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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. OK, thanks guys! I'm using an Epson too (R800) and between it and Photoshop, I may find a way. Sounds easier than I thought it'd be because I was thinking "dimensions" instead of "centering." Great, Thanks!
  2. OK, so we are missing: Fats Domino and Irma Thomas? and we have Allen Toussaint holed up in the Superdome? !!!
  3. Does anyone know a good tutorial on how to print on the inside of the "booklet" insert? I put this in quotations cause I just really want to do the inside of a single folded sheet. Never a problem with the outside (which becomes the front and back of the booklet), but inside printing has me wondering...
  4. Well, we have to be careful who we blame in the "local" scheme of things. News people interviewed a local guy who closed his station for two days because he couldn't bear the thought of having to charge his customers over $3...so, he closed in protest of what he was being charged for fuel. Earlier in the day, he apparently had a lot of irate customers screaming at the station employees and accusing them of price gouging. So, yes, there are clearly store owners out to make a big buck (like that idiot in Atlanta who's charging 6 bucks/gal), but not all. Maybe if you own a little place that's not like the big guys, you're getting soaked by your distributor?
  5. "...Bush's chief environment adviser, James Connaughton, blamed the Clinton administration for making America's energy problems worse by presiding over increased oil imports, less reliance on U.S. coal and no new refineries. He said: 'We inherited an energy crisis.'"
  6. Um.... ← hahahaha, yeah, Joe! - well, actually, it's not funny, but... it seems this administration has always pulled off the unbelieveable (and, please, I do not want to hear claptrap about "it was Katrina and not this administration..." in case anyone was going there).
  7. My wife does work involving the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and those folks in association with NOAA claim that: "...an 80 year build-up of atmospheric CO2 at 1%/yr (compounded) leads to roughly a one-half category increase in potential hurricane intensity on the Saffir-Simpson scale and an 18% increase in precipitation near the hurricane core..." Anyway, increasingly filling our atmosphere with greenhouse gases is not a good thing no matter how many people want to spin it in their warped direction.
  8. I was discussing this over lunch the other day. I said that I thought that we would hit $5.00/gal before this administration is done with us and the fellow I was talking to said, "Hell, it'll be before the end of this year!" Pure speculation of course, but what if?
  9. I remember when Jimmy Carter heard the when he asked people to put a sweater on in the winter.
  10. So you played some good tunes, had fun, had a minor - understandable - clash on Tunisia, and were asked to join the group full time! Sounds pretty successful to me!
  11. I hope that you mean "other side" in a literal sense too 'cause freezing air conditioning doesn't exist in your neck of the woods - I'm tellin ya - I walked 10 to 15 miles a day there in July and August and bicyclists, too, were everywhere! When someone did drive, it was in a smaller fuel efficient car. (There's talk of bringing the "Smart" car to the US). I guess that there are no moms with 4 kids in Europe!
  12. Yes, this is true to a certain extent, but I know that the way that I travel while overseas is much different than the way that I travel in Texas. Last month I paid €1.15/liter for fuel in Germany - after all of the math, it comes out to about $5.33/gal - but I only needed the car for half the time that I was there. Two weeks of not using a car couldn't happen here in Texas unless I was flat on my back with a herniated disc. Big US cities have public transport that people should/could be using, but people in, let's say, LA look at you CrAzY if you say that you're gonna walk somewhere...even if it's just to a restaurant down the street. Bicycles? Hell yes!
  13. My 93 Corolla sits in front of the house with a For Sale sign. Gets almost the same mileage as yours - about 28-34 - and I'm hoping that someone who can't get a hybrid will consider mine. Filled up the new Prius yesterday and it cost $35... but I won't have to do that again for another month!
  14. Man! 215(!) pages of... of... ...(I don't know yet...)
  15. Well, this proves even more why this place is our best second home.
  16. yes...but instead of "Catching Up With...", can we call it "Gettin' Down With"?
  17. You can say that again! It does have a history and feel - i just wish there was more playing and less doodlin...(and less "let's kill whitey" too ) now, here's somethin' that's a snapshot of history:
  18. I hear ya! OK, I'm adding them to the rodcast as we "speak"...
  19. Hey Chris! This is a perfect chance to start a gig diary! Your first gig...and if you become big time, you'll be able to look back at the "early" days and share some wild stories - I seriously mean this!
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