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Daniel Andresen

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Everything posted by Daniel Andresen

  1. This concert was fantastic Thanks to Organissimo & to Barak for a great concert
  2. I have it on VHS (Original) and DVD (recorded from TV not original)
  3. This is a great set I'd say BUY
  4. My father claims my parents nameds me Daniel after Lars Gullin's Danny's Dream, When I'm asked about my kids I explain that Michal (or Michelle) is named after the Beatles song and that Jonathan (Johnny) is actually Johnny Hodges... Whoody Shaw III full name is Woody Louis Armstrong Shaw III
  5. I alway thought that only vol. 1 & 2 were issued. Can anyone tell me how many of those 27 were isssued (and if vols 3-~ are still avauilable)?
  6. Thanks for the info, Somehow I managed to miss this one...
  7. Do you have more details? A date maybe? A label?
  8. I bought this CD a couple of weeks ago and loved it. I had no problems transfering it (and other copy protected cds) to my Ipod (using Itunes).
  9. Happy Birthday Edward, Us and the Chinese revolution
  10. Guys, You've made my day!!! I got a birthday greeting from Bentsi Goren this morning, and immediately suspected Organissimo, went looking for the relevant thread and missed it!!! Got a birthday greeting from Barak this evening, he confirmed that Organissimo was responsible for "blowing my cover". Thanks, Daniel
  11. I ordered it too. Although I agree that it is a bit expensive, from what I've read, I think it is worth every penny
  12. I don't keep the music on my Ipod on my pc so there is no storage problems (on the other hand if my Ipod crashes I might have a heart attack.
  13. Try (if you can find it - I believe it is only on vinyl) "Musician of the Year" (Savoy) - In my opinion this is his best his best effort
  14. I wonder why Kid Ory appears twice in the notes. Where there two Kid Ory's? Do Kid Ory's come in Six Packs???
  15. My father has a huge Ellington collection - He once said he has around 80% of Duke's output... I don't know how many Cd's/LP's exactly he has but my guess would be around a thousand... I know this answer doesn't actually answer the poll's question, but some day it would all be mine (not in the near future I hope...)
  16. It surfaced in Israel under ANS records for a short period...
  17. Ruth Sang with Chet on Autumn Leaves from "The Incredible Chet Baker Plays and Sings (1977). This gem in unfortunally VERY hard to find...
  18. Said so a couple of days ago, will have to repeat myself!!! Happy Birthday man!!!
  19. Happy 4th & Happy Birthday Barak
  20. I'll buy the 6th copy!!!
  21. I'll have to get this one...
  22. Not exactly last night, but I saw Jameel Moondoc with Sabir Mateen (with John Voigt on bass & Chad Taylor on Drums) last Friday - That was one show to remember!!!
  23. You're assuming that I'm male... ← Can't a female compensate for something by having a cell phone up her underwear???
  24. To tell the truth, I'm a non smoker (hate the smell), but I can tell you about my Grandfather (who died of a heart attacK): He used to smoke three packs a day (around 60 cigarrettes), after his first heart attack he was told by his doctor to try to smoke 10 cigarrettes a day. My Grandfather stopped smoking the day he was told to cut down... What I am trying to say is: Don't think it is an impossible task - Just do it!!!
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