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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. I don't know how to follow that up Captain!
  2. To me, it's "We LOVE you. Give us more please!" (more porridge sir?) I can understand where you're coming from, but like the food analogy: yes, you will have people who will not appreciate fine food and eat all kinds of crap, but they're gonna do that anyway. No matter how hard someone tries to convince me of the luscious taste of some fast food item (this new omlette on a bun thing?), i'm not gonna eat it - much less buy it and it's people like ME that you want buying your "food" - If someone records my work in concert or performance space, I view it as a memento of my work that has yet to be released. If I thought that the performance sucked, then I get basically two kinds of reactions: 1) the person who has the performance on tape thought it was great (or they've convinced themselves of this) and they cherish it and they make sure that they experience it again, tell others, and come back to experience/meet me again...or... 2) they thought it sucked based on what they've already heard of mine and will not be bothered by it. Yes, the artist preens/edits carefully to get that "official" recording out, but the people who have the edits, outtakes, etc usually already have those recordings and are just wanting more of you! Man, I can't wait for QO to put these new tunes of yours on the next disc! ...and when QO is no more, then, live recordings - yes, maybe filled with "mistakes" - can be cherished as part of an era/event. A couple of weeks ago, I had a composer/artist in Germany contact me about incorporating a complete 20 minute work of mine into a work of his - talk about sampling! - I'm flattered! ...and I'm sorry, but I don't like the elitism of thinking that slipping artist-picked choices to an adoring public in piecemeal bits really teaches anything about appreciation of music. Networking does that...and in the old days it was done "mano a mano," but today networking is done digitally. Think of all of the people here who would never of heard of QO without digital networking (of digital media - by the way). "Bandied about" digital data has been an absolute Godsend to me and I have more work than I ever did sitting at my desk in a bedroom in Allen, Texas in the 70's pouring over copies of Arts Magazine and making lists of passed - not upcoming - passed events that I felt that I better get involved in "next year." People who don't know my work can get themselves an audio business card - wanna know what I do? - OK, here's my "card" i.e Mp3. ...and people who know my work and want more, I say let them have at it! I wanna know more about them then! People wanting "special" recordings spells L-O-V-E to me!
  3. yeah, my mom used to think (almost) the same way sometimes about Erroll Garner.
  4. Hey, Crusty man - I love ya, but you know where I'm at on this. Shutdown - heck, no surprise there in our modern world of consolidation for the rich! People that love the music will buy the CDs whenever the big corporate dudes decide they can rake in enuf cash and release the stuff. I'll let go of my rare Miles sides instantly as soon as Sony releases them and I think those who love the music will do so as well. Easytree was a gigantic living room filled with folks having a party with the music they brought with them - too damn bad that the host had a sucky CD collection. If I had a party and people wanted to bring stuff around to listen, then alright! Afterwards, I (i.e. the majors) would then learn that lots of folks like this stuff and I'd have it available for my next "party." Man, I'm flattered when people ask me to share tunes - mine or another's! Mine, 'cause they like what they've heard (and it gets me commissions) and "another's," because they appreciate my tastes and I'm able to share and hip them to something they may never have heard or always wanted but couldn't get. College Radio DJs who aren't as corporate hog-tied don't play the music because they're excited that the artist will get paid - they're playing it 'cause they like it and they hope you do too. Then you go out and buy it. Even as a composer, I've always liked the idea of having it all free for people - treat it just like an artwork and if you want the original from me, then you can buy it as an original. Yeah, you got a "Mona Lisa" in your living room right? Well, it's not the Mona Lisa. It should be done for audio as well.
  5. Oh, we're not white - we just checked our melanin with the coat check girl.
  6. Grey area? Man, that's for wusses and liberals! Dontcha know it's one or ta udder! or else you're a "flip-flopper" -
  7. Jeff, you know everything is black OR white dontcha?
  8. Wouldn't that eliminate 92.2% of this board?
  9. I think lawyers think that they're a god thing for business
  10. Actually, Guy, I thought you were gonna make us count them!
  11. [sorry...I like kitties.] That should last for a few days... get 'em while you can!
  12. Is this the DVR 108 Drive? I've been putting off upgrading until some compatibility issues are taken care of. Been a bit wary of something that actually burns an image into the disc, so I've been happily staying with the Epson R800.
  13. Nice screen, but didn't recognize the movie (Don't go to them, so I didn't know). The tech guy in me did notice that they were using that awful piece of crapola known as a "Terapin" to show that film. I'm surprised to see that they're still in business. What a piece of technological doo-doo. (OK, I'm done now...) Hey! When's the next gig? I'm ready!
  14. rostasi

    Herbie Hancock

    I doubt that it's Herbie - usually studio musicians who's, nearly, sole job was to create music for movie trailers...but YES! it would be nice to hear those original tapes!
  15. Received an email yesterday. It's on its way!
  16. I still think we're way ahead if you use the actual total post numbers. Last check, it's about 337,750
  17. Sign him up for copies of The Financial Times!
  18. Jeff? I'm speechless! Any other examples? Even slight ones that you noticed in hindsight?
  19. rostasi

    Herbie Hancock

    Came across this while assembling a new playlist: Spook Promo
  20. I'm guessing she knows as much about sexuality as she knows about the English language. Yeah, keep 'em away from that evil Herbie Hancock record!
  21. I wonder how easy your math courses were when you were a youngin'. MUCH harder in my day - based solely on dealings with slacker dudes (and dudettes) nowadays who can't figure out how to give the proper change after a purchase.
  22. Yeah, as long as he has lots of nice fruit trees!
  23. Actually, I don't think they got very far with it 'cause I can only remember a dozen or two out of whack. The truth finally comes out! Yes, it was definitely my collection, but the weird thing is that they've never been cataloged - even (especially?) today - always been a fan of randomness and chance operations. Of course, it causes problems if I actually have to hunt for something specific... Damn that Bowman!
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