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My Marantz carousel cd player is making that annoying whirring sound on an increasingly frequent basis these days. I'm thinking of purchasing a new cd player, and most likely I'll go back to a single disc unit. What do you folks think of NAD's C542? I had an NAD receiver and cassette deck for many years without any problems, so I generally like their products. Don't bother suggesting a SACD or DVD combo player, 'cause I ain't going there. Honestly, anyone have a C542 or C541i? Heard any horror stories? Thanks in advance for your help.



I don't have this one. I have the 521 (I also have a Marantz 67 OSE which I bought around the same time). The Marantz had excellent reviews that time, but I needed a second one elsewhere. I went for that NAD one and haven't regretted it since. The 521 and 541 look identical. Here's what I can say about mine, and I wouldn't be surprised if it applies to the one you are considering as well:

a) In my eyes, the NAD sounds better than the Marantz. The Marantz adds a bit too much warmth when compared to the NAD. I would call the NAD's sound decidedly audiophile ... and that at a budget price. Depending on the rest of your stereo setup, you will get excellent sound!

B) The NAD is also the one which seems altogether more sturdy; it runs under extreme conditions here sometimes. I transport it a lot and it's hooked up to my digital drumset as a source for both normal CDs and CD-Rs, both of which it plays without complaints. The NAD hasn't failed me once. Although you won't be exposing it to that, it can take quite a bit of abuse.

c) Complaints. The NAD takes some more time when reading CDs, meaning it's a bit too slow until it's ready to play the disc. On top of that, the rather small remote control isn't that great (but works) and forwarding etc. seems slow. In fact, everything is a bit slower than on other machines. It doesn't bother me, but it might be a problem for more hectic or impatient folks.

I'm glad I bought the 521, and I'm thinking of once I'm forced to buy a new CD player (I have three at the moment), to go with NAD. Customer satisfaction to the max!


Posted (edited)

I picked up the 541i last summer up in N.H. at State Street Discounters big sale (since it's going to be a nice weekend i'd give them a call and see what the scoop is, I know the Cambridge Audio Lab and Q are ususally a bit more to retail) and am completely happy with it. It's in my studio so it gets lots of work and has made this small set up here sound much better than the house's.

Looks like the only cosmetic change is in the pair of skip and scan controls. Don't know what else they did to the new one in the gut, but I remember they really overhauled the line at the 541 stage.

I paid about $250 for it with all the discounts and promos. The unit is solid and seems to ride much smoother than the older NADs. I can't make any A/B comparisons but would give this a thumbs up especially considering all the "software" you could buy while keeping your gear choice under three bills.

...and like deus sez, it has been a bit wacky in trying to pick up tracks when skimming thru CDRs from others such as the BFT discs but my Mac burnt discs have yet to encounter a problem so I think it less the player than the discs themselves. It does always find what it's looking for.

Edited by Man with the Golden Arm

Two years ago, after auditioning many CD players (including players made by Arcam, Marantz, Music Hall, Rotel, and others, with an Audio Research CD2 thrown in as a ringer), most within my own or friends' systems, I was all set to buy a Rotel RCD-971, a wonderful sounding CD player for $700. I did not consider a NAD CD player, because the NAD C540 and, to a lesser extent, the NAD C541, had been notorious for tracking problems. However, I ended up buying a NAD C541i, because NAD and my local NAD dealer (from whom I had recently bought my mighty NAD C370 integrated amplifier) said that all the glitches had been eliminated from the C541i. So, when the C541i soon became available, I made sure I checked it out, and I found it to be sonicly equivalent to the Rotel but for $400. My C541i has played flawlessly every CD, CD-R, and CD-RW I've put into it.

The C542 is supposed to somehow sound even better.


thanks for your input alan. on second thought, i think the players i was initially looking at are beyond my current system's capacity. so i placed an order for the NAD 521BEE for $219, and i think it will suit my needs quite nicely.


thanks for your input alan. on second thought, i think the players i was initially looking at are beyond my current system's capacity. so i placed an order for the NAD 521BEE for $219, and i think it will suit my needs quite nicely.

Let us know how you like it.


just to let you know, i did get the 521BEE and i like it just fine. while it might not be every bit as good as the models i originally considered, it's definately an improvement over what i had. in the end, i applied Bjorn Erik Edvardsen’s “10/10 Rule” (BEE, get it?). it states that the ideal for high value products is achieved when it costs 10 times more money to get only a 10% increase in performance. thanks to all of you that took interest in my search.

Posted (edited)

Congrats on your new machine! I too have a misbehaving cd player to replace. For me it was no contest, I've been waiting for an excuse and funding to do this: I just ordered the Decware 685 modified Sony SACD player (plays dvds as well) with a tubed output stage coming directly off the DAC. Can't wait for it to arrive!

Edited by jazzbo

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