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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. Yes, I completely know what you mean about Serner and his work and, yes, it's a bit difficult to find stuff in English. "Blago Bung Blago Bung Bosso Fataka!" being one of the books that features something to dive into. Plus, the "Last Loosening" controversy, etc... All I was saying before is that I think there's room for it all, so, yes I'd love to find more in English - my German isn't all that developed. Fluxus, for me, is quite the opposite of your position. It is everything but boring to me. Fluxus is glorious in it's humor and art/life inventiveness without ever taking itself too seriously. Boredom only sets in when seriousness abounds. Yes, there are some of the original Fluxus folks left - some of whom take themselves quite seriously, but there are still some nice folks like Ben Patterson, Ken Friedman, Alison Knowles, Nam June Paik, etc... Dick Higgins was also a wonderful fellow with an incredibly sharp mind. I've worked in Fluxus-based projects for many years now (beginning with Paik and Charlotte Moorman) and as well as mail-art events with a kind of Fluxus twist and the work is always a challenge in it's simplicity - no grand pronouncements - unless, of course, they're tongue-in-cheek. I've been a member of the online "Fluxlist" for, I think, about 8 years now. It's one of the few things that keeps me laughing in these dour times. In all creative endeavorers, there are some folks that are more or less original than others in their "field." Where does one place Jackson Mac Low? Was he just another Cage? If I'm forced to make a judgement, then I try to look at the overall mindset to see/hear what's going on and use that as the springboard for inner discussion. If boredom exists, then I find a way of using that boredom to create a glorious outcome. Now, if only I could find an English speaking forum for the Oulipo! Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look for some more English texts on Serner.
  2. It crossed my mind: "does having a record count?" blah, blah... but it didn't seem worth the effort..
  3. Al, it had that "out of Commision" earlier today, but the link that says 'Listen Here" worked for me. There are limited hours too. Always, up to the guy doing the personal broadcast. For me, last night, when there was nobody listening, I turned down the music to work on something and forgot to turn it back up (it was 3 AM...), and until about 10 when I got up, you couldn't hear anything I was playing, so these things happen (especially when you're dog tired).
  4. For the Webern SQs, I'd go with the Arditti on Disque Montaigne. Good price, great performance, nice guys. The complete Webern box is a nice thing to have, but I'm at odds recommending Boulez...try to get it cheap - I did. As for Berg, If you're looking for complete, try for the DG box - there are some nice reduced price basic boxes on a few composers and he is one of the composers. It's a bit heavy on vocal works tho... If you're leaning towards strings with Berg too, then you can either pick up the sexed-up DG cover with "To the Memory of an Angel" that's a beautiful version done by Anne-Sophie Mütter and you get the added bonus of a wonderful Wolfgang Rihm work, "Gesungene Zeit" that'd give you a nice intro to this modernist composer. or I take you back to Boulez again with the BBC and the LSO doing the Violin Concerto, Three Orch. Pieces and the Chamber Concerto. I would have you avoid the Kronos/Dawn Upshaw "Lyric Suite" - some people swear by both of them, but I think they have excellent PR.
  5. I boulez a few bucks on a few Boulez titles on sale at Tower. --- Now playing: Clyde McPhatter & The Drifters - Money Honey
  6. That's three of us that have tried that "joke" I think we better leave well enuf...
  7. - save it on your desktop. - if you have a website, then FTP it to that site and use the "IMG" button on the O-Board to post the pic. - if you don't have a website to upload it to, then save the image as an attachment and use the "choose file" button to post it (maximum size is 100k tho).
  8. Sounds great! Now I have some idea what my streams sound like at 128kbps too! Are you running this off of a desktop or a distant server? Keep it up and encourage others to create their own too! PS: are you running a playlist somewhere? (because I don't see one showing up in my iTunes).
  9. Their picture is just a little bit misleading - but only a bit. There are the three placard-like holders for the 12 CDs, but the other three in the picture without CDs are there to show you what they look like without the CDs. In other words: you don't get six placards inside the box. Very pretty design tho...
  10. Don't know what the Eagle offers, but the AA radio was actually pretty decent the last time I flew the 777. The jazz was actually jazz (and not Kenny G-ay ) --- Now playing: Tyrone Davis - Turn Back The Hands Of Time
  11. Thanks for this. My sweetheart will be coming in on AA this Saturday, so I'll have her grab a copy.
  12. Ahhhh - a fiesty flutterer of fluvial frivolity you are! I had the same reaction from an audience member after I gave a performance of "The First Celestial Adventure of Mr. Antipyrine, Fire Extinguisher." Yes, Tzara had "unoriginal," attributed to him, but this, I think, has always been a hysterical result of what could be called "head-guy combativeness" One person gets much more attention for his antics (one's own best press agent) and is then chastised by a few lesser well-knowns. It happened frequently inside major creative movements - "Maciunas stole his ideas from me!" (Fluxus), "Debord was not the real leader!" (Internationale Situationniste), "Queneau was a third-world!" (Oulipo N+7) "Duchamp had no original ideas!" (Modern Plumbing) So, I read and enjoy the antics that clearly went on without our presence with a wide grin oozing with the oatmeals of all of our current and future breakfasts. --- Now playing: Tony Allen & The Afro Messengers - Ariya
  13. Johnny, I've been thinking a bit about this statement of yours (in jest, I understand). Could you elaborate some on the latter part ("specific topic...can't take...")? I'm not sure if I understand this connection between popular activities and the possiblities of unreasonable thought. Sounds curious... --- Now playing: John Cage - One8
  14. Whole bunch of titles and a couple of boxsets from PN, but they're the modern classical titles. Does the Komeda box count?
  15. I've been on a record...and then after I got up I was pissed that I had to replace it.
  16. Yeah, well, I don't know... I don't want to be taken seriously - maybe sincerely, but not seriously. I just grew up completely differently than most people around me...and I'm usually suspicious of most forms of popular culture...nearly always need something new and refreshing (which can be the old too.)
  17. Thanks Jim! Hope you're enjoying! Really nice set! Happy with the recording quality so far.
  18. Same here with "Friends" and "Sex in..." but there's a lot of stuff like that for me. Never been in or had a McDonalds or Burger King or Starbucks...never seen the complete Wizard of Oz, etc.......... --- Now playing: The Vandermark 5 - Gyllene
  19. Nope, 'cause I could always hear this stuff - then and now - on the radio if I wanted. When it wasn't "Free Jazz" or some music from some other corner of the world, then the closest to pop would've been Krautrock - loved that stuff as a kid! All 5 of those pop LPs that Johnny mentioned, I've never heard either, but the others (except maybe Blue Rose) - you bet! --- Now playing: The Vandermark 5 - Rip Rig and Panic Suite
  20. It's here! ...and it's a beaut! (plus the 2 CD comp and a Polish movie DVD as a late apology). Yup, this is definitely getting the daylong rodcast treatment here in about an hour! purrrrrrrrrrrty thang it 'tis! --- Now playing: John Patton - Let 'Em Roll
  21. I've never heard a complete Beatles album ...or Bob Dylan album...or...heck tons of titles! What's suppose to be the record holder? Isn't it "Dark Side..." Nope, haven't heard that one either... Way too many!
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