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About randissimo

  • Birthday 07/07/1951

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  • Location
    Belmont, Mi
  • Interests
    Traveling and mountain biking.

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  1. I haven't been in here for a while and notice there is little, if any activity. I guess FB has taken all the business..
  2. We have a concert May 21st at the Smithsonian Institute. We would like to get some other east coast dates around this event. If anyone reading this has connections for concert or night club venues or even festivals around the time of the DC date, or can help us in any way it would be much appreciated! You can email me at randy7751@aol.com
  3. Bud Spangler leaves a huge void in the Bay Area jazz scene. He was a great drummer, a very knowledgeable jazz historian and a great producer as well as an inspiration and mentor to many! Bud was my welcome commitee in December of 19985 when I first got to the Bay Area. RIP Bud Spangler.
  4. UPDATE: 212 Backers $8,765 pledged of $12,000 goal Just $3235. more to raise and 6 days to go! Every dollar helps!
  5. Well done interview! Pops is very happy with it.
  6. I hope Conn sees this... Show is tonight and hours are 8 pm - 11 pm..
  7. I'll be there May 12th !!!
  8. Since 1996 Colbert has run the room with a crappy attitude and no respect for the musicians or the customers.
  9. This is great news! Thanks Steve.. I'll check out your station.
  10. Sorry to read about your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
  11. We just picked up another date for Thursday December 16. ICE Restaurant & Bar, 405 Madison in the PNC Bank Building in Downtown Toledo. 5 pm till 9 pm. http://icerestaurantandbar.com/ I'm there!
  12. We just picked up another date for Thursday December 16. ICE Restaurant & Bar, 405 Madison in the PNC Bank Building in Downtown Toledo. 5 pm till 9 pm. http://icerestaurantandbar.com/
  13. We have some good shows coming up and will be rehearsing the originals with Ralph.
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