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About rostasi

  • Birthday 10/02/1958

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    Lower Slobbovia

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  1. Whichbook
  2. I think it might've been Brave - mentioned earlier.
  3. We've had discussions here about this book and Larry Kart has an extensive, incisive look into the series in this thread (later down the page).
  4. Studs Terkel interviewing Gertrude Abercrombie about art and jazz in Chicago.
  5. King of iPod Nanos At a recent estate sale of Karl Lagerfeld's stuff, there appeared 150 7th Gen. iPod Nanos and 160 6th Gen iPod Nanos. (near the bottom of the page: Lots 40-44)
  6. A Second Life for The Avant-Jazz of Leo Records
  7. My main focus when it comes to these re-releases is the sound quality. I definitely don't need the vinyl ... and because I've been completely in love with the music for a very long time, I've let things like the pressing quality of the vinyl slip in order to enjoy as much of the energy as I could, but now I'm ready for a good clean-up of a CD or digital and that'll be fine for me. I put up with 2 or 3 copies of a distorted Alkebu-Lan or an unfortunate "wide-screen" recording of the Piano Choir in my teenage years, but I'm expecting more now that we have the tech to do it. (Of course, the Piano Choir probably can't be brought closer in a huddle even with some A.I. help, but we'll see how that's handled).
  8. I was thinking about him again yesterday. It actually was a result of listening to a different band than Soft Machine. I have the Nucleus BBC sessions (with musicians who joined Soft Machine) loaded up in my car and've been enjoying that lately, and I was thinking about how much it sounded like SM mixed with Miles' electric 70s era. Anyway, he was a major part of my life growing up. Always, the recluse. Sometimes showing up for special projects, but, unfortunately, rarely. "He was the backbone of Soft Machine."
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