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Everything posted by Out2Lunch

  1. Where the hell is Aunt Bea. This thread just screams for her homespun blend of poetry, jazz nicknames and vibrator mantainence tips!!
  3. Why not consult wise old Aunt Bea? She seems to be an expert on most things....
  4. As long as there are no suggestive photos of a well known matriarch of this community.
  5. Could this have something to do with our own "Aunt Bea" and her "How To Please A Lumberjack" tell-all bestseller?
  7. Whatever happened to the proposed "Ignore" function? This could be quite useful especially in the light of all this melodrama and theatrics that have been played out on this board in the past few weeks. There are 2 or 3 posters that I would love to ignore if they're not going to be banned!
  8. Is Doctor Freud really The Groper or is it the Red Menace? B)
  9. Is he Aunt Bea as well?
  10. Enough of this filth! They both should be kicked to the curb. Let them join their demi-god in exile! They've poluted the old fishing hole. Aunt Bea has transformed the old barber shop into a Massage Parlor. Mayberry will never be the same again!
  11. He's pretty much taken over the whole pathetic mess over there with no one paying much attention. I read tonight that the new Norah Jones album has sold over a million copies in its first week of release. Its a glorious thing for Blue Note. I don't think they'll tolerate that stag party crap over on that new board for long. They'll either clean it up or pull the plug again real soon.
  12. Got mine from CD Universe yesterday and listened to "Uptown" and "Masterpieces today. If these are any indication, this is going to be one wonderful set of re-issues from Columbia/Legacy.
  13. Why don't you reserve an entire suite? That way they'll be room for Der Groper and Tante Bea.
  14. Are you one of those who are following him around, Tod? I was there first. I joined right after the establishing of that board was made known to us on this very board. I don"t think I'll be checking in there much anymore..
  15. Exile that false prophet, that pathetic troll who fouls this space with his derogatory ramblings!
  16. In the wake of the recent purge, I appeal to the good administrators, Do not temper Justice with Pity. Cast Out the Spawns of DEEP!!!
  17. Deep has already be warned by the moderator over on the Euro BNBB. Maybe he left a trail of stale breadcrumbs so that his disciples can follow him over there!
  18. As long as you're cleaning house, don't forget Gropie & Aunt Bea!
  19. Some patrons seem to think that one of the bartenders has a small painful boil on his posterior....a condition that leaves him prone to periodic nonsensical outbursts.
  20. Such a gesture should not go unrewarded. Give them back DEEP!!
  21. It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood..................................
  22. There's that 'Insult Comic Dog" humor again!! But I kid...................
  23. Bad Form!! I posted a comment to Dimitry's initial post and they deleted it along with 90% of Dimitry's original post. I can see censoring foul and intimidating posts but this is really extreme. Must be a jealousy thing.
  24. It has five bonus tracks and cost 9.09 from CD Universe. Sounds very good to me.
  25. Cripes, now I hear that there are second thoughts about the proposed new product , "The Chia-Norah"!
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