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Funniest Ebay Auction Ever!


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Ranks right up there with the "ass kicking" (or whatever it was) that somebody once auctioned off.

Although the wedding dress auction is good, I thought the "ass kicking" auction was an all-time classic.

Indeed! Anybody "save" that one in some form or fashion?

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Looks like he's gonna make a killing on this. over 17 hours left to go, and the bidding is all the way up to US $99,999,999.00 - :o

That's like a $99,998,799.00 profit, since they guy only paid $1,200.00 for it.

Wonder if he takes Paypal?? ^_^

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Seller's payment instructions & return policy:

Buyer pays shipping and handling. Sale is final. Marriage isn't.


Nearly 1,700,000 unique people have visited this particular eBay page. I'm betting it hits 2,500,000 before the auction closes in just under 17 hours.

Off to bed -- I'll find out in the morning...


Edited by Rooster_Ties
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According to this (Link: http://pages.ebay.com/help/basics/e_honesty1.html), it's unique users...

Honesty Counter FAQs for eBay Users

Exactly what is a counter?

A counter is a small image in the .gif file format that resides on your auction. The counter's purpose is to track how many people visit your auction to view your item. A graph on the Manage Counters page allows you to track these visits (or "hits") and tells you which days and the time of day people have visited your auction.

To keep visit results accurate, the number on the counter added from the Sell Your Item (SYI) page only increases when a different person visits the auction. Clicking and reloading will not increase the counter number.

How do counters actually work?

The counter image is loaded each time the auction is visited. If the counter shows the same count, the current visitor is the same as the previous visitor. The counter number will increase when a different visitor loads the page.

The reason the counters work in this way is to give sellers an accurate count of the number of users that viewed their item listing.

Not quite 2 million unique hits yet, but pretty close: 1,967,000+ hits. Still, that's a TON of :eye::eye: .

I see the bidding is back down to $17,100.00 -- so eBay must have killed off a bunch of phony bids. Still, $17,100.00 seems pretty damn high, so I'm guessing there's phony bids driving the price up still.

Maybe this guy will be in the next eBay TV commercial!!! :P

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I've heard that this thing is getting mentions on tons of other media outlets. NBC had some sort of thing on the Today Show today, and it was on MSNBC's "News Countdown" thing last night. I'm sure some other networks are picking up on it too.

Behold the power of that Interweb thingy!!!

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Holy shit, over 3.5 million unique hits!!! :o

They've got the bidding restricted to "pre-approved bidders or buyers only" - so that should be the end of stupid bidders that don't mean business.

Damn, the bidding's up to $15,300.00!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing, simply amazing... :blink:

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Check out the auction again. The item desciption has been updated.

Among other things, comming soon: http://www.theebayweddingdressguy.com/

I guess the guy was on The Today Show (didn't see it).

EDIT: Jebus -- almost 4 million unique hits!!! :blink::blink::blink:

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Here is a clip of him on a local news program...


And no, I'm not spending my whole day tracking down stuff about this guy. There's a bunch of links (including this one), in the thread on fark.com. I'm just copying a couple of them over here.

Yes, please take care of your Hello Kitty thread, too.

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