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Everything posted by Out2Lunch

  1. You've just laid out the welcome mat for Wingy!
  2. I've been checking over there daily with some morbid sense of curiousity. Seems like someone finally pulled the plug while the whole mess was gasping for its last breath. I will be surprised if it does come back in May.
  3. I bought AFRO CLASSIC on vinyl back when I was in college and I really enjoyed it. I picked it up from Dusty on this re-issue and sad to say it really sounds outdated to me and very gimmicky and boring. I know its an old release but I've listened to recordings which are much older and which still sound fresh and innovative, regardless of their vintage..
  4. I am sorry too. I also hope that some of the administrators of this board and the AAJ are able to nip in bud the stench from the old board that is making its way over to the new. I can do very well without "The Best of Aric" and those gross fart posts!
  5. I've had my fingers crossed for so long, I can't feel them anymore!!
  6. Ditto, Hans! Thanks for that!
  7. I just checked over at the old board and its really turning into a sewer there! Those remaining are working over-time to have them pull the plug on the whole mess. There is no reason for posting filth like they have under the Artists Forum. I hope that rather than let the whole thing die, that they'll remove the cancerous cells.......
  8. I really can't see a case of the animals taking over the zoo! They had the option of warning us. Impotent as he(she) was, there was some sort of Board Admininstator who chimed in infrequently. I am very saddened by the demise of the Blue Note Board, it was part of my daily routine. I will still check in there from time to time with kind of a dulled interest. I am still very curious to see if Tom will re-instate those fourms that he talked about in his last post and if they will return some of the features that have been discontinued in the past couple days. In the meantime, my head is spinning from checking out these new boards. This board is very user-friendly and many familiar names are turning up. It looks like safe-harbor for a weary traveler.
  9. Thanks Hans, Happy Digging!
  10. Hans, I'm interested in Japanese re-issues by Dusko Goykovich and also more Toshiko Akiyoshi.
  11. Both this and the AAJ Board have some excellent features. Now there are two great places to visit and post and continue to share in the fellowship of warm jazz fans. Now all I need to do is to remove the Blue Note tattoo from my butt. They say it shouldn't hurt that much!
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