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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. I'm with you Jim. It irks me when, with the 5 most common movie files: .avi; .mov; .mpg; .rm; and .wmv, they choose a sixth one: .asf to feature this clip.
  2. Thanks Guy for choosing this one! I love it! It has a nice edge during the uptempo tunes, but also a hypnotic feel on others - especially the title track. Don't know if any of you still put music on when you go to sleep, but during my high school days the title track was one of those: mellow - a bit 'dark" - without being "new age" (the term wasn't even around in those days!). I'd have to agree with others that it's a favorite Abercrombie because it has "atmosphere" without pretentious doodling. Kinda like the Weber "Colours of Chloë" that we discussed last month. In those ways I miss the early ECM days.
  3. Who is Fervor and should you be worried? Congrats Paul!
  4. How long have you been doing this SS1? Man, even when I use address labels on file folders, they don't stay on longer than a coupla years. If you can't print directly on the disc, then a marker would probably be the next best.
  5. Hey Sidewinder! Just think, if you were John Cage you'd be 93 today! (You'd also be dead...) Hope you're having a good time!
  6. From: Jazz Promo Services <jazzpromo@earthlink.net> Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 19:14:32 -0400 To: Jazz Promo <jazzpromo@earthlink.net> Subject: Organizations Helping New Orleans Musicians September 3, 2005 Message from Wendy Oxenhorn Executive Director at the Jazz Foundation of America Two Organizations helping the musicians in New Orleans: We are directing folks to the New Orleans Musicians Clinic (NOMC) which has the names and addresses of so many musicians in New Orleans, and are working now to find them and find temporary housing for them in schools etc. But let us remember... ... it will be the Jazz Foundation who will be called upon to provide money to the musicians for first month rents and security deposits on new apartments and relocations. As well, we're going to try to get instruments replaced. Please let your contacts know if you think they can help, ask them to email me. Please cut and paste the info below and pass it around: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Two great organizations to donate to: New Orleans Musicians Clinic (NOMC) This is a fantastic hands on organization who has the names and addresses of so many great musicians because they have them all coming to their FREE health clinic all these years and now, they are the ones who are tracking down the local musicians and finding them shelter. They can be contacted at musiciank@swlahec.com They are the New Orleans Musicians Clinic and know the whereabouts of the local musicians down there. Contact: Kathy Richard directly at 337 989-0001 Send donations to: NOMC Emergency Fund funds will be distributed by: SW LA Area Health Education Center Foundation, Inc. 103 Independence Blvd. Lafayette, LA 70506 desk: 337-989-0001 fax: 337-989-1401 email: finance@swlahec.com http://www.swlahec.com/ The New Orleans Musicians Clinic is determined to keep Louisiana Music Alive! It is our beacon to soothe our souls. We want to relocate our New Orleans musicians into the Lafayette/ Acadiana community where they can remain a life force! But most of them have lost everything... we must help them rebuild their lives. They can't access any of their NOMC accounts. They desperately need money to fund these efforts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jazz Foundation of America: We will be addressing the longer term needs of these jazz and blues artists who will have just lost everything. We will be raising funds and distributing money for the musicians to get a new apartment or room for rent: by giving a first month's rent, possibly more, for them to start over, a place to live. (This is what we normally do on a daily basis for musicians across the country who become sick and can't pay their rent, we also keep food on the table and get employment to hundreds of elderly musicians through our Jazz in the Schools program. Our operations normally assist 35 musicians a week.) As well, we will be attempting to help New Orleans musicians by replacing the thing that matters most and the only way they can ever work again: their instruments. To those who lost their instruments, like drummers and bassists who could not carry their heavy equipment, and guitarist with their amps, we will be making an effort to work with manufacturers and music stores to replace those instruments for as many as we possibly can. Remember, New Orleans was only "New Orleans" because of the musicians... Send donations to: Jazz Foundation of America 322 West 48th Street 6th floor NYC 10036 Director: Wendy Oxenhorn Phone: 212-245-3999 Ext. 21 email contact: Joyce@jazzfoundation.org website: www.jazzfoundation.org <http://www.jazzfoundation.org/> To make an online CREDIT CARD DONATION OR PLEDGE: go to: http://www.jazzfoundation.org/index2.html and click bottom right corner of page where it says "instant pledge" Thank you, from our hearts.
  7. HA!! I'd let ya, but I'd also probably have the lawyers knockin at my door these days!
  8. Kinda leaves you speechless eh? I was just uploading the batch to an iTunes playlist when I noticed those stats - like I said, maybe useless info, but maybe useful to someone out there. I do like the idea of putting all of it on one disc tho!
  9. From the Dept. of Useless Information: The first 18 Mosaic Selects: • 54 Discs • 646 Songs • 2 days:14 hours:40 minutes:42 seconds worth of music! I've noticed that I can fit all of it onto a single-sided DVD with room for the upcoming #19 & 20! Thank you for your time
  10. To my "Last.FM" friend! Hope you're havin' a goodun! best to you!
  11. Dan, I don't understand how you cannot make the obvious connects to Bush and this administration. Yes, of course, our involvement in Iraq and our response to Katrina are inextricably linked: manpower, equipment, CASH! Also, the argument about Bush, global warming and the hurricane has to do with this administrations desire to ignore scientific facts and try to pull the wool over the public's eyes about climate change. This disaster is another proof (do we really need any more?) that we are heading downhill when it comes to our environment and we have a group of people who could care less about our future - yes, they care about their future, but when money could be used to, at least, attempt to cut emissions or an attempt is made to better the conditions in N.O. before a major disaster strikes (sound familiar?) and it is not - actually, when money is CUT - then you have a callous, arrogant, group of people who claim to have a "leader." Moore makes an excellent point - it's just that you are missing it. It really doesn't matter which direction the storm is going at any last minute, hour, etc. It doesn't matter what the NYTimes thinks may or may not happen with a levee. It is the fact that we are supposed to be PREPARED for this possibility! If we have an earthquake in California next week - something that you can't generally predict as to time - we should STILL have a plan - especially since we know of it's possibility!
  12. Gosh, you know, I can just see this large Democrat leaning group of people being spread out now over the country. No concentrated group of "liberals" in Louisiana anymore, eh? Wow, what a gift!
  13. OK, well, now you're just trying to get a rise making statements like that. I'm expecting next: "Let's go whoop us some ass - Yeeeeeeee-Hah!!" Hard to take anything you say seriously really...
  14. and this! "...And Irma Thomas, the Queen of New Orleans soul, has reported in from Baton Rouge where she escaped to the home of her aunt..."
  15. Yes, of course. I believe it was meant to show his work chronologically, but it seems to have some detail that couldn't (yet) be found elsewhere. Evans
  16. Mike, I found this: (the highlighting is mine) I'm guessing that the quintet is the same as Quintessence from May 27-30 1976? and the trio is on "I Will Say Goodbye"?
  17. Also this may be of some help: Evans
  18. There's a GEMM seller who lists the LP and it states that there are two versions of "Nobody Else But Me." Evans
  19. Maybe we can wish the same good news for Irma Thomas too.
  20. I think I'm gonna play thru the Selects - gettin ready for the new batch...
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