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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. If only I were 120 lbs! (I'd look like a coke addict...again )
  2. Playing with this the other day... I think David, especially, would enjoy the pitch mapping and the 404 different types of scales (ragas, ragas, ragas!). If I didn't so hate cell phones, I'd probably use this just to annoy other users.
  3. Why's Ass? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * yours, Rebus Knebus
  4. Hooker's Souvenir Shoppe I woulda thought that you might've already brought something home with you...
  5. Thanks David for posting that. I was chatting with an Ethiopian filmmaker in a restaurant/bar in Frankfurt and he was just finishing up a film about Ethiopians living in Europe and America that is suppose to feature this wonderful music. I have to do a little search here in the office for more info on it, but it sounds like the kind of film that may show up in your local "arthouse" type theater. Another Thread
  6. HEY! I just realized...I'm gonna be in New Mexico on Saturday!
  7. rostasi

    iTunes Help!

    I just imported some Anatoly Vapirov and it worked fine. I'll try some more titles and see what happens... I'm guessing that you did this already, but did you reboot after you installed Version 6? I'd check the forums over at Apple just to see if others are having this problem. Installations and Upgrades
  8. If I'd known then what I know noe, I'd have bought more than one $1.99 copy out of the Peaches cutout bins... I have a few extras, but only because I wore the others out! I have No Words to describe that album (a little "in" joke for those who have this LP). Handscapes was released in the 90's on CD, but not sure if it's still available...
  9. Mtume Umoja Ensemble - Alkebu-lan, Land of the Blacks
  10. Always liked Sahib Shihab. (and I suppose I'll add Holger Czukay too since I just happen to be listening to him).
  11. Here on the Islet, we have to drive over to Louisiana to do this...
  12. New Madame Alexander dolls... The Hitchcock models:
  13. Yeah, that's the one! I probably got the first name wrong Bertrand, but it was really funny the way she said it. This was many years ago.
  14. The picture doesn't show up, but I'll use my inward imagination. OK, I see it now and dats da ugliest asparagus i've ever seen! (of course, I'm not sure if there's really attractive asparagus...)
  15. Not really wanting to get rid of mine but, there's a Fluxus Forum that I've been a member of for many years now (back when Dick Higgins was alive). If you want more info, contact me offline. I'm putting together a limited edition CD comp (50 copies - each with different artwork) of recordings by the members of this forum. Subject matter, etc can be discussed offline. Rod
  16. Funny to hear about this. The only time I saw her first sitcom, "These Friends of Mine," a subplot consisted of her being nervous about an upcoming date (with a man). When they met, they were planning on going out to dinner and also to see Herbie. She nervously referred to him as "Handy Herbcock." Not sure why I remember this, but it seemed that her first show had some promise. One of the regular characters was named Joe Farrell
  17. Check this out! (and the groovy music!) I WANT ONE! I/O Brush
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