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Everything posted by rostasi

  1. It's written in stone! It's your B-Day! Have a great one!
  2. Thanks Mike! Yes, it's coming back to me now. Never heard of the Lloyd version, but the Roy Brooks take now brings back fond memories. Gonna have to go thru the stacks to pull that out again and listen. Very surprised that the tune hasn't been resurrected in 30 years of playing 'cause it's a great one! Thanks again for your encyclopedic knowledge! Rod
  3. Me too! OK, Yes, I remember Chico's version. I understand that that album's on disc now? Wonder what Cecil really calls it? Isn't it his tune?
  4. Also, check the numbers on the side of the boxes. Mine has a 5-digit "B2" number on the #19 and the #20 just has MS-020. The 19 has a barcode with numbers and the #20 has no barcode anywhere ...so, I totally don't get it!
  5. Isn't that the Army slogan? ← No, I think that's Sinatra...
  6. I have a question. I noticed on this set that a track from Live at Slugs' Volume Two is shown here as just Wilpan's, but I've always thought that it was called Wilpan's Walk. Am I confusing it with another version or song completely or is this the way it really reads on the LP? (I don't have it easily available at this time).
  7. Yup, they could be complicated...or not. I just hope that there's good reason and not just some dumb "sticker" issue (like the last holdup?). Maybe there are questions about the release and sale of promo copies? We don't know...but it's quite a disservice to fans if it's something less than a rights issue that involves potential cash to the estate.
  8. I figure: We'll get cancellation notices for our pre-orders then it'll come up again in November without the discounts and all will go forward for Xmas season release. Just a guess...
  9. Just listening, a couple of days ago, to Embryo's Reise. Thanks for the info!
  10. couw already replied, 'g' as in 'go'. And it's pronounced gh-eee! As in Guy de Maupassant (someone who wrote almost as well as our Guy). ← and Guy Debord!
  11. Here's a quickly found story on these record profits. Probably Johnny can find something else... Refund Record Profits Actually, here's a whole google of them: Oil Profits
  12. Yup, sometimes if you can only go the cheap route, you can start rolling up those bathroom towels and stick them up against the door and window bottoms. It still pisses me off tho about these record profits. Last night I saw that the major fuel companies made enough profit to equal the GDP of a small country - can't remember which one right now - Portugal or some place about that size - but anyway, this profit is BEFORE we pay our inflated bills. What will 4th Q look like?!
  13. rostasi

    Funny Rat

    I know who she is - she's Maren! (and that's just fine with me...)
  14. Got my gas bill today. It has started...even tho record profits of over 300 percent were made in this last quarter, we're gonna be paying BIG!. On my bill there's always been a "Gas Cost Recovery" charge which reflects decreases or, usually, increases in market value. My increase since last month's bill has been: 59% My increase since last year's bill has been: 82% Robbery...
  15. Thanks David for the interview. Sounded like it was a "difficult" kind of interview - Henry having seen some better days (and worse, of course!). Lots of recording excerpts made it extra enjoyable too! Thanks again! Rod
  16. Ok, well, don't be surprised if you find it used in some way on a forthcoming CD. David: yes, there's no individual note settings, but there are an incredible variety of scales provided - lots of Raga settings, "Messiaen Truncated Mode", "Zirafkend", "Mela Citrambari", "Takemitsu Tree Line Mode", Jazz Minor Inverse" and over 300 more. Pretty great for studying if for nothing else.
  17. Whasitdoin when you hit "play"? The top one is a fast multitempo doorbellklang and the one underneath is a faster version with a little more ride cymbal peeking out. Doesn't matter what mine sounds like - it's the access to the scales, tempos, etc that should keep you busy for a few months! Rod
  18. This is just what I was wondering in my last post. The only thing that confuses me a bit about this is that the camera seems to show a lot of audience reaction that would not be normally shown if they were disabled kids. Could we have the context made a little clearer please?
  19. Is this real? sorry, what I meant was: was this suppose to be a parody? or possibly a group of disabled kids?
  20. Great to see Fractured Flickers out on DVD! Great childhood memories of this Jay Ward/Bill Scott series. Complete on three DVDs: Fractured Flickers
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