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Whatever happened to Jazzmatazz?

Head Man

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Does anyone know why the Jazzmatazz website hasn't been updated since 26 June? This used to be one of my prime sources for finding out what was being released and I miss it!

BTW the site mentioned that the 'Horace Silver - Doin' the thing' RVG was due to be released in August/September. Does anyone have a confirmed date for when it will be available?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any word from Alan lately? Is this just an extended hiatus, or is it (sniff) the end? :(

Reason I ask, some folks over at Yahoo Songbirds are lamenting the loss of Jazzmatazz as well. I've tried using the AAJ page, but it's just not as reader-friendly IMO. Even with (or because of?) the alphabetization, my eyes just tend to glaze over...and it doesn't seem to go as far forward as Alan's page did either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm posting this in a couple of threads, since several similar Jazzmatazz threads seem to have arisen in different forums:

UPDATE: I just talked to Alan Lankin, and he said that he's been extremely busy and hasn't been able to update the upcoming releases portion of the Jazzmatazz site. He has been able to keep the Philly Jazz section current, for which those of us in Philly are extremely grateful (NOTE TO JIM: Alan is soon going to add all 4 organissimo gigs :tup).

Alan said that he hopes to get back to updating the CD-release portion of the Jazzmatazz site, but doesn't know when that will be. He also hopes to stop by the Board when he gets a chance and say hello.

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Thanks much for the update. I was using the AAJ page today & noticed that (unlike Jazzmatazz) it apparently has no backtracking feature... one of the great things about Jazzmatazz has been that you can go back and see what you might have missed in previous months. Hope Alan gets the JMT update section up again & running! Hell, I'd donate a few bucks for the cause; like Organissimo, it's certainly worth it.

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