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About rostasi

  • Birthday 10/02/1958

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    Lower Slobbovia

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rostasi's Achievements

  1. Ab Baars: tenor sax, clarinet Oscar Jan Hoogland: piano Uldis Vitols: double bass Onno Govaert: drums
  2. Portrait of a Young Woman by Frans Hals (1633)
  3. Waiting for years for the final series of Wolf Hall. Really like Mark Rylance. The series makes me want to break out my David Munrow recordings.
  4. https://moved-by-sound.bandcamp.com/album/frequency-equilibrium-koan
  5. rostasi

    Nozomi Oye?

    John Penley said... My X Wife Nozomi Oye was not at the actual riot she was working at the Chamelion Bar on 6th St. that night. As the night went on she pullded down the shutters on the front of the bar and when people knocked she would look to see who it was and if they were people she knew Nozomi let them in. It soon looked like an emergency room with drunk victims of police brutality bleeding onto clear bar towels which she gave out. At one point a gang of cops started banging on the bar front with night stick so people barricaded it and after a while the cops left. On hell of a night for both of us. Nozomi died in Cali about 10 years ago. (written in 2022 about the Tompkins Square Park Riot)
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