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Everything posted by Out2Lunch

  1. It's a sad story. Not only was this woman down to her last million dollars but she was reduced to shopping at Wal-Mart as well...
  2. With or without the crank?
  3. Anouska Jones?!
  4. Same story here!
  5. I was a DC fan in the "Silver Age". Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Metal Men, The Atom, The Justice League. In later years I got a chance to experience and enjoy the reprints of Jack Cole's Plastic Man and Wil Eisner's The Spirit.
  6. Try Half.Com, I have purchased one or two through them, also try Amazon.com, they have used copies listed through sellers ocassionally.
  7. Gilligan on bass and the Skipper on drums?
  8. Funny but something else caught my eye, can't remember what it was now.......
  9. Best Wishes! Home Sweet Organissimo
  10. Let the revels begin!!
  11. Just remember the Box-Lunch Social down by the creek on Sunday!
  12. Just give me that good ol' moutain dew! Them that refuse it are few.....
  13. Probably a tough day at the butterchurn!
  14. Ken BERRY! You must have him confused with Gene Barry. I think Gene was from Mount Pilot, which should not be confused with Mount Idy where Charlie Weaver came from.
  15. Who's this Seinfeld you keep referring to? I don't remember anyone by that name in Mayberry? Aunt Bea & Seacrest-OUT!!
  16. Informally known as "The Last Chance Saloon"
  17. Some Aunt Bea Nostalgia quoted from Everett Greenbaum, a writer on the Andy Griffith Show: "Now Aunt Bea was different. I just hated her guts. She made it a point, every time we were together socially, of saying 'There's only one thing wrong with the show. The writing is terrible.' She was nuts and people got fed up with her. Some fans in a Southern town invited her to come and visit. She got along fine for a while. They even helped her buy a house. At the end of six months, no one would talk to her." Kisseloff, Jeff. The Box, An Oral History of Television, 1920-1961:Viking 1995
  18. I don't like Betty Carter either. I have tried on numerous occasions to listen and try to understand why many people like her singing but I only ended up with a headache. Her vocals are way out and grating as a matter of fact I think that listening to her could probably increase your(my) blood pressure. I like jazz vocals sometimes and find solstice and pleasure in Ella or Maxine Sullivan or Rosie Clooney,Barbara Lea.Helen Merrill,Carmen and many more. Betty Carter is not my cup or tea, but for those who like her, enjoy!
  19. The Duke Ellington was the first I purchased directly from Mosaic. At present I have in one format or another every set from the Blue Note Monk to Roy Eldridge including(groan) Bobby Hackett and Four Freshmen.
  20. "Gee Andy, its too bad about Aunt Bea and that angry lynch mob.............."
  21. She's probably out there on some obscure bulletin board discussing these very subjects with DEEP. Or, perhaps not. As for the appliance maintenance tips, there weren't ever any. The discussion involved the possible detrimental effect the use of specific appliances, by some, may have had in contributing to the East Coast power outage and was a rib. All jokes do not begin, "A guy walks into a bar..." I hope that vibrator didn't overload and have anything to do with this board being down for two days!!
  22. Everybody get off the evevator, Aunt Bea is having another of her "episodes"!
  23. Did Aunt Bea welcome you with a slice of homespun wisdom as well? Someone should have warned you that its a virtual lepers' colony over there
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