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Everything posted by Out2Lunch

  1. I am looking to buy cd version of this album on Verve. If anyone has one for sale please send me a PM. Thanks!!
  2. I think that for her next album, Norah should duet with that Paris Hilton chick on a song called "Going Down On The Farm" or maybe with Pete Rose on "Luck Be A Lady"
  3. THAT Anoushka Jones?!!
  4. As long as Ravi keeps producing daughters. We must support his efforts and buy their recordings. In fact, I'm hoping that he produces enough daughters to start their own label and shit-can Blue Note!!
  5. Not only is she an artist but she's also Ravi Shankar's daughter!!
  6. Its a great set, I hope you will enjoy it!!
  7. I have purchased about a dozen of their sets. For the price and the quality, the Proper Boxes are a fantastic value.
  8. You can purchase the booklets from out of print Mosaics, if they have remainders. I have done this many times in the past.
  9. I've seen this set go for as high as 1,200 and recently as low as $66.66. It is one of the great Mosaic sets both in quantity and quality. If you like jazz vocals and want to start a Mosaic collection, this is a good place to begin.
  10. I caught Larry King's program last night which was a tribute to the late Steve Allen. I was amazed to see that Allen had written over 8500 songs throughout his life, many of which were jazz oriented. I wonder if anyone has any recommendations on what albums would be a good source to sample some of Allen's music. I remember as a kid watching Allen's sunday night program but really only remember him for his skits, whacky characters and outrageous stunts.
  11. Or, "Has Anybody Seen Ravi's Pride & Joy?"
  12. I think it was the same guy who invented that Rubick's Cube
  13. Once you master the sitar, maybe she'll allow you to sit in on her third album, "Feels Like Teen Spirit"!
  14. He's picked up her option through the year 2010.
  15. I put them in bookcases in their numerical catalog numbers, so I usually can find them quickly. The rest of my cd collection is a haphazzard mess but the Mosaics are all in order!
  16. Live From The Cotton Club(Bear Family),Haven't had time today to listen, but what a handsome package with a beautiful hard-bound and richly illustrated book and two cd set.
  17. Happy,Healthy & Safe Holidays to Everyone!
  18. Hey Moose, is that one of the cats that you talk about on the "Least Favorite Mosaic" topic?
  19. Is that the bag that you use to sniff airplane glue from?
  20. This set is on the new arrivals page for www.dustygroove.com. Its the UK-Reprise version for $76.99
  21. Best Wishes on your birthday!!
  22. Bobby Hackett does nothing for me. I really enjoyed the Sarah Vaughan, though I haven't played it for awhile. I like vocals in small doses.
  23. This is a treasure trove of great music in a variety of settings. While I have never been a big fan of those Verve string sessions, I really dig the excitement of those jam sessions with Diz, Benny Carter and Sweets Edison. I've listened to most of this set and its very satisfying. Mosaic has really done themselves proud with both the Mulligan and the Eldridge sets in 2003!
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