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Miles' Complete Live at the Blackhawk........I have the 20% off Borders coupon from the Borders thread which would take it down to $36 plus tax but I already have the 2 cd Henri Renaud version. But I could sell that and have ALL the music. I don't know. There's just so much out there that I don't have. Hard decision to make......


A series of gatefold clear vinyl reissues on John Fahey's Revenant label:

Interesting. I didn't know about those. Too bad I already have the CDs (all of which are brilliant)......

I should add here that, at this point, I'm totally disinterested in vinyl reissues. Scott Colburn digitally remastered much of the Revenant catalog--and quite well I might add!--but the fact remains that they're digital remaster jobs pressed on vinyl. What's the point...?


I saw and listened to this Hubert Laws at Barnes & Noble.


I thought it was cool while I listened in the store. But, it's really not the kind of music I'd play much (or, at all). So, I enjoyed my moment in the bookstore and passed on the purchase. I believe it was money well not-spent.

Posted (edited)

I've decided to stop buying CDs for at least a few weeks (except some rare finds on Ebay or unexpected bargains or releases). While reorganising my collection (ca 1000 jazz and 500 classical CDs) I've discovered some great stuff I have to listen to again :)

I listen to 3-4 CDs per day on average, so going through my entire collection would take some time. I try to stay a jazz listener, and not become an obsessive collector :mellow:

Edited by Claude
  • 8 months later...

I did not buy these double-disc textured mat-board long-book German issues of Sonny Rollins, Monk, Bud, Blakey, Getz, Miles etc, etc, yesterday. Boy they looked quite nice for $11.99 each. They seemed to be a culling of hits and such from various labels... Monk were the Blue Notes, Miles the Prestige and so on. Anyone seen these sets?

  • 9 years later...



I hope that's because you found another version of he material...or becuase you're broke (not hoping that you're broke, mind you, just that that was the reason)...those are some "smoking dates", as they say in the former vernacular.



Well, Wednesday I spied a SME disc at a nice price. Checked yesterday and it was gone!

The same seller has Moholo/Bailey - Village Life at a nice price...considering that one if it sticks around. (Anyone have an opinion on it?)

Posted (edited)



I hope that's because you found another version of he material...or becuase you're broke (not hoping that you're broke, mind you, just that that was the reason)...those are some "smoking dates", as they say in the former vernacular.


In the recently resurrected Blakey thread one poster remarked that on set 3 in particular Wayne nukes the joint leaving no survivors. I managed to find an affordable 'like new' copy of part 3. The other two sets in this 2000 Trema reissue elude me at the moment. Too expensive.

I bought the Miles Davis Olympia 1960 concerts on these 2000 Trema reissues on release and am very happy with them. Still, perhaps I should buy the previous 1993 Trema 2 CD release of parts 1 & 2 which is still available affordably.

Edited by erwbol

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