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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. Glad you like the photos. They're a bit of a last minute drop with no clean-up done, so sorry about a few blurry ones. It would've been nice to get a clearer shot of Anthony and Carl, but these things happen in the excitement of the moment. Went to the second show.The first was too "last minute." It took place in a huge banquet room that could've held 800 persons easily. Unfortunately, the turnout was a lot less at about 150 - estimating on the high side. Free show. Did a good job on the sound, even tho this type of thing seemed a bit new to the sound guy. Funny vibe throughout the evening: basically a lot of happy Buddhists associated with their organization who were a bit too overjoyed at times - standing ovations at every turn, ambitious screaming during solos, clapping at the wrong times and even a couple of attempts at clapping with the music. Anyway, if you could divorce yourself from those activities, you could hear some damn fine music. I'm not too good at describing these things so I'll keep it simple. It began with the Hawkins/Monk tune, I Mean You with good tenor soloing from Maupin as well as others (pretty much everyone took solos during each song). A nice segue into an expressive beginning by Buster Williams to the Porter tune, All Of You which found it's way to double-time with excellent brushwork by Carl Allen. Lengthy introduction to the band members by Buster who told some stories about his and Bennie's early days in the Hancock Sextet and how Bennie was the only vegetarian in the band in those days, etc... Next piece was written by Bennie and played on that favorite bass clarinet we all know (and some of us love) called Message To Prez dedicated, of course, to LY. It began with him doing a 3 minute, rather snakey, solo before the other's entered and gave us a nice medium-tempo tune that went into a kind of halting tropicalisimo feel. Again, fine solos with everyone getting to stretch out some. Last piece featured Bennie on soprano on a piece written by Buster called After the Ninth Wave - a ballad that was to represent a person's strong spirit. Pretty much a gentle closer to the evening. Became impressed enough with Anthony Wonsey to try checking out some of the stuff he does. Always open to suggestions of course. Carl Allen started out less challenging than I would've liked, but I grew to enjoy his simplicity as the concert went on. The concert lasted about 40 minutes. There were some time constraints, I'm sure...classy place loans out a room on a Saturday night, etc, so they had to get the musicians on and off and then have a speech by our District State Senator, Royce West (about 15 minutes). All in all, a good early evening - about 5 to 7PM - good music and got to talk some with Maupin and shake hands with the other guys. That's about it!
  2. Ladies and Germs! I present to you: The Buster Williams Quartet: Bennie Maupin, Anthony Wonsey, Buster Williams, and Carl Allen Buster Williams Quartet They're in chronological order. First few were during set-up, mic check, etc. Just click on thumbnails in the row on the bottom. hope you enjoy! Rod
  3. rostasi

    Audio DVD

    It may not work for what you're wanting to do. There're many reasons and ways to record sound to DVD, and, like Kevin said, if you're wanting to follow what the earlier poster was advocating, then you'll have to keep the quantity of songs much lower. I transfer for various reasons and nearly 100% of the time it is not to listen to them on a DVD player, but the computer. I'm always working with sound samples for new works that I'm creating and I archive them by the hundreds on DVD. Another reason: if you have, for example, a series of recordings that you'd like to keep on one disc for easier listening access - like the complete Mosaic Selects - you can burn the nearly 700 songs onto a single-sided DVD. Also, Roxio Toast offers a way to make a "DVD music album" which you can play on your DVD player. It not only plays the music, but shows the song titles and cover art on your TV screen. Goes over big here during Xmas get-togethers because I've created a 2 disc set of 720 "holiday" songs (42 hours worth) that you just pop in the DVD player - it looks like a cable radio station playing. It is one of the very few times that I've made a sound disc for the DVD player. So, if you're interested in super-high quality (beyond the capability of ears), then you're gonna have to keep your quantity low(er).
  4. ..bbbbut she is in pictures - well, one anyway...
  5. You need to jump on this like a young rabbit!
  6. rostasi

    iPod nano

    I want a Terabyte version - like the La Cie storage. Put nearly all of everything on it and let 'er go!
  7. OK, here it is: The performance is with The Buster Williams Quartet and (separately) Nestor Torres. Bennie Maupin is performing but the woman I talked to did not remember the names of the other performers in the quartet. Time is 8PM tonight at The Dallas Convention Center 650 S. Griffin 214-939-2700 It is easilly accessible by DART (for example using the Red Line from Parker Road Plano). Tomorrow's program has changed time and location: 5PM at The Adams Mark Hotel 400 N.Olive 214-922-8000 (also downtown) I would add that you should call ahead of time just to make sure because these things can be volatile. Also, I asked who would be playing first and she did not know.
  8. Yeah, he's on the "left coast" all right...
  9. There appears to be quite a few versions of this piece - different timings. I wouldn't be surprised if the soundtrack version was an edited one, but I don't know.
  10. Yes, well, just wondering, because it seems a bit dangerous - not that anyone would need to be fitted for shoes all that often...
  11. rostasi

    ipod cases

    I don't use a case, but before you do anything with a new iPod or any other DAP, may I make a suggestion? First, go to an office supply store and get those screen protectors that people sometimes use on their PDAs. Fellows makes a nice set of these (left side of picture). Cut two of these to size so that each one completely covers the front or the back of your iPod. You will love the extra protection that it provides your iPod window (I use these on my camera too, so that I don't scratch the view screen). Now, both sides of your iPod will be protected from scratches. As an added extra, I like to make printable tattoos (right side of picture), so that it looks creative and offers even more protection. They cover the front, sides and much of the back, but not all, but you'll still have it protected by the screen protector. (my iPod is in the middle).
  12. I use it at least once a week for international calls. Mostly to Japan and Germany and it never costs a thing. Usually I am talking to someone who is using the built-in mic on their laptop while I use an external mic on my desktop unit. Love it!
  13. I don't know who this is? Is he some kind of "jazz Jandek"?
  14. I'm gonna try for the December concerts!
  15. Ah! Walloons! Those are those cookies that have walnuts and macaroons - just hate 'em!
  16. Some of these are really bizarre. Phobias
  17. rostasi

    iPod nano

    I have memory issues with or without an iPod...
  18. Thanks for this. Yup, I understand the nature of "Advanced Streaming Format" but I don't do Windows unless I have to use their Media Player. I'm gonna try to make this file into a QT compatible one.
  19. Naw, I was just thinking about how safe people were supposed to feel under this administration - that they would take care of all of us, blah, blah...
  20. Does anybody remember Cheney's < if you vote for Kerry, you will die > tactic?
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