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Justin V

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Everything posted by Justin V

  1. When I was 8 or so, my sister called the toll-free number from the then-ubiquitous Britannica commercials. An elderly salesman showed up and made a successful pitch. In the pre-internet days, those Britannica and Compton's encyclopedias were a great resource.
  2. Happy Birthday, Mr. Haynes. I've seen Roy Haynes perform twice, and he was incredible both times. I'll be celebrating his birthday listening to Out of the Afternoon and his Trio, with John Patitucci and Danilo Perez.
  3. Jonathan, colinmce mentioned it first, but what about a Carmell Jones reissue? Like many people, I own the Mosaic Select and Jay Hawk Talk, and I would love to hear Carmell Jones Returns. Perhaps others here could chime in regarding their interest. Thanks.
  4. That explains it, as the album clocks in at just under 75 minutes. Thanks, Chuck.
  5. The omitted track would fit on an 80-minute CD. What was the maximum length of a CD in 1992?
  6. Thanks. I guess that the Lewis track can only be found on the OOP Mosaic box.
  7. I recently purchased The First Day and noticed that an untitled Lewis track was omitted from the reissue due to space considerations. The notes say that the missing track would be included on an a forthcoming Lewis reissue. Did this reissue ever see the light of day? If so, what is the title? Thanks.
  8. I can never seem to find tour dates for him and I definitely would love to see him perform. Is he still performing in public? If so, what is the best way to find out about his concerts? Thanks.
  9. "All Our Reasons", due for release March 16, along with an Anders Jormin title. There'll be a giveaway for All Our Reasons at AAJ later this month or early next month.
  10. Well, with 38 days left, Rudd has raised $3525 out of his $20,000 goal. Here's hoping that the project continues to pick up steam.
  11. Justin V

    Anthony Braxton

    Thanks for posting this. I'm about to listen to the duo set with Max Roach.
  12. MG, there are two volumes of The Wright Feeling, but you have to contact Wright directly to purchase them. I emailed an associate of his to get Wright's email address, but I never got around to emailing him and the albums have languished on my wishlist. Re: The Wright Feeling, more information please. What's on it? How does it compare with South Side Soul and Mr. Soul? How many discs? Cost? Still available? They're still on my wishlist, so I haven't heard them. I'm hoping that someone here will buy them and report back. You can find a review for one of the discs here. As of 2010, Wright's email address, managed by his wife Jean, was johnwrightinc[at]comcast[dot]net.
  13. MG, there are two volumes of The Wright Feeling, but you have to contact Wright directly to purchase them. I emailed an associate of his to get Wright's email address, but I never got around to emailing him and the albums have languished on my wishlist.
  14. There'll be a Wes giveaway at AAJ starting next week.
  15. More Soul Note albums for $1.78: Max Roach Double Quartet - Live at Vielharmonie Max Roach - Scott Free Leroy Jenkins - Mixed Quintet George Russell - Electronic Sonata[...] Mal Waldron - Crowd Scene
  16. That is going to be a great concert. I'd love to be able to attend.
  17. Roswell Rudd has a new Kickstarter project for a planned standards album: Roswell Rudd on Kickstarter. I've been meaning to check Rudd out (yes, I've been living under a rock), and I think that this should be an interesting album.
  18. I've only heard his playing on Ira Sullivan's Blue Stroll and Mike Smith's Unit 7, both of which are very enjoyable. After recently acquiring the Smith album, I was looking forward to hearing more of Christian's music. RIP.
  19. AAJ is also giving away 5 copies of Changes here.
  20. Shearer died in 1997, a day before his 57th birthday.
  21. Four years ago, during my only trip to New York, I made sure to go to the Vanguard. We saw Tom Harrell, whose music I wasn't very familiar with at the time. It was one of the best concerts I've attended. It was special to be sitting right behind the pianist, Danny Grissett, in a club where so much jazz history has occurred. Heck, I even liked the Chinese restaurant across the street. I could deal with her being crabby given the quality of music there, but I didn't see her display any rude behavior. In any event, I'd rather deal with a grouchy owner than the loud groups shouting over the music like I do here.
  22. I'm sorry for your loss. I also used to have a dog that looked like Mia. I'm always excited to deal with Rotties at the animal shelter where I volunteer. They always find homes quickly.
  23. There is currently a Kickstarter campaign to fund an upcoming VDSO release with Garrison Fewell, John Tchicai, Roy Campbell Jr., Steve Swell, Dmitry Ishenko and Reggie Nicholson. There is a variety of incentives for backers. Here is the link: VDSO on Kickstarter. It should be an interesting album.
  24. Thanks for the link. It's a strange error, but now I'm curious to hear Worrell.
  25. I've been enjoying this album for the last week. The liner notes don't mention Lewis Worrell at all, but he is credited on the back of the digipak. I could be mistaken, but I don't hear two basses at any point during the recording. Does Worrell take the place of Cecil McBee or Arild Anderson at some point? If so, on what tracks? Thanks.
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