We will have the 2 volume set called Louis Armstrong's America out by mid or end of August. 4 cds total, with Ursula Oppens, Ray Anderson, Marc Ribot, Andy Stein, Kresten Osgood, Ray Suhy, Lewis Porter, Aaron Johnson among many others. All originals based on various styles that were parallel to Armstrong's life.
It may not be what you fans of free jazz expect but, as I called it once before, it is "an avant garde of our own." Plenty of open improvisation.
If you need a reference, Larry Gushee told me, years back, that I had "reinvented free jazz." And as Anthony Braxton said "Allen Lowe IS the tradition and one of the few people doing any new in jazz."
Contact me if interested.
And I should add that on this Aaron Johnson proves himself to be the best clarinetist in jazz. Bar none. Some samples coming soon.