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BFT scheduling snafu

Big Al

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I have inadvertently started two separate and incompatible lists, one in the now obsolete "Iron Fist" thread, and then the one in the Master List, Volume 2. What follows is the correct list:

# 69 - Hot Ptah - November 2009

# 70 - Durium - December 2009

# 71 - jeffcrom - January 2010

# 72 - DrJ - February 2010

# 73 - Big Al - March 2010 (the Big Al Big 40th Birthday Bash BFT)

# 74 - The Magnificent Goldberg - April 2010

# 75 - Thom Keith - May 2010

# 76 - Bill Barton - June 2010

# 77 - mikeweil - July 2010

This list has also been updated on the Master List and that is the one we will follow. I took a number of things into consideration when rearranging the participants:

1) When the participant last led a BFT. In this case, DrJ hasn't led one since the inaugural BFT years ago (in fact, I bet you could use that same BFT and hardly anyone would notice!); jeffcrom is our newest participant, having never led a BFT;

2) When the request to participate was posted. For some odd reason, jeffcrom, Bill Barton, and mikeweil each posted two requests on two separate days. However, mike & Bill have recently led BFTs and I wanted to give some of the folks who haven't led one in a while their shot;

3) Most importantly, I'm a self-absorbed selfish little shit and I wanna celebrate my 40th birthday in March with a BFT. So there! :P:lol::D

Seriously, if anyone has any concerns or questions, let me know or post 'em here.

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Why must you steal my spotlight, you self-absorbed selfish little shit?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cometothinkofit, I may go ahead and get a month's head-start and join in you in your alcohol-induced haze. You're welcome to continue to yours into March with me for my 40th birthday funeral! :party:

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Guest Bill Barton

List looks good you young whippersnappers.

I've been seriously remiss in responding to BFTs recently because of moving, tons o' projects, etc. Hopefully I can eke out some time for the next few...

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