK I'm sorry...
  3. Mine come whenever!
  4. Do they come in flashes Chuck?
  5. Candy! Favs?
  6. Hey! I hope I didn't p-off Jazz Kat by saying the "naive" word! I don't have kids (they're probably better off), so I don't know if that's a "no-no" word to a teenager. It wasn't with me - mine was "weird" - I hated it whenever my mother called me that! OK, Jim S...tell me. What would Charlie say if you called him "naive"?
  7. Yeah, that's worth placing in a sig file...
  8. Hey! Now that we're on a roll...can we get cheney the VP banned?
  9. oh, jazz kat - I think some of wish for those days...
  10. er..I'm sure it does...
  11. aaaaah, to be young and naive...
  12. Don't worry I won't...
  13. No Allen. I think you're thinking of the time he called Jimmy Lyons a Zionist (or was it that all Zionist were lions...hmmm...) oh, shucks...I think I'll go have a lie in...
  14. rostasi


    Thanks David. I know what you mean about late Trane and that's not really the kind of c.c. that I'm talking about. It's the kind that I'm sure that you've heard that often involves endless noodling - you know, very little substance which is far from late Trane. Thanks Louis and welcome to the Board! I'll check out the titles that you mentioned at the website.
  15. Probably because it's Philip Catherine's band, but are these pre "Pork Pie" recordings? It appears that it's post-Ponty, so somewhere inbetween?
  16. A very poignant observation no matter what side you're on. I agree with this. Ok, Berigan. I see where you're coming from now. (though I don't really totally agree with all of the statements made). Will you at least try to? Oh, yes! Of course! I'm nearly always trying to get at subjects from the "where did that idea come from?" angle. Unfortunately, I'm constantly inundated with statements that are - what we say here in Texas - "flat out" statements...statements based on ideas that are categories of thought rather than opinions/ideas that are reasonably thought out. ...Or, if you wish, comments that are meant to have some weight, but end up being a kind of "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" platitude that becomes pretty all-encompassing without really saying anything of substance at all. When I say that I don't agree totally with your statements, I'm referring to the line that equates most of Che's views with most of our's here and it simply isn't true. It's the all too typical activity of letting loose a convenient platitude if an idea is to the left of Genghis Khan. I couldn't really get a hold on Che's views about anything (especially the anti-Semitic ones that I never read), because most of them appeared to be highly ill-defined (which I don't believe that the majority of this board fits under - no matter what our political, musical, etc views are). What I mean is that I could never figure out where his light was shining from really: was he out to just get a rise...this weird seesaw of a ride between being "happy-happy joy-joy" one moment to getting weirdly defensive the next. This "can't wait to bait" attitude mixed with a strange bi-polar weirdness that made you wonder whether he really believed what he was saying. So what you do is just listen and observe until you become his target and try to, hopefully, deal with it as diplomatically as possible.
  17. I'd like to say that I didn't inhale... ...but I'd be lying...
  18. Well, I think what you see as "self righteously patronising" is what many of us probably see as commentary on bizarre behaviour. Also, I think there's a natural human desire to contrast and compare - not for self-aggrandisement, but rather, to try and understand what people are trying to achieve with such behaviour. The idea that guys like Aric and Che may not have learned from their continual banning from forums or their being shunned by their fellow human beings - that maybe their ideas need to be re-evaluated or presented in a less aggresive manner - is something that, I think, many of us here find a bit puzzling. After all, the guy just moves over to another forum and changes not one whit!
  19. Sounds like Wynton.
  20. A very poignant observation no matter what side you're on. I agree with this. Ok, Berigan. I see where you're coming from now. (though I don't really totally agree with all of the statements made).
  21. rostasi


    Aaaaah, OK. I was thinking that maybe he played with Pharoah live 'cause I didn't remember seeing his name on any of the LPs, but, OK, so Pharoah joins him on a few tunes... I've been a little wary of the...um...for lack of a better phrase..."cosmic consciousness" aspect - or what seems like c.c. I'll look for some mp3s to hear something more than the first LP. thanks David!
  22. rostasi


    Thanks Nate! I'll take a look. I'd still like to hear some comments from listeners and/or musicians.
  23. Ok, I'm up for that! I heard that in Tower and really liked what I heard, but not willing to pay $19 for it! I'll pick it up online and then we can continue... B-)
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