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Just got this in last night and have become fixated upon listening to it.

EXCELLENT release!

Three new Bix items! (One alternate from a Whiteman session, two Trumbauer session alternates). An exceptionally well selected and sequenced 23 other items that showcase the Bix influence and style from cornetists and others such as Bose, Secrest, Payne, Theck, Bruce, Norvo, Carmichael, Nichols, Goodman, Bloom, Stewart, Nesbitt, Hackett et al. Reallly this program is a delight: the material is exceptional, the flow from one to another just wonderful.

Top that off with excellent notes from Sudhalter and superb sound. J. R. T. Davies handled three items, Michael Keiffer the rest (and Keiffer's work here is top notch) with an amazing restoration of the "Futuristic Rhythm" alternate by Keiffer and "Seth B. Winner Sound Studios" (the disc was cracked all the way through and you don't hear a thump at all!)

Highly recommended for those who own the previous four volumes, or who just dig the Bixian sound. This is up there with the Bird and Diz Town Hall Concert and the upcoming Carnegie Hall Monk and Trane as releases of the year in my opinion!

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