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Everything posted by AllenLowe

  1. Interesting piece of musicianal myopia: I'm reading Dan Morgenstern's new book, and it has an old interview with Evans, in which he puts down the duo/solo he did with Paul Bley on Jazz in the Space age, as indicative that free playing is too easy - well, that happens to be one of his best solos, IMHO -
  2. The best of all these is still the Max Harrison et al , 2 volume Essential Jazz Records, IMHO. I would stay away from anything that has Scott Yanow reviewing for it, hope I don't offend anyone, but he is the shallowest critic I've seen, knows enough to be damagingly inaccurate but not enough to teach you anything. Penguin isn't bad, but I have to admit I only bought the earlier editions because I was in them (though I'm not in the present) - check out the Max Harrison stuff if you can find it.
  3. AllenLowe

    John Carisi

    I got to know Carisi a little bit in the last ten years of his life - I was mystified why he wasn't doing more composing/arranging; he was making his living playing in society bands and seemed pretty settled. I think it's a great loss to jazz that he was given so few commissions, though I do recall him telling me he did something for Max Roach's daughter's (or was it Max's?) group. He was, maybe not surprisingly, very hostile to the post-1960s avant garde and did not really feel that comfortable in the contemporary scene. Israel was an important early composition, showing the possiblities of modality when few others were exploring this. People on the scene (like Gil Evans, Miles, Bill Evans, Gunther Schuller, etc) recognized his importance, but few others did.
  4. Must mention that Larry kart's new book has an excellent piece on Ira Sullivan -
  5. Just wondering - to digress - does anyone know where Duke Jordan is these days? I'm guessing Denmark, but it's just a guess - (and speaking of copyrights, I interviewed Jordan many years ago and he told me he'd been cheated out of the publishing for Jordu) -
  6. AllenLowe

    Tony Fruscella

    thanks, Chuck, for the plug - I thought she was mildly famous (is that like being a little pregnant?)
  7. AllenLowe

    Tony Fruscella

    I love Fruscella's playing - interestingly enough, when I asked a few musicians about Fruscella in the late 1970s, when I was living in NYC, two of them said almost the identical thing, that Fruscella had his style together before Miles did. There's also another intersting anecdote (from Triglia) of Fruscella jamming one afternoon at Sonny Rollins apartment. A lot of musicians knew how important Fruscella was. He was also, incidentally, married for a time to a famous singer (Morgana King? I'm uncertain) -
  8. AllenLowe

    Tony Fruscella

    The French recording of Fru and Bird is actually Fruscella with Dave Schildkraut - I am certain of this, and it has been confirmed by Bill Triglia, who was present - I can also recognize Dave's playing from that CD -
  9. I've been lurking for a while - finally had to say something - how about - food "a la Kart"
  10. so - if i said - keep the horse before the Kart - that would be eponymous?
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