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Ron S

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Everything posted by Ron S

  1. Mosaic now has it on the web site under "Upcoming Releases," with SIX 30-second samples.
  2. DAMMIT, you guys are a BAD influence!
  3. Now it sounds like an AA meeting. "My name is Ron, and I'm a Jazzaholic."
  4. I hear ya, Tony. My goal is to hold out until March (of course, always keeping a watchful eye on Mosaic's "Last Chance" ).
  5. I just this minute finished listening to a great example of that: the 1950 small group sides on the "Count Basie, America's #1 Band!" box set. All of the remastering on the set is great, but the 1950 small group tracks are astounding for their clarity and presence, as if they were just recorded yesterday. Columbia must have used the aboslute best equipment and engineering then available to record them (original producer was George Avakian, original engineer is not identified).
  6. Is that on the shelf next to Pandora's Box?
  7. "DON PULLEN-Mosaic Select 3 CD RARE numbered sealed" I guess it's RARE because it's the only set that, while otherwise identical to a brand-new set that could be purchased from Mosaic for $39, has so far been bid up to $51.88 on Ebay. Who knew there was such a robust Arbitrage Market for Mosaics?
  8. David Baker was going to present it to him 4 days from now. I'm going to have David on in just a few minutes--doing a Shaw tribute today: ArtieonWFIU Thanks, David (and to your guest David, also). I'm now listening here in Philly--great program!
  9. Bev, didn't you know that jazz fans aren't supposed to know so much about SERIOUS classical music???
  10. On the VERY well-known side, Gershwin's Concerto in F.
  11. George Bush to John Kerry during the first Presidential Debate???
  12. Now this REALLY burns me up! San Antonio gets 17 hours of jazz a day and Philly gets only 12???!!! Could this be true??? I suppose NEXT you'll tell me that Jacksonville, Florida has an NFL team and Los Angeles DOESN'T????
  13. In Philly, it's WRTI (Temple University's professionally-run NPR affiliate). REAL jazz from 6PM-6AM. (There's also a so-called "smooth jazz" station in Philly that isn't worth mentioning here). WRTI used to have 24-hour jazz, but gave the 6AM-6PM hours over to Classical when the all-classical station here sold out to another format. Frankly, it's ridiculous that Philly, the 4th largest radio market in the country--and home to world-class classical music institutions (Philadelphia Orchestra, Curtis Institute, etc.) and an incredible jazz tradition (Coltrane, Getz, Lee Morgan, Sun Ra, Golson, Philly Joe Jones, and on and on and on . . .) doesn't have either a full-time classical OR a full-time jazz station. Oh well, WRTI says that when they begin broadcasting digital radio, they'll be able to offer both classical and jazz streams during the day. WRTI has local jazz DJj's, and their star in that regard is Bob Perkins (6-9pm), who sounds like he's been doing it for decades. They also carry the NPR jazz shows. WRTI.org
  14. Thanks for the Venus dealer recommendations. My next question is, why are these recordings of "mainstream" artists (Charlap, Barron, etc.) not more readily available in the U.S., either through licensing/partnering with U.S. labels or through direct distribution? I apologize if this is already a well-worn topic on this or other BB's, or if it's otherwise just one of those questions for the ages. Don't forget, I'm just a Newbie. Well, I WAS a Newbie when I first posted this, but I've since posted my 10th message which apparently metamorphosed me into a full-fledged "Member". I'll have to find another excuse for dumb questions.
  15. Do you guys have any favorite online U.S. sources for Venus releases? TIA.
  16. Depends on how much you weigh, I guess... Hmmmm . . . . "small tear along the spine" adds at least $36 . . . . a TOTALLY CRUSHED spine must be worth hundreds!!
  17. "Current bid: US $99.99" "THE COVER HAS A SMALL TEAR ALONG THE SPINE." I guess this is worth at least $36 more than a brand-new set purchased directly from Mosaic because of this additional "patina."
  18. You can listen to it here: "Fresh Air" Albert Ayler segment
  19. But with that many you (hopefully) got free shipping! At least that's how I always rationalize buying a bundle of CD's from AllDirect.com at one shot.
  20. I completely agree with the others. The Jazztet sessions (first 4 discs) reveal a certain refinement and inventiveness that is probably somewhat unique among Hard Bop groups. Also a nice surprise for me were the 2 discs devoted to the quartet sessions led separately by Farmer and Golson (1 CD/2 LP's each)--it's great music and compliments the Jazztet stuff very well. The first half of the 7th disc is Golson's LP "Take a Number from 1 to 10," an interesting concept with each track adding an additional instrument to the mix (starting with a solo track by Golson and ending with a 10-member group that includes Farmer), which I think also fits in well in this set. My only disappointment is the second half of Disc 7, which is an album of Art Farmer backed by an orchestra--nice playing by Farmer, but a bit incongruous with the small-group feel and inventiveness of the rest of the set. Still, on the whole it's a great set.
  21. Maybe if we ALL start calling him, the next Select will be Kenny G (alternate takes only, of course), or, better yet, they'll do an entire full-blown 8-CD box devoted to Lawrence Welk.
  22. Another of the great mysteries solved. Next up - dollar stores As in, when will we start finding Mosaic sets in dollar stores, and what will the price be?
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