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About porkerdavis

  • Birthday 12/11/1952

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    ear wax, unspeakable foodstuffs, unsupervised enterprises, pennies from heavy, tiny LEDs at 3 in the morning, the end of the semester, eye contact with a stranger after the 7th beer, the thrill of december air up my nose, too much too mention in 30 seconds.

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  1. I'll tell about 2 big heads I dont get...especially these days. neil young and kris kristofferson do their big heads really think we're interested in very boring lyrics about old roads and old guitars...guitars that start horribly outta tune, played about as well as your average amateur who's been really into it for maybe a month or so? well, I'm not the least bit interested. am I mistaken or have these guys gotten a lot worse with age? just wondering.
  2. artemus gordon gorgo, monster from the deep godzilla v toshiko akiyoshi
  3. wayne newton strawberry alarm clock berry gordie, jr
  4. shirley bassie richard basehart moon unit zappa
  5. Lord Buckley Lindsey Buckingham Hambone and Hillie
  6. on the weekend of April 21-23rd, the bath house cultural center on white rock lake in dallas, with funding from the dallas office of cultural affairs, is hosting the first annual White Rock Jazz Festival. here are the details as published.... friday, april 21st: 8 oclock concert featuring the The Bath Houseband including flipside trumpeter chris curiel, bl lacerta and tidbits trombonist kim corbet, ghostcar guitarist daniel huffman, drew phelps band bassist drew phelps and drummer max oepen, last heard at white rock rhythms with flipside bassist paul unger and poet tammy gomez. then, at 930, the concert continues with The Inner City All-Stars. they really lit the place up in their white rock rhythms show last fall so we had to have them back for the festival. their unique blend of new orleans brass band jive spiced with james brown and other funky classics take audiences right back to the original spirit of jazz, wide open and as fun as it gets. fo mo info re: the all-stars: http://www.musiciansdfw.org/afm_bands/all_...s/all_stars.htm later that evening, round midnight, the bath houseband will host a jam session. we'll invite members of the inner city all-stars and, frankly, everyone who's ever been a part of white rock rhythms to join us for a crazy ride on the spur of the moment. saturday afternoon at 3, festival producer, Kim Corbet, hosts a workshop tentatively entitled "jazz iz", the history, major artists and meaning of the music in american culture. I've taught jazz history and practice for the last 30 years in various colleges (at smu since 1982) and have loved the music for much longer. we'll use sight and sound to open up the world of jazz from a musician's point of view, always with the listener's perspective in mind. saturday evening at 630, youre invited to participate in a Q&A session with a panel of musicians and other related professionals. we'll have a few topics to address but most of the inspiration will come from you. then, at 8, we'll feature one of the most beloved musicians in the DFW area, jamal mohamed. he's been working with a new combination of jazz and world musicians from dallas, denton and austin. at this date, he hasnt revealed who will be joining him that night. it will likely be a combination of his intensely powerful groups, brahma (world jazz) and beledi (middle eastern jazz), both reflecting the leading edge of what's happening in today's jazz, locally and internationally. jamal's unique charisma and incredibly high musical standards make each concert a life changing opportunity for all who are lucky enough to get in the door. jamal has been playing to standing room only audiences for three decades and is in demand at festivals, in concert and on recording sessions all over the world. jamal's website is http://www.jamalmohamed.com/index2.html sunday at 2, herbie johnson will bring his jazz picnic bunch to play for, you guessed it, a jazz picnic to cap off the festival. a free event, herbie will provide familiar songs and a friendly atmosphere, creating a beautiful ending to our first jazz fest and decompression back to the real world. we hope you'll agree it's a better world as you'll have just experienced the parallel universe known as the white rock jazz festival. tickets are $10 per concert with a $20 festival pass offering VIP seating and access to all events. the saturday workshop is $5 (free to anyone with a concert ticket stub). the jam session and sunday picnic are free and open to the public. for all things bath house... http://www.bathhousecultural.com
  7. I dont think jerry and, especially bill, will have patience with T.O. if he starts to act up again. he's a known quantity and, as they've just proven with keyshaun and larry allen, they have one goal and wont let anyone interfere. jerry and bill want another superbowl and they hear the tick tick tick loudly echoing in their ears. I think they believe they have 2 years to get it done and think T.O. can get them there. if he doesnt play ball in that regard, he's gone before he can embarrass the team more than once. which I think is the number of chances they'll give him. I'll bet jerry made that part of the deal. if he screws up, they throw him out with the bath water.
  8. jason alexander zorro the gay blade mel torme
  9. thanks. after I asked the question and mr.sangrey, the masked pumpernickle, was kind enough to enlighten, I went back to your original post and boned up on where this pile of skulls came from. the ramifications ewe have conjured constitute considerable and consumate inspirational motivations. not a bad travel game neither. thnx
  10. so, does one 'need' to be a musician, preferrably a jazz musician? slightly obscure and somewhat notorious? or is that somewhat obscure and slightly notorious?
  11. ohhhhhhhhh. I get it. that's Much more interesting. sooo....from "texas pete".... belle star richard starkey richard the lion hearted yes?
  12. I think I'm missing something here...I want to understand how this three name thing turned into 302 pages of boys night out. what's so fascinating about... steve jobs reggie workman mc hammer or should that be...brian longcar? ???
  13. scratch that last line... it was more joke than political. mea culpa. mea culpa. I take it back. please dont hit me... I'm really Trying to be a pacifist.
  14. I could never be a pacifist. why you ask? cause... I'm too fond of boxed lunches. on the freeway, I like to gun the engine. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. if I was given the chance, I'd love to shake the pulp outta OJ. and you best believe I'll be... doing my part to knock the repuglicans outta the white house in 08.
  15. I'll give it a shot... dick cheney your face my ass okay...more legit..... sally ride wilson pickett joe namath
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