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From The Gladewater Mirror: http://www.gladewatermirror.com/oneweekago/features.htm

The ladies in the Post Office appreciate Harold Wells. He offered to run an errand for them recently. Harold is always helpful when he sees an opportunity.

I sure hope you all are getting more done for Christmas than I am. I finally got a few things wrapped but still there is so much more to do. As for cooking, I can't seem to get much done there either. The good thing about that is that we started with doing less cooking for Christmas a few years ago. We do mostly finger foods and use paper plates and cups. We make up all we can before Christmas day and put it all out on the table and eat all day. This makes it so much easier than staying in the kitchen all day. We can enjoy each other and play with the kids toys and such. This may not be good for everybody but for my family it is so much better.

If you drive through Lufkin during the holidays, be sure to take notice of one of East Texas' most unusual Christmas decorations.

For decades, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Pumping Unit," the creation of Lufkin Industries, Inc., the inventor of the balance-type oilfield pumping unit, has helped East Texas celebrate the season.

Rudolph, named for the reindeer made famous by the Gene Autry song, is a fully-operational pumping unit standing about 45 feet high.

For about four days before Thanksgiving, an electrician installs 1,000 seven-watt lights on a selected unit. Another work crew spends another two and a half days putting Rudolph together at his holiday home on the parking lot of Lufkin Mall beside Loop 287 and U.S. 59.

Rudolph is actually a fully-operational Lufkin Mark 640 oilfield pump...

This was the first real hog-killing weather that we have had this winter. Mornings like we had on Monday would have been enough to put a fire around the pots and get ready to kill hogs back in the days of yore.
Edited by JSngry

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