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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. I'm not sure if I'm scared or turned-on? Inter-Face
  2. Going thru some pix I took in Germany. I put 6 that may be of fun and interest to O-Forum members. #1-3: Club Funkadelic (Köln) #4-5: Club Boogaloo (Köln) #6: Lounge Lizards (band from Munich) (Munich) FunkJazz
  3. Thanks for this. Funny, I was weeding thru old bookmarks the other day and came across this site and recording - real fun stuff! The transfer to iTunes doesn't need to be difficult. After control-clicking the tracks, just save them to your desktop. When you get all the tracks there, just highlight ALL of the tracks and drag the whole lot into iTunes (drop it on the word "library" or whatever you are calling your main library in your window on the left). iTunes'll suck those puppies up and you'll have fun listening afterwards!
  4. My Dad always liked it under the table.
  5. Dude - I live in Plano. about 20 miles north of Dallas, and there ain't no gas to be had right now. At least not as of this morning. People are going nuts filling up before there's a shortage, which is, of course, creating a shortage anyway. Go figure. Come over near White Rock. No lines and plenty of gas (well, I didn't see any signs that said they were out). I'm set on gas until November. I did do the regular grocery thing this morn and the shelves that normally have water are nearly empty- go figure
  6. I suppose we can be thankful that he wasn't sitting around playing video games.
  7. It's also the 4th largest city (population) in America. Many people don't realize this. Just behind Chicago, LA and NY.
  8. [picture onsite] http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1541732.html Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain An enormous pink bunny has been erected on an Italian mountainside where it will stay for the next 20 years. The 200-foot-long toy rabbit lies on the side of the 5,000 foot high Colletto Fava mountain in northern Italy's Piedmont region. Viennese art group Gelatin designed the giant soft toy and say it was "knitted by dozens of grannies out of pink wool". Group member Wolfgang Gantner said: "It's supposed to make you feel small, like Gulliver. You walk around it and you can't help but smile." And Gelatin members say the bunny is not just for walking around - they are expecting hikers to climb its 20 foot sides and relax on its belly. The giant rabbit is expected to remain on the mountain side until 2025.
  9. http://tinyurl.com/bryxj Dutch police and park rangers have admitted they are powerless to stop a growing trend of outdoor sex orgies. In the latest incident, a large group of people were found romping naked on a beach in the Bussloo area of the country. They including 10 couples who were being "particularly boisterous" with each other while the others watched. But police called to the scene admitted they were powerless to act despite numerous complaints from other beach users, and could only give the naked orgy lovers a verbal warning. The head of one of Holland's biggest national parks says the problem is getting worse and has called for the government to make clear guidelines on outdoor sex orgies to allow police to act. Eric Droogh, who is director at the Veluwe National Park, said: "A national debate on wild sex parties in the countryside is essential. "Police and park wardens currently have too little scope to intervene. The only possibility is to catch the transgressors red-handed. "Outdoor sex is now commonly occurring in national parks and other public places. In some cases they just stopped beside the road in the picnic area or a meadow for the orgies." He called for clearer guidelines and sanctions to deal with the outdoor sex phenomenon.
  10. Wow! Thanks Jason for these pix! Great to see the variety of the ensembles in action!
  11. From Beefheart's Strictly Personal Kandy Korn: Yellow and orange and Well they taste so good I want to eat 'em And they taste so good I get to need 'em Can-can-can-candy candy Candy corn yellow and orange and candy corn yellow and orange and candy be reborn be reformed stay stay warm
  12. This would be wonderful to listen to, but I'm confused about when. It states the 19th, and so are you posting this after your broadcast? ®od
  13. Hahahahaha! I think I'll take my "Buddha and Bennie" over "Bubbas and Wayne." Maybe the band was caught off guard too?
  14. I remember the days when there were no commercials - when it was known as "Educational TV."
  15. I think I did too - and that's what I mean! (and it wasn't this):
  16. This was Maurice White's band! Great stuff! Jim, are you raiding someone's funk crate lately with Cymande and this?
  17. Let's have Christiern comment on the PBS jazz program he was responsible for over 30 years ago. I will remember that series until the day I die - absolutely incredible! - Maybe today it may not have the same impact, but, especially for a youngster interested in the creative arts, it left a big imprint... BUT we have nothing like that now - no creative music programming that anyone can turn the TV on and see. Now, we find delight in seeing a cattle call of performers whereby the really most interesting things to see are the amazing quickness of the stagehands trying desperately to meet the 5 minute deadlines. If only Chris' series were available on DVD - hell, I'd take VHS, kinetoscope...
  18. I started somewhere in the middle. I'm sorry that I missed Herbie (and did Sonny really play?) Tried to stay with as much as I could, but I was having a hard time staying awake. Dull-dull-dull, but glorious in it's dullness! First time I've heard Wynton in many years and I'm just amazed at how awful he was - after all of these years and still some kind of jazz icon? I applaud the relief effort, but how about putting his horn down and start picking up a pen and start writing his jazz history that he seems to want to perpetuate (or maybe a series of pedantic lesson books). Tavis Smiley is talking to Cowboy Carl now. I think it's time to go to bed.
  19. Wow! So he hates all three of those type people. Doesn't leave much room for anyone else.
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